look how much it goes down as time runs out
Blew it.. trying to manage 14 games at the same time.. as shit was going down.. and somebody scores.. have this "always on top" notepad area. Write the name when adding to bet slip. If one of the games craps out, put an x beside the name in the list. Go back later to add for that new score.
When you get to this below 1.3x adding more games barely gets it up.
You can get something going with this at higher ratios. But just adding one more like putting more money on it by just adding a game. But they gotta be pretty high.
so think of 3 x 3 x 3 x 3.. you get whatever number.. it's like betting 1 buck vs doing 3. The whole thing multiplies the payout.
If it gets lower it's like doing 1 x 1 x 1 x 1.. adding more fucking 1's ain't gonna boost it up. lol.
There's gonna be some games though that stay the same at a higher payout. But as time goes on till you place the bet, it'll go down.
Just 1 buck though for a bet.. you can run lotsa tests. And if you get a payout even just 1 grand.. that'll pay for way more bet tests.
It's a real bitch though managing 14 games at the same time. Nevermind when I'd scroll around and 41 games were going on, trying to bet on one at a time.
But you do have this adding them and as it goes on, you remove ones that crapped out. So.. whatever's fuckin left with one of these mega lists.. 'll still be a pretty good payout for just 1 buck. lol.. better than 33 cents at 1 buck for a straight bet at 1.33x. lol.
Gonna get something going with this in the days ahead. This shit is the key to big payout. lol
4pm CDT, 1 soccer game left
lol.. so it's this "hot spot" around 3pm. The kind of thing to set your damn alarm for, eh. lol.. 41 games vs 1. Today was what 20 some.. fuck eh. Lots that were ending around the same minutes. Gonna get something going with this shit.. but your fuckin x has to be higher, eh.
Those tests though of higher x.. let me check the spreadsheet.. yeah right after halftime it's 5x. Half an hour left it's 3x. 80 min 10 min left.. around fuckin 1.8x.
It's really not good doing lower x amounts cause it's like doing 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 it still equals 1 even if you add more.
Man.. you gotta ring that bell when the clock is right, eh. lol..
Managing it really good though with that notepad++ program I have where I can have it a section of the window and check always on top. So I know what fuckin teams I added to the bet slip already.
Gonna get something going with this shit in the days ahead.
analyzing how to boost up the payout on parlay bets
You gotta get that x amount up with multiple games.. but gotta leave them room for getting goals before. It'd be nice to leave it sit for a bit after halftime. 45min after halftime is 5x. That's a good number but a bit early. It really sucks as it goes along. 3X at 60min.. half hour left. 2X sucks cause it takes a while to get those numbers up.. and even 10 games not much super payout. You have to up that x more.
You only get these super large amounts when there's a bunch and just adding 1 more multiplies it, eh. ok let's check 10 games and compare the payouts.
This running a calculator trying to keep the number in memory then multiplying itself and doing it 10 times, sucks. It's the same thing as "exponential". Using the scientific calculator.. this next one is 5 to the power of 10.
at 45min.. 5x.
5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 = 9,765,625 on 1 buck bet
at 60min.. 3x
3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x = 59,049 on 1 buck bet
at 70min.. 2x
2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x = 1,024 on 1 buck bet
You need a lot of good x's multiplied together, eh. Then I'm there.. what if you just have 1 in the mix, right.. so only risk on that one game to go longer but it boosts your payout that much.
Trying to do bets before halftime to get bigger x, sucks cause game's not gonna stay 0-0, but some do.
One way to boost shit up with a higher x amount, without risking waiting a bunch of time to fuck up the bet.. but if you have low bets with 5 min left.. that 1.33 x there.. fuck does that stink for this "exponential" shit.. cause it's like doing 1 x 1 x 1 if you have it 20 fuckin times it's still 1. lol.
So you gotta figure out a way to get the shit up without doing too much risk.
One way is to "pay more". Like picture doing 100 buck bet.. that's going 100x on what you got. It super ramps up the payout. But you're not having as much risk waiting too long like over half an hour. Not at that point yet. But even just a fuckin 3 bucks instead of 1 buck might be not bad. This is about getting some low payout like into the grands so you can do more test bets, eh.
When I was adding those ones earlier to the bet slip.. doing shit in the first half.. you were getting fuckin 15x's. lol.
Then you got the number of games.. let's say your multiplying is really up there.. and you just fuckin throw even a lame 2x.. like picture that 9m bet being fucking 18 just from 1 more game added, eh. That crazy 16 games shit got it into the fuckin 900 million mark ok.
So.. you'd have to figure out some combination of how to get this shit into the millions. This idea of having 1 game that's higher from ealier might be not bad. It could do 10x for the lot, eh from just 1 bet.
Another thing.. when I was adding them all to the bet slips, as it goes along, somebody scores.. I'd remove it. Add it to the "always on top" notepad window area, list to add back later. But it was like.. wow.. the game is going on and there's a fuckin lot of these fuckin games that haven't crapped out yet.
But just observing games.. you gotta give them leeway to get some kind of fuckin score. That seems to go on in the 1st half.
The thing with these games that are still hanging around as it keeps going on.. those are "good" to have in there, cause it means these fuckin guys can't score, right. It's like weeding out those guys who are all fired up and wanna score. There's a higher likelihood that those bet slip ones which were added at the first half, which are still there.. those guys can't put it in the net so better odds. However.. you gotta place your fuckin bet earlier on cause even if it was a 15x when you added it.. depending on what time left in the game, that keeps dwindling. I think you'd wanna add them when it begins.. like you can get a lot of fuckin games.. I had 16 in that slip and today it was an average day.. they're around fuckin 20 games around 3pm, eh. But the other day I saw 41.
The thing with adding them right at the start is, they don't have leeway to get goals yet. I think it'd be better to keep adding them and ok they got that out of their system.. it's like 2-1 and it's starting the 2nd half. They run outta gas. You don't wanna have a bunch of 0-0 in the slips.
As one would crap out cause they scored, I'd note in the list and go to add again later. So you keep it going on with lotsa games in the bet slip.
You don't wanna place the bet at this 5min left mark like my tactic on single bets cause the payout stinks too much.
You might get a sweet spot around this 3x.. 60min.. half hour left in the game. That 59k. That's pretty high.. I'm just lookin for like into the few thousand to get test money, eh. That fuckin 2x stinks though.. the shit has to be higher than that.
But.. think back to the doing 100 buck bet to boost whatever shit you're up to.. x 100. You don't get that much of a super high payout boost at any point during the game. Even just 10 buck bet. If you can get thousands for test bets.. then you could go into this area here. But yeah.. low odds of waiting around with those 10 games at 2x with 15min left.. but that gets your fuckin x amount up to 1000x. Now you kick it with this x100.. so you'd get 100 grand there and not much waiting around in the game, considering.
You also have this idea of just betting on games of who's gonna win, like any sport.. hockey.. doing this "parlay". And maybe going with who's expected to win. Let me check hockey.. see what kind of x payouts they got.
Columbus up 2-0 first period over.. claiming they're gonna win.. that's 1.4x. That's kinda neat eh.. cause pretty good odds those guys are gonna win. Now you'd parlay that type of shit. And the game is going on so you have an indicator of what's up. Not this bullshit before a game where who knows. Even if you rank good in standings doesn't mean they'll win.
I don't know.. for now just sticking with the soccer and no goals idea.
the key is a high number of games in parlay bets
Even just doing your 2 x 2 x 2.. at 10 games you get fuckin 1000 bucks but add just 1 more fuckin game at 2 x again, it's fuckin 2.. That's how I was getting these crazy numbers was the 16 games.. and you'd drop just one.. it's like taking 100M and doing 3X with just 1 game. You don't have to bet a lot of extra money to boost it. You just need lots of games.
Next time there's a bunch going on.. and I'm adding them to the bet slip.. you can watch the amount change. And when it's right up there.. I'll try adding 1 more.. and it goes from not bad to super crazy. like think of a couple 5 x on 50k.. just one.. 250k.. then the next game.. 250k x 5, that's 1.25m from just adding 1 game.
So, you gotta get into these high amounts of simultaneous games to really get it going.
look how much it goes down as time runs out
Blew it.. trying to manage 14 games at the same time.. as shit was going down.. and somebody scores.. have this "always on top" notepad area. Write the name when adding to bet slip. If one of the games craps out, put an x beside the name in the list. Go back later to add for that new score.
When you get to this below 1.3x adding more games barely gets it up.
You can get something going with this at higher ratios. But just adding one more like putting more money on it by just adding a game. But they gotta be pretty high.
so think of 3 x 3 x 3 x 3.. you get whatever number.. it's like betting 1 buck vs doing 3. The whole thing multiplies the payout.
If it gets lower it's like doing 1 x 1 x 1 x 1.. adding more fucking 1's ain't gonna boost it up. lol.
There's gonna be some games though that stay the same at a higher payout. But as time goes on till you place the bet, it'll go down.
Just 1 buck though for a bet.. you can run lotsa tests. And if you get a payout even just 1 grand.. that'll pay for way more bet tests.
It's a real bitch though managing 14 games at the same time. Nevermind when I'd scroll around and 41 games were going on, trying to bet on one at a time.
But you do have this adding them and as it goes on, you remove ones that crapped out. So.. whatever's fuckin left with one of these mega lists.. 'll still be a pretty good payout for just 1 buck. lol.. better than 33 cents at 1 buck for a straight bet at 1.33x. lol.
Gonna get something going with this in the days ahead. This shit is the key to big payout. lol
4pm CDT, 1 soccer game left
lol.. so it's this "hot spot" around 3pm. The kind of thing to set your damn alarm for, eh. lol.. 41 games vs 1. Today was what 20 some.. fuck eh. Lots that were ending around the same minutes. Gonna get something going with this shit.. but your fuckin x has to be higher, eh.
Those tests though of higher x.. let me check the spreadsheet.. yeah right after halftime it's 5x. Half an hour left it's 3x. 80 min 10 min left.. around fuckin 1.8x.
It's really not good doing lower x amounts cause it's like doing 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 it still equals 1 even if you add more.
Man.. you gotta ring that bell when the clock is right, eh. lol..
Managing it really good though with that notepad++ program I have where I can have it a section of the window and check always on top. So I know what fuckin teams I added to the bet slip already.
Gonna get something going with this shit in the days ahead.
analyzing how to boost up the payout on parlay bets
You gotta get that x amount up with multiple games.. but gotta leave them room for getting goals before. It'd be nice to leave it sit for a bit after halftime. 45min after halftime is 5x. That's a good number but a bit early. It really sucks as it goes along. 3X at 60min.. half hour left. 2X sucks cause it takes a while to get those numbers up.. and even 10 games not much super payout. You have to up that x more.
You only get these super large amounts when there's a bunch and just adding 1 more multiplies it, eh. ok let's check 10 games and compare the payouts.
This running a calculator trying to keep the number in memory then multiplying itself and doing it 10 times, sucks. It's the same thing as "exponential". Using the scientific calculator.. this next one is 5 to the power of 10.
at 45min.. 5x.
5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 = 9,765,625 on 1 buck bet
at 60min.. 3x
3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x = 59,049 on 1 buck bet
at 70min.. 2x
2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x = 1,024 on 1 buck bet
You need a lot of good x's multiplied together, eh. Then I'm there.. what if you just have 1 in the mix, right.. so only risk on that one game to go longer but it boosts your payout that much.
Trying to do bets before halftime to get bigger x, sucks cause game's not gonna stay 0-0, but some do.
One way to boost shit up with a higher x amount, without risking waiting a bunch of time to fuck up the bet.. but if you have low bets with 5 min left.. that 1.33 x there.. fuck does that stink for this "exponential" shit.. cause it's like doing 1 x 1 x 1 if you have it 20 fuckin times it's still 1. lol.
So you gotta figure out a way to get the shit up without doing too much risk.
One way is to "pay more". Like picture doing 100 buck bet.. that's going 100x on what you got. It super ramps up the payout. But you're not having as much risk waiting too long like over half an hour. Not at that point yet. But even just a fuckin 3 bucks instead of 1 buck might be not bad. This is about getting some low payout like into the grands so you can do more test bets, eh.
When I was adding those ones earlier to the bet slip.. doing shit in the first half.. you were getting fuckin 15x's. lol.
Then you got the number of games.. let's say your multiplying is really up there.. and you just fuckin throw even a lame 2x.. like picture that 9m bet being fucking 18 just from 1 more game added, eh. That crazy 16 games shit got it into the fuckin 900 million mark ok.
So.. you'd have to figure out some combination of how to get this shit into the millions. This idea of having 1 game that's higher from ealier might be not bad. It could do 10x for the lot, eh from just 1 bet.
Another thing.. when I was adding them all to the bet slips, as it goes along, somebody scores.. I'd remove it. Add it to the "always on top" notepad window area, list to add back later. But it was like.. wow.. the game is going on and there's a fuckin lot of these fuckin games that haven't crapped out yet.
But just observing games.. you gotta give them leeway to get some kind of fuckin score. That seems to go on in the 1st half.
The thing with these games that are still hanging around as it keeps going on.. those are "good" to have in there, cause it means these fuckin guys can't score, right. It's like weeding out those guys who are all fired up and wanna score. There's a higher likelihood that those bet slip ones which were added at the first half, which are still there.. those guys can't put it in the net so better odds. However.. you gotta place your fuckin bet earlier on cause even if it was a 15x when you added it.. depending on what time left in the game, that keeps dwindling. I think you'd wanna add them when it begins.. like you can get a lot of fuckin games.. I had 16 in that slip and today it was an average day.. they're around fuckin 20 games around 3pm, eh. But the other day I saw 41.
The thing with adding them right at the start is, they don't have leeway to get goals yet. I think it'd be better to keep adding them and ok they got that out of their system.. it's like 2-1 and it's starting the 2nd half. They run outta gas. You don't wanna have a bunch of 0-0 in the slips.
As one would crap out cause they scored, I'd note in the list and go to add again later. So you keep it going on with lotsa games in the bet slip.
You don't wanna place the bet at this 5min left mark like my tactic on single bets cause the payout stinks too much.
You might get a sweet spot around this 3x.. 60min.. half hour left in the game. That 59k. That's pretty high.. I'm just lookin for like into the few thousand to get test money, eh. That fuckin 2x stinks though.. the shit has to be higher than that.
But.. think back to the doing 100 buck bet to boost whatever shit you're up to.. x 100. You don't get that much of a super high payout boost at any point during the game. Even just 10 buck bet. If you can get thousands for test bets.. then you could go into this area here. But yeah.. low odds of waiting around with those 10 games at 2x with 15min left.. but that gets your fuckin x amount up to 1000x. Now you kick it with this x100.. so you'd get 100 grand there and not much waiting around in the game, considering.
You also have this idea of just betting on games of who's gonna win, like any sport.. hockey.. doing this "parlay". And maybe going with who's expected to win. Let me check hockey.. see what kind of x payouts they got.
Columbus up 2-0 first period over.. claiming they're gonna win.. that's 1.4x. That's kinda neat eh.. cause pretty good odds those guys are gonna win. Now you'd parlay that type of shit. And the game is going on so you have an indicator of what's up. Not this bullshit before a game where who knows. Even if you rank good in standings doesn't mean they'll win.
I don't know.. for now just sticking with the soccer and no goals idea.
look how much it goes down as time runs out
Blew it.. trying to manage 14 games at the same time.. as shit was going down.. and somebody scores.. have this "always on top" notepad area. Write the name when adding to bet slip. If one of the games craps out, put an x beside the name in the list. Go back later to add for that new score.
When you get to this below 1.3x adding more games barely gets it up.
You can get something going with this at higher ratios. But just adding one more like putting more money on it by just adding a game. But they gotta be pretty high.
so think of 3 x 3 x 3 x 3.. you get whatever number.. it's like betting 1 buck vs doing 3. The whole thing multiplies the payout.
If it gets lower it's like doing 1 x 1 x 1 x 1.. adding more fucking 1's ain't gonna boost it up. lol.
There's gonna be some games though that stay the same at a higher payout. But as time goes on till you place the bet, it'll go down.
Just 1 buck though for a bet.. you can run lotsa tests. And if you get a payout even just 1 grand.. that'll pay for way more bet tests.
It's a real bitch though managing 14 games at the same time. Nevermind when I'd scroll around and 41 games were going on, trying to bet on one at a time.
But you do have this adding them and as it goes on, you remove ones that crapped out. So.. whatever's fuckin left with one of these mega lists.. 'll still be a pretty good payout for just 1 buck. lol.. better than 33 cents at 1 buck for a straight bet at 1.33x. lol.
Gonna get something going with this in the days ahead. This shit is the key to big payout. lol
4pm CDT, 1 soccer game left
lol.. so it's this "hot spot" around 3pm. The kind of thing to set your damn alarm for, eh. lol.. 41 games vs 1. Today was what 20 some.. fuck eh. Lots that were ending around the same minutes. Gonna get something going with this shit.. but your fuckin x has to be higher, eh.
Those tests though of higher x.. let me check the spreadsheet.. yeah right after halftime it's 5x. Half an hour left it's 3x. 80 min 10 min left.. around fuckin 1.8x.
It's really not good doing lower x amounts cause it's like doing 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 it still equals 1 even if you add more.
Man.. you gotta ring that bell when the clock is right, eh. lol..
Managing it really good though with that notepad++ program I have where I can have it a section of the window and check always on top. So I know what fuckin teams I added to the bet slip already.
Gonna get something going with this shit in the days ahead.
look how much it goes down as time runs out
Blew it.. trying to manage 14 games at the same time.. as shit was going down.. and somebody scores.. have this "always on top" notepad area. Write the name when adding to bet slip. If one of the games craps out, put an x beside the name in the list. Go back later to add for that new score.
When you get to this below 1.3x adding more games barely gets it up.
You can get something going with this at higher ratios. But just adding one more like putting more money on it by just adding a game. But they gotta be pretty high.
so think of 3 x 3 x 3 x 3.. you get whatever number.. it's like betting 1 buck vs doing 3. The whole thing multiplies the payout.
If it gets lower it's like doing 1 x 1 x 1 x 1.. adding more fucking 1's ain't gonna boost it up. lol.
There's gonna be some games though that stay the same at a higher payout. But as time goes on till you place the bet, it'll go down.
Just 1 buck though for a bet.. you can run lotsa tests. And if you get a payout even just 1 grand.. that'll pay for way more bet tests.
It's a real bitch though managing 14 games at the same time. Nevermind when I'd scroll around and 41 games were going on, trying to bet on one at a time.
But you do have this adding them and as it goes on, you remove ones that crapped out. So.. whatever's fuckin left with one of these mega lists.. 'll still be a pretty good payout for just 1 buck. lol.. better than 33 cents at 1 buck for a straight bet at 1.33x. lol.
Gonna get something going with this in the days ahead. This shit is the key to big payout. lol