grey area
a) GRAY aka spectrum in-between pure light (white) and absence of light (black) aka mixture of white with black.
b) white (inception) to gray (life) to black (death); hence GRAY - "to wither, dry out" aka living form drying out within flowing process of dying.
c) AREA aka arere aka arid "to become dry" aka a space cleared by burning aka a burned offering.
PFI (physios; nature) - ZER (apart, asunder)...a sleight of hand for nature (whole) setting itself apart (partials). Ignoring this by consenting to a suggested injection (jab) tempts partials together, hence permitting another to inject into one aka a coming together of parasite and host through vector (vaccine).
grey area
a) GRAY aka spectrum in-between pure light (white) and absence of light (black) aka mixture of white with black.
b) white (inception) to gray (life) to black (death); hence GRAY - "to wither, dry out" aka living form drying out within flowing process of dying.
c) AREA aka arere aka arid "to become dry" aka a space cleared by burning aka a burned offering.
PFI (physios; nature - ZER (apart, asunder)...a sleight of hand for nature (whole) setting itself apart (partials). Ignoring this by consenting to a suggested injection (jab) tempts partials together, hence permitting another to inject into one aka a coming together of parasite and host through vector (vaccine).