We know about it now, but how long was the program in active development before it became public knowledge?
I’m talking more about internal knowledge of the program while in development. I know entire research teams were separated and didn’t know anything about other team’s research under the program.
We know about it now, but how long was the program in active development before it became public knowledge? I’m talking more about internal knowledge of the program while in development. I know entire research teams were separated and didn’t know anything about other team’s research under the program.
We know about it now, but how long was the program in active development before it became public knowledge? I know entire research teams were separated and didn’t know anything about other team’s research under the program. I guess I don’t know the exact timeline, so it maybe wasn’t the best example.
We know about it now, but how long was the program in active development before it became public knowledge? I guess I don’t know the exact timeline, so it maybe wasn’t the best example.