It is just battery and transformer in one casing. With all consequences. Able to produce as much power as same battery with surface of electrodes equal to surface of primary winding parts.
Idea is nice, but Fe-Cu elements are not the best ones among batteries.
Also, it is just unreliable due to thin secondary winding in water. It will rust quickly.
At the time it was great thing, really. There was no modern DC-DC converters. You had to connect a lot of separate galvanic cells to get high voltage. This invention allow to have relatively small high voltage source.
And no, it is not able to power your house. Transformer just transform low voltage, high current to high voltage low current or vice versa. Power is current by voltage ( I*U ). And for transformer I*U input = I*U output. Minus some losses.
PS: O, how I like that old technical drawings!
It is just battery and transformer in one casing. With all consequences. Able to produce as much power as same battery with surface of electrodes equal to surface of primary winding parts.
Idea is nice, but Fe-Cu elements are not the best ones among batteries.
Also, it is just unreliable due to thin secondary winding in water. It will rust quickly.
At the time it was great thing, really. There was no modern DC-DC converters. You had to connect a lot of separate galvanic cells to get high voltage. This invention allow to have relatively small high voltage source.
And no, it is not able to power your house. Transformer just transform low voltage, high current to high voltage low current or vice versa. Power is current by voltage ( I*U ). And for transformer IU input = IU output. Minus some losses.
PS: O, how I like that old technical drawings!
It is just battery and transformer in one casing. With all consequences. Able to produce as much power as same battery with surface of electrodes equal to surface of primary winding parts.
Idea is nice, but Fe-Cu elements are not the best ones among batteries.
Also, it is just unreliable due to thin secondary winding in water. It will rust quickly.
At the time it was great thing, really. There was no modern DC-DC converters. You had to connect a lot of separate galvanic cells to get high voltage. This invention allow to have relatively small high voltage source.
And no, it is not able to power your house. Transformer just transform low voltage, high current to high voltage low current or vice versa. Power is current by voltage ( IU ). And for transformer IU input = I*U output. Minus some losses.
PS: O, how I like that old technical drawings!