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I have been following and analyzing the behavior and many different races, nationalities and groups for years - including the Rotherham style sex trafficking in Europe, Holland, Belgium, Spain, and the French. Russians/ Slav are still obscure to me, but most Europeans have been examined.

What about France? i would argue that France ranks better than Britain, they were Literally our first ally, actually helped fight the revolution

The french will betray and destroy America, guaranteed.

Long story short France, and the Norman's/ Swedes are the cause of the modern day problems.

The French Norman's infiltrated Britain, lived as the degenerate and subversive over class, oppressing the natives. Inviting in more parasites. Mixing Victoria 1, possibly with a Rothschild to create the bleeding illness.

Swedes/French are obsessed with sexual promiscuity, degeneracy and race mixing. Have been for hundreds of years. I could bring up the old Swedish sources but don't have time. The french were mocked even during WW1. Everyone knew France would be majority black soon. They consistently flip flop allegiances without any concept of honor or loyalty.

They are and always have been the biggest hotbed for foreign, radical and degenerate ideas and revolutionaries in Europe. They incubate them and spread them to the rest of Europe.. From Communists to Freemasons to Muslims.

The french are never held accountable but if you take any Jewish canard and insert 'French' you will get a perfect fit. That is why the English and French will always be enemies. They have completely different psychologies.

Just like Jews are accused of, French are always subversive revolutionaries who always destroy nations. However, the French in general aren't as intelligent as Jewish people. They are just more criminal.

They are constantly whinging, complaining and going on strike. It they hadn't had a culture of whining and striking about bullshit, maybe the world would have taken the yellow jacket rebellion more seriously.

The white (Norman) aristocracy was mostly genocided by the small brown beady eyed, hook nosed Communist french. White French are rare, it is mostly the delicate ugly hook nosed that you see. (Celine Dion would be their greatest beauty and 'talent' ) They universally ruin relationships and businesses and countries. It is in their nature.

Example of their international influence - incapable of creating working colonies. Haiti. They let their own people be tortured killed to death and lost control of the colony. Various African forays. They decided (well before forced multiculturalism) that they would bring in the back and brown masses because if they spoke french then they were French.

In the new world, the French were well known for breeding with Indians, whereas English stuck to their own kind. That's why they even created a new race called 'Metis' which means mixed half breeds. They are mixed french and Indian and even though at least half European, they get full rights (don't have to pay tax, free education, don't have to follow the law, no border restrictions, are allowed to run gambling establishments and sell alcohol and tobacco and gas without tax).

The french stay french where ever they go. And are universally despised as the more rude and arrogant Europeans.

In America, the French stay french and they create things like New Orleans. Tell me, is the occult black majick city a great accomplishment? Or is it dragging down original America? The cajuns/french are a very quiet/secretive occult clannish culture that you won't ever really know. Lots of black Magick and witchcraft.

Example of male weakness that destroyed a nation: In Canada, the British beat the french and would have been within their rights to ship them back to France or eliminate them or remove them from their culture (one that hates the English above all else). Unfortunately, weak male peacekeepers decided to help their enemies grow, flourish and even have half the running of the government, and the vast majority of government subsidies, as well as extra rights under the law. Making them the highest class in society. They make it legal for the french to almost unilaterally run the government of a country where they hate everyone, all the natives, except Quebec.
Every other leader is french and the English are forced to speak French to get any high level jobs. They create extremely unfair and oppressive laws against the white English.

This created Trudeau #1 and #2.

The french ALWAYs have legal and illegal schemes going on. In ways that white people can't understand. They are known as the most corrupt province, even in MSM. They always do petty things like create the worst of the worst criminals, then, when the criminals are jailed, the French send them to English jails to terrorise them at English peoples expense.

The only known open border in Canada was/is in Quebec. The Quebec govt was fine about it and got 100s of millions of dollars from English tax payers to deal with it. They then shipped the illegals to English Canada.

They regularly dump millions of gallons of raw waste into English waters.

They take the enormous amounts of money from English Canada and use it to build secret projects that only benefit themselves. For example, decades ago there was a power failed her in the US and Canada because our networks are linked.
Quebec immediate activated their secret grid and only supplied themselves with electricity, ignoring any English deaths and suffering. They had hidden this project from English Canada.

They are a 5th column wherever they live.

They do all kinds of fraud and grift, even in the maple syrup industry. Nothing is safe, so you shouldn't by anything french.

The Maple Syrup heist is when they stole enormous amounts of Maple syrup, diluting it with water or something. Maybe chemicals, who really knows the truth.

They go to elite bordering schools and everyone covers for each other. The sexual stuff they do in them, as told to me by multiple french, would make your soft stomachs vomit. Their practices lead to a tendency towards homo and pedo.

Remember, Trudeau when to elite schools and his buddies and roomies are convicted pedos.

The most recent Gold heist from a Canadian airport was likely french, as well.

The only Canadian gang is the french Hells Angel's. There are no English white people gangs.

Since the french run the govt, they give govt contracts primarily to Quebec, being aware of the grift that will take place.

They supply all kinds of Olympic class facilities in french areas so that the french can train to go to the Olympics and the English have a much more difficult time. That's why you see so many french names in sports. Same with acting and entertainment.

Even thought they get all their money from English Canada, they make sure to interfere with local governments and get oil pipelines shut down. They try to sabotage the politics and success of everyone even though the more $$ provinces make, the more money the french get for free.

They constantly view themselves as victims and complain. Just like Indians and the Jewish canard. And yet view themselves as superior to other groups.
In Quebec, they use the English money to have the best subsidized baby and daycare, they get free schooling and can get a nursing degree for about $1500.

With all their support you would think they would be the most successful province. But they keep things off the books so they get more subsidies.

Like the Muslims and Orthodox jews, they decided another way to war against the English was to have massive amounts of children and out breed the English. They also import a bunch of French speaking brown people because if they speak French then they are french.

Example of individual yet group pettiness that they do: when they work at a store, or even visit, they will deliberately move all the products on shelves in Canada to have the French words facing out so that the English can't read it. (In Canada, they not only have bags of milk but Trudeau #1 mandated everything had to have french on it (but not English lol).

I haven't even scratched the surface of their sexual deviance, pettiness, hatred for Anglos, group mind, and international crimes.

International gang - St Gallen Mafia (financial and banks)/ Gay Lavender Mafia (controls the Vatican with the CIA) Various WEF type groups. Did some stuff with the vaccines.

The strangest thing is that the world knows of Jewish behavior but for some reason they gloss over the french as just being normal accepted french behavior.

If they have been Jewish, the jews would have been vilified. But it is ok when frogs do it.

The MSM and Hollywood make the french out to be the height of sophistication, since that is how the french see themselves and promote themselves. I think they are largely low in empathy and psychopaths. But they have other characteristics that are completely foreign to other Europeans and can't be fully understood.

The french deliberately destroyed Canada out of hatred and parasite off its corpse.

No one speaks of this.

Perhaps because it was all down to the cowardice of the original English men who refused to finish off their enemy.

All ancient war doctrine says to finish off the enemy or the sons will destroy you.

Same with the French against Great Britain. There have been huge issues with France smuggling brown 'refugees' into Great Britain. Just like in Canada, they allow illegals into their country so that they can send them to destroy Great Britain.

I'm sure Great Britain had the opportunity in history to either destroy or re-educate the french. Unfortunately, re-education doesn't always work, especially on those more primitive and in touch with base instincts, in a way. Such as many African Americans (not the cool smart based real Africans), french and American Indians.. the Japanese and whites can be re-educated. Not sure about Slavs.

Note: one of the greatest weapons of the French and Jewish and Indian etc is to see themselves as perpetual victims. That allows them to whine and commit any act.

Never trust a french man, even one you have been friends with. They will screw you over in the most bizarre and unexpected ways. It is their deepest instinct, not in their control. The weird betrayals i experienced were from people I later learned where french. Typical.

The french are honestly much worse than Jewish people.

There are all kinds of memes showing jews in the media. What about memes with french in globalist organizations?

Let us compare the power of the French versus the Jews.

Example: French elite educated Trudeau, comparable to Hillary, allegedly had thr multibillionaire JEWISH BIG PHARMA torture killed. Very little coverage in MSM, information scrubbed, investigation stopped and declared suicide.

So the power of the French is greater than both Billionaire Jews and big pharma. The Jewish community was unable to make any headway against Trudeau and the French.

Cherchez la French in any large globalist situation, or political deaths or big heists or nation wrecking schemes. Remember, Switzerland is 1/3 french. Or even in your own friend group when there is betrayal.

Jews are better friends more intelligent and more honest. I like them a lot better.

316 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

I have been following and analyzing the behavior and many different races, nationalities and groups for years - including the Rotherham style sex trafficking in Europe, Holland, Belgium, Spain, and the French. Russians/ Slav are still obscure to me, but most Europeans have been examined.

What about France? i would argue that France ranks better than Britain, they were Literally our first ally, actually helped fight the revolution

The french will betray and destroy America, guaranteed.

Long story short France, and the Norman's/ Swedes are the cause of the modern day problems.

The French Norman's infiltrated Britain, lived as the degenerate and subversive over class, oppressing the natives. Inviting in more parasites. Mixing Victoria 1, possibly with a Rothschild to create the bleeding illness.

Swedes/French are obsessed with sexual promiscuity, degeneracy and race mixing. Have been for hundreds of years. I could bring up the old Swedish sources but don't have time. The french were mocked even during WW1. Everyone knew France would be majority black soon. They consistently flip flop allegiances without any concept of honor or loyalty.

They are and always have been the biggest hotbed for foreign, radical and degenerate ideas and revolutionaries in Europe. They incubate them and spread them to the rest of Europe.. From Communists to Freemasons to Muslims.

The french are never held accountable but if you take any Jewish canard and insert 'French' you will get a perfect fit. That is why the English and French will always be enemies. They have completely different psychologies.

Just like Jews are accused of, French are always subversive revolutionaries who always destroy nations. However, the French in general aren't as intelligent as Jewish people. They are just more criminal.

They are constantly whinging, complaining and going on strike. It they hadn't had a culture of whining and striking about bullshit, maybe the world would have taken the yellow jacket rebellion more seriously.

The white (Norman) aristocracy was mostly genocided by the small brown beady eyed, hook nosed Communist french. White French are rare, it is mostly the delicate ugly hook nosed that you see. (Celine Dion would be their greatest beauty and 'talent' ) They universally ruin relationships and businesses and countries. It is in their nature.

Example of their international influence - incapable of creating working colonies. Haiti. They let their own people be tortured killed to death and lost control of the colony. Various African forays. They decided (well before forced multiculturalism) that they would bring in the back and brown masses because if they spoke french then they were French.

In the new world, the French were well known for breeding with Indians, whereas English stuck to their own kind. That's why they even created a new race called 'Metis' which means mixed half breeds. They are mixed french and Indian and even though at least half European, they get full rights (don't have to pay tax, free education, don't have to follow the law, no border restrictions, are allowed to run gambling establishments and sell alcohol and tobacco and gas without tax).

The french stay french where ever they go. And are universally despised as the more rude and arrogant Europeans.

In America, the French stay french and they create things like New Orleans. Tell me, is the occult black majick city a great accomplishment? Or is it dragging down original America? The cajuns/french are a very quiet/secretive occult clannish culture that you won't ever really know. Lots of black Magick and witchcraft.

Example of male weakness that destroyed a nation: In Canada, the British beat the french and would have been within their rights to ship them back to France or eliminate them or remove them from their culture (one that hates the English above all else). Unfortunately, weak male peacekeepers decided to help their enemies grow, flourish and even have half the running of the government, and the vast majority of government subsidies, as well as extra rights under the law. Making them the highest class in society. They make it legal for the french to almost unilaterally run the government of a country where they hate everyone, all the natives, except Quebec.
Every other leader is french and the English are forced to speak French to get any high level jobs. They create extremely unfair and oppressive laws against the white English.

This created Trudeau #1 and #2.

The french ALWAYs have legal and illegal schemes going on. In ways that white people can't understand. They are known as the most corrupt province, even in MSM. They always do petty things like create the worst of the worst criminals, then, when the criminals are jailed, the French send them to English jails to terrorise them at English peoples expense.

The only known open border in Canada was/is in Quebec. The Quebec govt was fine about it and got 100s of millions of dollars from English tax payers to deal with it. They then shipped the illegals to English Canada.

They regularly dump millions of gallons of raw waste into English waters.

They take the enormous amounts of money from English Canada and use it to build secret projects that only benefit themselves. For example, decades ago there was a power failed her in the US and Canada because our networks are linked.
Quebec immediate activated their secret grid and only supplied themselves with electricity, ignoring any English deaths and suffering. They had hidden this project from English Canada.

They are a 5th column wherever they live.

They do all kinds of fraud and grift, even in the maple syrup industry. Nothing is safe, so you shouldn't by anything french.

The Maple Syrup heist is when they stole enormous amounts of Maple syrup, diluting it with water or something. Maybe chemicals, who really knows the truth.

They go to elite bordering schools and everyone covers for each other. The sexual stuff they do in them, as told to me by multiple french, would make your soft stomachs vomit. Their practices lead to a tendency towards homo and pedo.

Remember, Trudeau when to elite schools and his buddies and roomkes are convicted pedos.

The most recent Gold heist from a Canadian airport was likely french, as well.

The only Canadian gang is the french Hells Angel's. There are no English white people gangs.

Since the french run the govt, they give govt contracts primarily to Quebec, being aware of the grift that will take place.

They supply all kinds of Olympic class facilities in french areas so that the french can train to go to the Olympics and the English have a much more difficult time. That's why you see so many french names in sports. Same with acting and entertainment.

Even thought they get all their money from English Canada, they make sure to interfere with local governments and get oil pipelines shut down. They try to sabotage the politics and success of everyone even though the more $$ provinces make, the more money the french get for free.

They constantly view themselves as victims and complain. Just like Indians and the Jewish canard. And yet view themselves as superior to other groups.
In Quebec, they use the English money to have the best subsidized baby and daycare, they get free schooling and can get a nursing degree for about $1500.

With all their support you would think they would be the most successful province. But they keep things off the books so they get more subsidies.

Like the Muslims and Orthodox jews, they decided another way to war against the English was to have massive amounts of children and out breed the English. They also import a bunch of French speaking brown people because if they speak French then they are french.

Example of individual yet group pettiness that they do: when they work at a store, or even visit, they will deliberately move all the products on shelves in Canada to have the French words facing out so that the English can't read it. (In Canada, they not only have bags of milk but Trudeau #1 mandated everything had to have french on it (but not English lol).

I haven't even scratched the surface of their sexual deviance, pettiness, hatred for Anglos, group mind, and international crimes.

International gang - St Gallen Mafia (financial and banks)/ Gay Lavender Mafia (controls the Vatican with the CIA) Various WEF type groups. Did some stuff with the vaccines.

The strangest thing is that the world knows of Jewish behavior but for some reason they gloss over the french as just being normal accepted french behavior.

If they have been Jewish, the jews would have been vilified. But it is ok when frogs do it.

The MSM and Hollywood make the french out to be the height of sophistication, since that is how the french see themselves and promote themselves. I think they are largely low in empathy and psychopaths. But they have other characteristics that are completely foreign to other Europeans and can't be fully understood.

The french deliberately destroyed Canada out of hatred and parasite off its corpse.

No one speaks of this.

Perhaps because it was all down to the cowardice of the original English men who refused to finish off their enemy.

All ancient war doctrine says to finish off the enemy or the sons will destroy you.

Same with the French against Great Britain. There have been huge issues with France smuggling brown 'refugees' into Great Britain. Just like in Canada, they allow illegals into their country so that they can send them to destroy Great Britain.

I'm sure Great Britain had the opportunity in history to either destroy or re-educate the french. Unfortunately, re-education doesn't always work, especially on those more primitive and in touch with base instincts, in a way. Such as many African Americans (not the cool smart based real Africans), french and American Indians.. the Japanese and whites can be re-educated. Not sure about Slavs.

Note: one of the greatest weapons of the French and Jewish and Indian etc is to see themselves as perpetual victims. That allows them to whine and commit any act.

Never trust a french man, even one you have been friends with. They will screw you over in the most bizarre and unexpected ways. It is their deepest instinct, not in their control. The weird betrayals i experienced were from people I later learned where french. Typical.

The french are honestly much worse than Jewish people.

There are all kinds of memes showing jews in the media. What about memes with french in globalist organizations?

Let us compare the power of the French versus the Jews.

Example: French elite educated Trudeau, comparable to Hillary, allegedly had thr multibillionaire JEWISH BIG PHARMA torture killed. Very little coverage in MSM, information scrubbed, investigation stopped and declared suicide.

So the power of the French is greater than both Billionaire Jews and big pharma. The Jewish community was unable to make any headway against Trudeau and the French.

Cherchez la French in any large globalist situation, or political deaths or big heists or nation wrecking schemes. Remember, Switzerland is 1/3 french. Or even in your own friend group when there is betrayal.

Jews are better friends more intelligent and more honest. I like them a lot better.

316 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

I have been following and analyzing the behavior and many different races, nationalities and groups for years - including the Rotherham style sex trafficking in Europe, Holland, Belgium, Spain, and the French. Russians/ Slav are still obscure to me, but most Europeans have been examined.

What about France? i would argue that France ranks better than Britain, they were Literally our first ally, actually helped fight the revolution

The french will betray and destroy America, guaranteed.

Long story short France, and the Norman's/ Swedes are the cause of the modern day problems.

The French Norman's infiltrated Britain, lived as the degenerate and subversive over class, oppressing the natives. Inviting in more parasites. Mixing Victoria 1, possibly with a Rothschild to create the bleeding illness.

Swedes/French are obsessed with sexual promiscuity, degeneracy and race mixing. Have been for hundreds of years. I could bring up the old Swedish sources but don't have time. The french were mocked even during WW1. Everyone knew France would be majority black soon. They consistently flip flop allegiances without any concept of honor or loyalty.

They are and always have been the biggest hotbed for foreign, radical and degenerate ideas and revolutionaries in Europe. They incubate them and spread them to the rest of Europe.. From Communists to Freemasons to Muslims.

The french are never held accountable but if you take any Jewish canard and insert 'French' you will get a perfect fit. That is why the English and French will always be enemies. They have completely different psychologies.

Just like Jews are accused of, French are always subversive revolutionaries who always destroy nations. However, the French in general aren't as intelligent as Jewish people. They are just more criminal.

They are constantly whinging, complaining and going on strike. It they hadn't had a culture of whining and striking about bullshit, maybe the world would have taken the yellow jacket rebellion more seriously.

The white (Norman) aristocracy was mostly genocided by the small brown beady eyed, hook nosed Communist french. White French are rare, it is mostly the delicate ugly hook nosed that you see. (Celine Dion would be their greatest beauty and 'talent' ) They universally ruin relationships and businesses and countries. It is in their nature.

Example of their international influence - incapable of creating working colonies. Haiti. They let their own people be tortured killed to death and lost control of the colony. Various African forays. They decided (well before forced multiculturalism) that they would bring in the back and brown masses because if they spoke french then they were French.

In the new world, the French were well known for breeding with Indians, whereas English stuck to their own kind. That's why they even created a new race called 'Metis' which means mixed half breeds. They are mixed french and Indian and even though at least half European, they get full rights (don't have to pay tax, free education, don't have to follow the law, no border restrictions, are allowed to run gambling establishments and sell alcohol and tobacco and gas without tax).

The french stay french where ever they go. And are universally despised as the more rude and arrogant Europeans.

In America, the French stay french and they create things like New Orleans. Tell me, is the occult black majick city a great accomplishment? Or is it dragging down original America? The cajuns/french are a very quiet/secretive occult clannish culture that you won't ever really know. Lots of black Magick and witchcraft.

Example of male weakness that destroyed a nation: In Canada, the British beat the french and would have been within their rights to ship them back to France or eliminate them or remove them from their culture (one that hates the English above all else). Unfortunately, weak male peacekeepers decided to help their enemies grow, flourish and even have half the running of the government, and the vast majority of government subsidies, as well as extra rights under the law. Making them the highest class in society. They make it legal for the french to almost unilaterally run the government of a country where they hate everyone, all the natives, except Quebec.
Every other leader is french and the English are forced to speak French to get any high level jobs. They create extremely unfair and oppressive laws against the white English.

This created Trudeau #1 and #2.

The french ALWAYs have legal and illegal schemes going on. In ways that white people can't understand. They are known as the most corrupt province, even in MSM. They always do petty things like create the worst of the worst criminals, then, when the criminals are jailed, the French send them to English jails to terrorise them at English peoples expense.

The only known open border in Canada was/is in Quebec. The Quebec govt was fine about it and got 100s of millions of dollars from English tax payers to deal with it. They then shipped the illegals to English Canada.

They regularly dump millions of gallons of raw waste into English waters.

They take the enormous amounts of money from English Canada and use it to build secret projects that only benefit themselves. For example, decades ago there was a power failed her in the US and Canada because our networks are linked.
Quebec immediate activated their secret grid and only supplied themselves with electricity, ignoring any English deaths and suffering. They had hidden this project from English Canada.

They are a 5th column wherever they live.

They do all kinds of fraud and grift, even in the maple syrup industry. Nothing is safe, so you shouldn't by anything french.

The Maple Syrup heist is when they stole enormous amounts of Maple syrup, diluting it with water or something. Maybe chemicals, who really knows the truth.

They go to elite bordering schools and everyone covers for each other. The sexual stuff they do in them, as told to me by multiple french, would make your soft stomachs vomit. Their practices lead to a tendency towards homo and pedo.

Remember, Trudeau when to elite schools and his buddies and roomkes are convicted pedos.

The most recent Gold heist from a Canadian airport was likely french, as well.

The only Canadian gang is the french Hells Angel's. There are no English white people gangs.

Since the french run the govt, they give govt contracts primarily to Quebec, being aware of the grift that will take place.

They supply all kinds of Olympic class facilities in french areas so that the french can train to go to the Olympics and the English have a much more difficult time. That's why you see so many french names in sports. Same with acting and entertainment.

Even thought they get all their money from English Canada, they make sure to interfere with local governments and get oil pipelines shut down. They try to sabotage the politics and success of everyone even though the more $$ provinces make, the more money the french get for free.

They constantly view themselves as victims and complain. Just like Indians and the Jewish canard. And yet view themselves as superior to other groups.
In Quebec, they use the English money to have the best subsidized baby and daycare, they get free schooling and can get a nursing degree for about $1500.

With all their support you would think they would be the most successful province. But they keep things off the books so they get more subsidies.

Like the Muslims and Orthodox jews, they decided another way to war against the English was to have massive amounts of children and out breed the English. They also import a bunch of French speaking brown people because if they speak French then they are french.

Example of individual yet group pettiness that they do: when they work at a store, or even visit, they will deliberately move all the products on shelves in Canada to have the French words facing out so that the English can't read it. (In Canada, they not only have bags of milk but Trudeau #1 mandated everything had to have french on it (but not English lol).

I haven't even scratched the surface of their sexual deviance, pettiness, hatred for Anglos, group mind, and international crimes.

International gang - St Gallen Mafia (financial and banks)/ Gay Lavender Mafia (controls the Vatican with the CIA) Various WEF type groups. Did some stuff with the vaccines.

The strangest thing is that the world knows of Jewish behavior but for some reason they gloss over the french as just being normal accepted french behavior.

If they have been Jewish, the jews would have been vilified. But it is ok when frogs do it.

The MSM and Hollywood make the french out to be the height of sophistication, since that is how the french see themselves and promote themselves. I think they are largely low in empathy and psychopaths. But they have other characteristics that are completely foreign to other Europeans and can't be fully understood.

The french deliberately destroyed Canada out of hatred and parasite off its corpse.

No one speaks of this.

Perhaps because it was all down to the cowardice of the original English men who refused to finish off their enemy.

All ancient war doctrine says to finish off the enemy or the sons will destroy you.

Same with the French against Great Britain. There have been huge issues with France smuggling brown 'refugees' into Great Britain. Just like in Canada, they allow illegals into their country so that they can send them to destroy Great Britain.

I'm sure Great Britain had the opportunity in history to either destroy or re-educate the french. Unfortunately, re-education doesn't always work, especially on those more primitive and in touch with base instincts, in a way. Such as many African Americans (not the cool smart based real Africans), french and American Indians.. the Japanese and whites can be re-educated. Not sure about Slavs.

Note: one of the greatest weapons of the French and Jewish and Indian etc is to see themselves as perpetual victims. That allows them to whine and commit any act.

Never trust a french man, even one you have been friends with. They will screw you over in the most bizarre and unexpected ways. It is their deepest instinct, not in their control. The weird betrayals i experienced were from people I later learned where french. Typical.

The french are honestly much worse than Jewish people.

There are all kinds of memes showing jews in the media. What about memes with french in globalist organizations?

Let us compare the power of the French versus the Jews.

Example: French elite educated Trudeau, comparable to Hillary, allegedly had thr multibillionaire JEWISH BIG PHARMA torture killed. Very little coverage in MSM, information scrubbed, investigation stopped and declared suicide.

So the power of the French is greater than both Billionaire Jews and big pharma. The Jewish community was unable to make any headway against Trudeau and the French.

Cherchez la French in any large globalist situation, or political deaths or big heists or nation wrecking schemes. Remember, Switzerland is 1/3 french. Or even in your own friend group when there is betrayal.

316 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

I have been following and analyzing the behavior and many different races, nationalities and groups for years - including the Rotherham style sex trafficking in Europe, Holland, Belgium, Spain, and the French. Russians/ Slav are still obscure to me, but most Europeans have been examined.

What about France? i would argue that France ranks better than Britain, they were Literally our first ally, actually helped fight the revolution

The french will betray and destroy America, guaranteed.

Long story short France, and the Norman's/ Swedes are the cause of the modern day problems.

The French Norman's infiltrated Britain, lived as the degenerate and subversive over class, oppressing the natives. Inviting in more parasites. Mixing Victoria 1, possibly with a Rothschild to create the bleeding illness.

Swedes/French are obsessed with sexual promiscuity, degeneracy and race mixing. Have been for hundreds of years. I could bring up the old Swedish sources but don't have time. The french were mocked even during WW1. Everyone knew France would be majority black soon. They consistently flip flop allegiances without any concept of honor or loyalty.

They are and always have been the biggest hotbed for foreign, radical and degenerate ideas and revolutionaries in Europe. They incubate them and spread them to the rest of Europe.. From Communists to Freemasons to Muslims.

The french are never held accountable but if you take any Jewish canard and insert 'French' you will get a perfect fit. That is why the English and French will always be enemies. They have completely different psychologies.

Just like Jews are accused of, French are always subversive revolutionaries who always destroy nations. However, the French in general aren't as intelligent as Jewish people. They are just more criminal.

They are constantly whinging, complaining and going on strike. It they hadn't had a culture of whining and striking about bullshit, maybe the world would have taken the yellow jacket rebellion more seriously.

The white (Norman) aristocracy was mostly genocided by the small brown beady eyed, hook nosed Communist french. White French are rare, it is mostly the delicate ugly hook nosed that you see. (Celine Dion would be their greatest beauty and 'talent' ) They universally ruin relationships and businesses and countries. It is in their nature.

Example of their international influence - incapable of creating working colonies. Haiti. They let their own people be tortured killed to death and lost control of the colony. Various African forays. They decided (well before forced multiculturalism) that they would bring in the back and brown masses because if they spoke french then they were French.

In the new world, the French were well known for breeding with Indians, whereas English stuck to their own kind. That's why they even created a new race called 'Metis' which means mixed half breeds. They are mixed french and Indian and even though at least half European, they get full rights (don't have to pay tax, free education, don't have to follow the law, no border restrictions, are allowed to run gambling establishments and sell alcohol and tobacco and gas without tax).

The french stay french where ever they go. And are universally despised as the more rude and arrogant Europeans.

In America, the French stay french and they create things like New Orleans. Tell me, is the occult black majick city a great accomplishment? Or is it dragging down original America? The cajuns/french are a very quiet/secretive occult clannish culture that you won't ever really know. Lots of black Magick and witchcraft.

Example of male weakness that destroyed a nation: In Canada, the British beat the french and would have been within their rights to ship them back to France or eliminate them or remove them from their culture (one that hates the English above all else). Unfortunately, weak male peacekeepers decided to help their enemies grow, flourish and even have half the running of the government, and the vast majority of government subsidies, as well as extra rights under the law. Making them the highest class in society. They make it legal for the french to almost unilaterally run the government of a country where they hate everyone, all the natives, except Quebec.
Every other leader is french and the English are forced to speak French to get any high level jobs. They create extremely unfair and oppressive laws against the white English.

This created Trudeau #1 and #2.

The french ALWAYs have legal and illegal schemes going on. In ways that white people can't understand. They are known as the most corrupt province, even in MSM. They always do petty things like create the worst of the worst criminals, then, when the criminals are jailed, the French send them to English jails to terrorise them at English peoples expense.

The only known open border in Canada was/is in Quebec. The Quebec govt was fine about it and got 100s of millions of dollars from English tax payers to deal with it. They then shipped the illegals to English Canada.

They regularly dump millions of gallons of raw waste into English waters.

They take the enormous amounts of money from English Canada and use it to build secret projects that only benefit themselves. For example, decades ago there was a power failed her in the US and Canada because our networks are linked.
Quebec immediate activated their secret grid and only supplied themselves with electricity, ignoring any English deaths and suffering. They had hidden this project from English Canada.

They are a 5th column wherever they live.

They do all kinds of fraud and grift, even in the maple syrup industry. Nothing is safe, so you shouldn't by anything french.

The Maple Syrup heist is when they stole enormous amounts of Maple syrup, diluting it with water or something. Maybe chemicals, who really knows the truth.

They go to elite bordering schools and everyone covers for each other. The sexual stuff they do in them, as told to me by multiple french, would make your soft stomachs vomit. Their practices lead to a tendency towards homo and pedo.

Remember, Trudeau when to elite schools and his buddies and roomkes are convicted pedos.

The most recent Gold heist from a Canadian airport was likely french, as well.

The only Canadian gang is the french Hells Angel's. There are no English white people gangs.

Since the french run the govt, they give govt contracts primarily to Quebec, being aware of the grift that will take place.

They supply all kinds of Olympic class facilities in french areas so that the french can train to go to the Olympics and the English have a much more difficult time. That's why you see so many french names in sports. Same with acting and entertainment.

Even thought they get all their money from English Canada, they make sure to interfere with local governments and get oil pipelines shut down. They try to sabotage the politics and success of everyone even though the more $$ provinces make, the more money the french get for free.

They constantly view themselves as victims and complain. Just like Indians and the Jewish canard. And yet view themselves as superior to other groups.
In Quebec, they use the English money to have the best subsidized baby and daycare, they get free schooling and can get a nursing degree for about $1500.

With all their support you would think they would be the most successful province. But they keep things off the books so they get more subsidies.

Like the Muslims and Orthodox jews, they decided another way to war against the English was to have massive amounts of children and out breed the English. They also import a bunch of French speaking brown people because if they speak French then they are french.

Example of individual yet group pettiness that they do: when they work at a store, or even visit, they will deliberately move all the products on shelves in Canada to have the French words facing out so that the English can't read it. (In Canada, they not only have bags of milk but Trudeau #1 mandated everything had to have french on it (but not English lol).

I haven't even scratched the surface of their sexual deviance, pettiness, hatred for Anglos, group mind, and international crimes.

International gang - St Gallen Mafia (financial and banks)/ Gay Lavender Mafia (controls the Vatican with the CIA) Various WEF type groups. Did some stuff with the vaccines.

The strangest thing is that the world knows of Jewish behavior but for some reason they gloss over the french as just being normal accepted french behavior.

If they have been Jewish, the jews would have been vilified. But it is ok when frogs do it.

The MSM and Hollywood make the french out to be the height of sophistication, since that is how the french see themselves and promote themselves. I think they are largely low in empathy and psychopaths. But they have other characteristics that are completely foreign to other Europeans and can't be fully understood.

The french deliberately destroyed Canada out of hatred and parasite off its corpse.

No one speaks of this.

Perhaps because it was all down to the cowardice of the original English men who refused to finish off their enemy.

All ancient war doctrine says to finish off the enemy or the sons will destroy you.

Same with the French against Great Britain. There have been huge issues with France smuggling brown 'refugees' into Great Britain. Just like in Canada, they allow illegals into their country so that they can send them to destroy Great Britain.

I'm sure Great Britain had the opportunity in history to either destroy or re-educate the french. Unfortunately, re-education doesn't always work, especially on those more primitive and in touch with base instincts, in a way. Such as many African Americans (not the cool smart based real Africans), french and American Indians.. the Japanese and whites can be re-educated. Not sure about Slavs.

Note: one of the greatest weapons of the French and Jewish and Indian etc is to see themselves as perpetual victims. That allows them to whine and commit any act.

Never trust a french man, even one you have been friends with. They will screw you over in the most bizarre and unexpected ways. It is their deepest instinct, not in their control. The weird betrayals i experienced were from people I later learned where french. Typical.

The french are honestly much worse than Jewish people.

There are all kinds of memes showing jews in the media. What about memes with french in globalist organizations?

Let us compare the power of the French versus the Jews.

Example: French elite educated Trudeau, comparable to Hillary, allegedly had thr multibillionaire JEWISH BIG PHARMA torture killed. Very little coverage in MSM, information scrubbed, investigation stopped and declared suicide.

So the power of the French is greater than both Billionaire Jews and big pharma. The Jewish community was unable to make any headway against Trudeau and the French.

316 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

I have been following and analyzing the behavior and many different races, nationalities and groups for years - including the Rotherham style sex trafficking in Europe, Holland, Belgium, Spain, and the French. Russians/ Slav are still obscure to me, but most Europeans have been examined.

What about France? i would argue that France ranks better than Britain, they were Literally our first ally, actually helped fight the revolution

The french will betray and destroy America, guaranteed.

Long story short France, and the Norman's/ Swedes are the cause of the modern day problems.

The French Norman's infiltrated Britain, lived as the degenerate and subversive over class, oppressing the natives. Inviting in more parasites. Mixing Victoria 1, possibly with a Rothschild to create the bleeding illness.

Swedes/French are obsessed with sexual promiscuity, degeneracy and race mixing. Have been for hundreds of years. I could bring up the old Swedish sources but don't have time. The french were mocked even during WW1. Everyone knew France would be majority black soon. They consistently flip flop allegiances without any concept of honor or loyalty.

They are and always have been the biggest hotbed for foreign, radical and degenerate ideas and revolutionaries in Europe. They incubate them and spread them to the rest of Europe.. From Communists to Freemasons to Muslims.

The french are never held accountable but if you take any Jewish canard and insert 'French' you will get a perfect fit. That is why the English and Fench will always be enemies. They have completely different psychologies.

Just like Jews are accused of, French are always subversive revolutionaries who always destroy nations. However, the French in general aren't as intelligent as Jewish people. They are just more criminal.

They are constantly whinging, complaining and going on strike. It they hadn't had a culture of whining and striking about bullshit, maybe the world would have taken the yellow jacket rebellion more seriously.

The white (Norman) aristocracy was mostly genocided by the small brown beady eyed, hook nosed Communist french. White French are rare, it is mostly the delicate ugly hook nosed that you see. (Celine Dion would be their greatest beauty and 'talent' ) They universally ruin relationships and businesses and countries. It is in their nature.

Example of their international influence - incapable of creating working colonies. Haiti. They let their own people be tortured killed to death and lost control of the colony. Various African forays. They decided (well before forced multiculturalism) that they would bring in the back and brown masses because if they spoke french then they were French.

In the new world, the French were well known for breeding with Indians, whereas English stuck to their own kind. That's why they even created a new race called 'Metis' which means mixed half breeds. They are mixed french and Indian and even though at least half European, they get full rights (don't have to pay tax, free education, don't have to follow the law, no border restrictions, are allowed to run gambling establishments and sell alcohol and tobacco and gas without tax).

The french stay french where ever they go. And are universally despised as the more rude and arrogant Europeans.

In America, the French stay french and they create things like New Orleans. Tell me, is the occult black majick city a great accomplishment? Or is it dragging down original America?

Example of male weakness that destroyed a nation: In Canada, the British beat the french and would have been within their rights to ship them back to France or eliminate them or remove them from their culture (one that hates the English above all else). Unfortunately, weak male peacekeepers decided to help their enemies grow, flourish and even have half the running of the government, and the vast majority of government subsidies, as well as extra rights under the law. Making them the highest class in society. They make it legal for the french to almost unilaterally run the government of a country where they hate everyone, all the natives, except Quebec.
Every other leader is french and the English are forced to speak French to get any high level jobs. They create extremely unfair and oppressive laws against the white English.

This created Trudeau #1 and #2.

The french ALWAYs have legal and illegal schemes going on. In ways that white people can't understand. They are known as the most corrupt province, even in MSM. They always do petty things like create the worst of the worst criminals, then, when the criminals are jailed, the French send them to English jails to terrorise them at English peoples expense.

The only known open border in Canada was/is in Quebec. The Quebec govt was fine about it and got 100s of millions of dollars from English tax payers to deal with it. They then shipped the illegals to English Canada.

They regularly dump millions of gallons of raw waste into English waters.

They take the enormous amounts of money from English Canada and use it to build secret projects that only benefit themselves. For example, decades ago there was a power failed her in the US and Canada because our networks are linked.
Quebec immediate activated their secret grid and only supplied themselves with electricity, ignoring any English deaths and suffering. They had hidden this project from English Canada.

They are a 5th column wherever they live.

They do all kinds of fraud and grift, even in the maple syrup industry. Nothing is safe, so you shouldn't by anything french.

The Maple Syrup heist is when they stole enormous amounts of Maple syrup, diluting it with water or something. Maybe chemicals, who really knows the truth.

They go to elite bordering schools and everyone covers for each other. The sexual stuff they do in them, as told to me by multiple french, would make your soft stomachs vomit. Their practices lead to a tendency towards homo and pedo.

Remember, Trudeau when to elite schools and his buddies and roomkes are convicted pedos.

The most recent Gold heist from a Canadian airport was likely french, as well.

The only Canadian gang is the french Hells Angel's. There are no English white people gangs.

Since the french run the govt, they give govt contracts primarily to Quebec, being aware of the grift that will take place.

They supply all kinds of Olympic class facilities in french areas so that the french can train to go to the Olympics and the English have a much more difficult time. That's why you see so many french names in sports. Same with acting and entertainment.

Even thought they get all their money from English Canada, they make sure to interfere with local governments and get oil pipelines shut down. They try to sabotage the politics and success of everyone even though the more $$ provinces make, the more money the french get for free.

They constantly view themselves as victims and complain. Just like Indians and the Jewish canard. And yet view themselves as superior to other groups.
In Quebec, they use the English money to have the best subsidized baby and daycare, they get free schooling and can get a nursing degree for about $1500.

With all their support you would think they would be the most successful province. But they keep things off the books so they get more subsidies.

Like the Muslims and Orthodox jews, they decided another way to war against the English was to have massive amounts of children and out breed the English. They also import a bunch of French speaking brown people because if they speak French then they are french.

Example of individual yet group pettiness that they do: when they work at a store, or even visit, they will deliberately move all the products on shelves in Canada to have the French words facing out so that the English can't read it. (In Canada, they not only have bags of milk but Trudeau #1 mandated everything had to have french on it (but not English lol).

I haven't even scratched the surface of their sexual deviance, pettiness, hatred for Anglos, group mind, and international crimes.

International gang - St Gallen Mafia (financial and banks)/ Gay Lavender Mafia (controls the Vatican with the CIA) Various WEF type groups. Did some stuff with the vaccines.

The strangest thing is that the world knows of Jewish behavior but for some reason they gloss over the french as just being normal accepted french behavior.

If they have been Jewish, the jews would have been vilified. But it is ok when frogs do it.

The MSM and Hollywood make the french out to be the height of sophistication, since that is how the french see themselves and promote themselves. I think they are largely low in empathy and psychopaths. But they have other characteristics that are completely foreign to other Europeans and can't be fully understood.

The french deliberately destroyed Canada out of hatred and parasite off its corpse.

No one speaks of this.

Perhaps because it was all down to the cowardice of the original English men who refused to finish off their enemy.

All ancient war doctrine says to finish off the enemy or the sons will destroy you.

Same with the French against Great Britain. There have been huge issues with France smuggling brown 'refugees' into Great Britain. Just like in Canada, they allow illegals into their country so that they can send them to destroy Great Britain.

I'm sure Great Britain had the opportunity in history to either destroy or re-educate the french. Unfortunately, re-education doesn't always work, especially on those more primitive and in touch with base instincts, in a way. Such as many African Americans (not the cool smart based real Africans), french and American Indians.. the Japanese and whites can be re-educated. Not sure about Slavs.

Note: one of the greatest weapons of the French and Jewish and Indian etc is to see themselves as perpetual victims. That allows them to whine and commit any act.

Never trust a french man, even one you have been friends with. They will screw you over in the most bizarre and unexpected ways. It is their deepest instinct, not in their control. The weird betrayals i experienced were from people I later learned where french. Typical.

The french are honestly much worse than Jewish people.

There are all kinds of memes showing jews in the media. What about memes with french in globalist organizations?

316 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

I have been following and analyzing the behavior and many different races, nationalities and groups for years - including the Rotherham style sex trafficking in Europe, Holland, Belgium, Spain, and the French. Russians/ Slav are still obscure to me, but most Europeans have been examined.

What about France? i would argue that France ranks better than Britain, they were Literally our first ally, actually helped fight the revolution

The french will betray and destroy America, guaranteed.

Long story short France, and the Norman's/ Swedes are the cause of the modern day problems.

The French Norman's infiltrated Britain, lived as the degenerate and subversive over class, oppressing the natives. Inviting in more parasites. Mixing Victoria 1, possibly with a Rothschild to create the bleeding illness.

Swedes/French are obsessed with sexual promiscuity, degeneracy and race mixing. Have been for hundreds of years. I could bring up the old Swedish sources but don't have time. The french were mocked even during WW1. Everyone knew France would be majority black soon. They consistently flip flop allegiances without any concept of honor or loyalty.

They are and always have been the biggest hotbed for foreign, radical and degenerate ideas and revolutionaries in Europe. They incubate them and spread them to the rest of Europe.. From Communists to Freemasons to Muslims.

The french are never held accountable but if you take any Jewish canard and insert 'French' you will get a perfect fit. That is why the English and Fench will always be enemies. They have completely different psychologies.

Just like Jews are accused of, French are always subversive revolutionaries who always destroy nations. However, the French in general aren't as intelligent as Jewish people. They are just more criminal.

They are constantly whinging, complaining and going on strike. It they hadn't had a culture of whining and striking about bullshit, maybe the world would have taken the yellow jacket rebellion more seriously.

The white (Norman) aristocracy was mostly genocided by the small brown beady eyed, hook nosed Communist french. White French are rare, it is mostly the delicate ugly hook nosed that you see. (Celine Dion would be their greatest beauty and 'talent' ) They universally ruin relationships and businesses and countries. It is in their nature.

Example of their international influence - incapable of creating working colonies. Haiti. They let their own people be tortured killed to death and lost control of the colony. Various African forays. They decided (well before forced multiculturalism) that they would bring in the back and brown masses because if they spoke french then they were French.

In the new world, the French were well known for breeding with Indians, whereas English stuck to their own kind. That's why they even created a new race called 'Metis' which means mixed half breeds. They are mixed french and Indian and even though at least half European, they get full rights (don't have to pay tax, free education, don't have to follow the law, no border restrictions, are allowed to run gambling establishments and sell alcohol and tobacco and gas without tax).

The french stay french where ever they go. And are universally despised as the more rude and arrogant Europeans.

In America, the French stay french and they create things like New Orleans. Tell me, is the occult black majick city a great accomplishment? Or is it dragging down original America?

Example of male weakness that destroyed a nation: In Canada, the British beat the french and would have been within their rights to ship them back to France or eliminate them or remove them from their culture (one that hates the English above all else). Unfortunately, weak male peacekeepers decided to help their enemies grow, flourish and even have half the running of the government, and the vast majority of government subsidies, as well as extra rights under the law. Making them the highest class in society. They make it legal for the french to almost unilaterally run the government of a country where they hate everyone except Quebec.
Every other leader is french and the English are forced to speak French to get any high level jobs.

This created Trudeau #1 and #2.

The french ALWAYs have legal and illegal schemes going on. In ways that white people can't understand. They are known as the most corrupt province, imeven in MSM. They always do petty things like create the worst of the worst criminals, then, when the criminals are jailed, the Fench send them to English jails to terrorise them at English peoples expense.

The only known open border in Canada was in Quebec. The Quebec govt was fine about it and got 100s, of millions of dollars from English tax payers to deal with it. They then shipped the illegals to English Canada.

They dump millions of gallons of raw waste into English waters.

They take the enormous amounts of money from English Canada and use it to build secret projects that only benefit themselves. For example, decades ago there was a power failed her in the US and Canada because our networks are linked.
Quebec immediate activated their secret grid and only supplied themselves with electricity, ignoring any English deaths and suffering. They had hidden this project from English Canada.

They do all kinds of fraud and grift, even in the maple syrup industry. Nothing is safe, so you shouldn't by anything french.

The Maple Syrup heist is when they stole enormous amounts of Maple syrup, diluting it with water or something.

The most recent Gold heist from a Canadian airport was likely french, as well.

The only Canadian gang is the french Hells Angel's. There are no English white people gangs.

Since the femch run the govt, they give govt contracts primarily to Quebec, being aware of the grift that will take place.

They supply all kinds of Olympic class facilities in french areas so that the french can train to go to the Olympics and the English have a much more difficult time. That's why you see so many french names in sports. Same with acting and entertainment.

Even thought they get all their money from English Canada, they make sure to interfere with local governments and get oil pipelines shut down. They try to sabotage the politics and success of everyone even though the more $$ provinces make, the more money the french get for free.

They constantly view themselves as victims and complain. Just like Indians and the Jewish canard. And yet view themselves as superior to other groups.
In Quebec, they use the English money to have the best subsidized baby and daycare, they get free schooling and can get a nursing degree for about $1500.

With all their support you would think they would be the most successful province. But they keep things off the books so they get more subsidies.
Like the Muslims and Orthodox jews, they decided another way to war against the English was to have massive amounts to of children and outbreak the English. They also import a bunch of French speaking brown people because if they speak French then they are french.

Example of individual yet group pettiness that they do: when they work at a store, or even visit, they will deliberately move all the cans in Canada to have the French words facing out so that the English can't read it.

I haven't even scratched the surface of their sexual deviance, pettiness, hatred for Anglos, group mind, and international crimes.

International gang - St Gallen Mafia. Variously WEF type groups.

The strangest thing is that the world knows of Jewish behavior but for so reason they gloss over the french as that just being normal accepted french behavior.

If they have been Jewish, they jews would have been vilified. But it is ok when frogs do it.

The MSM and Hollywood make the french out to be the height of sophistication, since that is how the frwnch see themselves and promote themselves. I think they are largely low in empathy and psychopaths. But they have other characteristics that are completely foreign to other Europeans and can't be fully understood.

The french deliberately destroyed Canada out of hatred and parasite off its corpse.

No one speaks of this.

Perhaps because it was all down to the cowardice of the original English men who refused to finish off their enemy.

All ancient war doctrine says to finish off the enemy or the sons will destroy you.

Note: one of the French and Jewish and Indian etc greatest weapons is to see themselves as perpetual victims. That allows them to whine and commit any act.

Never trust a french man, even one you have been friends with. They will screw you over in the most bizarre and unexpected ways. It is their deepest instinct, not in their control. The weird betrayals i experienced were from people I later learned where french. Typical.

The french are honestly much worse than Jewish people.

There are all kinds of signs showing jews in the media. What about signs with french in globalist organizations?

316 days ago
1 score