Even a freshman physics student can refute trolls like this.
Added: A downvote from you is a badge of honor. Fuck you, troll who deletes all his posts from his history so people cannot see their common goal - trolling, like this piece of shit post. Who pays you to do this?
Even a freshman physics student can refute trolls like this.
A downvote from you is a badge of honor. Fuck you, troll who deletes all his posts from his history so people cannot see their common goal - trolling, like this piece of shit post. Who pays you to do this?
Even a freshman physics student can refute trolls like this.
A downvote from you is a badge of honor. Fuck you, troll who deletes all his posts from his history so people cannot see their common goal - trolling.
Even a freshman physics student can refute trolls like this.
A downvote from you is a badge of honor. Fuck you, troll.
Even a freshman physics student can refute trolls like this.