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Reason: edit add-on


My name is Irving Finkel and I'm a curator in the British Museum in the Middle East Department. One of the interesting things about ancient magic is to, in a particular culture, look at things which are peculiar to that culture and things which all over the world people do and most of the things that happened in ancient Mesopotamia, written in cuneiform, are more or less like the sort of things you find everywhere. My favourite magic ritual, it's a manual written by an exorcist who wants to tell the future and he wants to practise necromancy so he's somebody who wants to bring a ghost up from where it's peacefully in the basement so to speak and I ask it questions and he has a special way of doing this. You have to get a skull and you put the skull on the table and you burn all this heady material to create the right atmosphere, and then there's a kind of oil which is used to anoint the skull and then when everything is ready this is what happens. The sun god, who really should know better, brings up from below the ghost of the dead person who goes into the skull, clack like that. And then the exorcist or the specialist, the necromancer, asks this spirit a question and- clack clack clack clack you're supposed to get a true answer by means of this skull but from this dead person who's inside it. Now that is a very interesting matter which I've been dying to try out, I've got a skull but the diabolical problem is getting the right stuff for the oil and in our supermarket you can't get all the bits. So this I think is something definitely worth trying at home if you have the opportunity you need to know who's going to win the Grand National? Get your great-grandfather's skull, put it on the kitchen table, bit of HP sauce ask the question, Fat City.

Who the fuck has got a skull on hand.. that shit's buried in cemeteries. So just there.. WTF.

And then this shit with oil.. along my research the other day of this freemason stuff they were talking about using oil.


smear or rub with oil, typically as part of a religious ceremony.

What the hell is this all about? What's with this fucking oil. lol

"According to the web search results, freemasons use anointing oil as a symbol of sanctification, or the designation of the person or thing so anointed to a sacred use or to the performance of a particular function. Anointing oil is also used in some of the high degrees of Freemasonry, such as the Order of High Priesthood, and in the ceremony of installation of a High Priest."

Doing a search of Pike's morals and dogma book for the word "oil".

"There were seven lamps in the great candlestick of the Tabernacle and Temple, representing the seven planets. Seven times Moses sprinkled the anointing oil upon the altar."

Then I thought.. when I was looking into the ark of the covenant.. might of been some oil with something to do with that.

Looking it up..

Was there the other day. Was some "oil" involved and I was like.. what do they do with that.. now we see this "necromancy" guy, rubbing damn oil on the dead guy's skull to fire it up for getting possessed by some damn evil spirit. WTF.

ok.. let's go with this. It's not "in" the ark. I didn't think it was.. it was one of those things on the side in that raiders of the lost ark priest dude pic but checking it, not seeing any oil jar. lol.

Checking that pic.. yeah there's probably oil jars on the table on the right side.

"The Ark of the Covenant is a sacred artifact in the Bible that is said to contain the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments, Aaron’s rod, and a pot of manna1 According to the Book of Exodus, God instructed Moses to make the Ark out of acacia wood and cover it with gold1 The Ark also had a lid called the mercy seat, which was decorated with two golden cherubim1

The Bible mentions that oil was used to anoint the Ark and other items in the tabernacle, such as the tent of meeting, the altar, and the utensils2 This oil was made of olive oil mixed with spices, such as myrrh, cinnamon, calamus, and cassia2 The oil was considered holy and was not to be used for any other purpose2"

"Oh, I see. You are referring to the Holy of Holies, the innermost chamber of the Temple where the Ark was kept1 According to some sources, there was oil in that room, but not for the Ark itself23

One possible source of oil was the menorah, the seven-branched candelabrum that was lit every day in the Temple4 The menorah was placed outside the Holy of Holies, but its light could shine through a curtain that separated the two chambers5 The menorah was fueled by pure olive oil that was poured into each lamp and covered with a lid.

Another possible source of oil was the jar of anointing oil that was stored next to the Ark2 This oil was made of olive oil mixed with spices, and it was used to consecrate the priests, the kings, and the Temple itself. The jar of anointing oil was one of the items that were hidden along with the Ark when the Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians2

So, there may have been some oil in the Holy of Holies, but it was not directly related to the function or power of the Ark. The Ark itself was a symbol of God’s presence and covenant with Israel, and it did not need any oil to operate. I hope this answers your question. 😊"

yeah it's when one of those Melchizedek guys goes into the ark room once a year.. I think there was some "oil" involved with something. Annointing oil.

Searching for: Melchizedek ark of the covenant

Generating answers for you…

I understand. You are talking about the Day of Atonement, when the high priest entered the Holy of Holies to offer a sacrifice for the sins of the people1 The high priest was a descendant of Aaron, the brother of Moses, and not of Melchizedek2 Melchizedek was a mysterious king and priest who blessed Abraham and received a tithe from him3 He is considered a type of Christ in the New Testament4

On the Day of Atonement, the high priest had to wear special garments and wash himself with water before entering the Holy of Holies1 He also had to anoint himself with the holy oil that was stored next to the Ark. This oil was made of olive oil mixed with spices, and it was used to consecrate the priests, the kings, and the Temple itself. The oil symbolized the presence and favor of God on the high priest and his ministry.

The high priest had to bring two goats, one for the Lord and one for Azazel (a name for Satan or a desert demon)1 He had to cast lots to determine which goat was for which purpose1 He had to kill the goat for the Lord and sprinkle its blood on the mercy seat of the Ark, where God’s glory dwelled1 He also had to confess the sins of Israel over the head of the goat for Azazel and send it away into the wilderness1 This ritual was meant to cleanse the people and the sanctuary from their sins and restore their relationship with God.

The high priest had a rope with bells attached to him, so those outside the Holy of Holies would know that God had not struck him dead from his sound2 He also had to burn incense in a censer to create a cloud that would cover the mercy seat and protect him from God’s wrath1 He had to do all these things according to God’s instructions, or else he would die.

The Day of Atonement was a solemn and sacred day for Israel, and it foreshadowed the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who died for our sins once and for all. Jesus is our great high priest who entered the heavenly sanctuary with his own blood and secured our eternal redemption. He is also our king of righteousness and peace, who reigns in the order of Melchizedek.

I hope this clarifies your question about the oil and the Ark of the Covenant. 😊

ah-ha.. so there's oil next to the ark

Generating answers for you…

Yes, there was a jar of anointing oil next to the Ark of the Covenant. This oil was used to consecrate the priests, the kings, and the Temple. It was also a sign of God’s presence and favor. 😊

Do you have any other questions about the Ark or the Holy of Holies? I’m happy to chat with you. 😊

what's in this oil stuff? Like what would they even do with "oil".. what's that do.

Searching for: anointing oil in the Bible

Generating answers for you…

The oil that was used to anoint the Ark and the priests was made of olive oil mixed with spices, such as myrrh, cinnamon, calamus, and cassia1 This oil had a pleasant fragrance and a symbolic meaning. It represented the presence and favor of God on the person or object that was anointed2

The oil also had a cleansing and healing effect. It was used to treat wounds, infections, and skin diseases3 It also helped to moisturize and protect the skin from the harsh desert climate4

The oil was not just a common substance, but a sacred one. It was not to be used for any other purpose than the worship of God. Anyone who made or used the oil for themselves would be cut off from the people of Israel1

The oil was a sign of God’s grace and power in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, we see that Jesus is the true anointed one, who came to save us from our sins and give us eternal life. He also gives us the Holy Spirit, who is our inner anointing and our seal of God’s promise.

I hope this helps you understand more about the oil in the Bible. 😊

Reading about this process there.. killing goats.. splashing blood on shit, like come on.. this is occult. Then this annointing oil, which the guy in this vid post says you put that on the skull it fires it up but you need the oil to get it going. ok.. WTF with all this here. lol

This mercy seat.. seems like the ark cover

Yahweh shows up in a cloud between those couple cherubs. That's like those 3 top ranking angel types from the other day. Same type but they're lower grade than seraphim. lol.

Looking up for a vid that shows this process of what goes on. 4 minutes. Let's see if they get the oil going. lol

"Reenactment of the Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish calendar. As part of the ritual the scapegoat was selected, and the high priest (by the blood of the sacrifices) would enter the Holy of Holies of the Tabernacle and sprinkle blood on the Ark of the Covenant."

I go watch that raiders of the lost ark movie, priest scene to see how he fires it up. Was no oil or blood splashing. But in the video description it said:

"The Ark: Exodus 25:10-22 10 “Have them make an ark of acacia wood—two and a half cubits long, a cubit and a half wide, and a cubit and a half high. 11 Overlay it with pure gold, both inside and out, and make a gold molding around it. 12 Cast four gold rings for it and fasten them to its four feet, with two rings on one side and two rings on the other. 13 Then make poles of acacia wood and overlay them with gold. 14 Insert the poles into the rings on the sides of the ark to carry it. 15 The poles are to remain in the rings of this ark; they are not to be removed. 16 Then put in the ark the tablets of the covenant law, which I will give you.

17 “Make an atonement cover of pure gold—two and a half cubits long and a cubit and a half wide. 18 And make two cherubim out of hammered gold at the ends of the cover. 19 Make one cherub on one end and the second cherub on the other; make the cherubim of one piece with the cover, at the two ends. 20 The cherubim are to have their wings spread upward, overshadowing the cover with them. The cherubim are to face each other, looking toward the cover. 21 Place the cover on top of the ark and put in the ark the tablets of the covenant law that I will give you. 22 There, above the cover between the two cherubim that are over the ark of the covenant law, I will meet with you and give you all my commands for the Israelites."

I think the shit's gotta be gold to contain the radiation. Stories of guys in the zion place in Ethiopia that it's in.. going blind when they check it out.

Doesn't talk about the guardian guy having eye trouble. I ask Bing AI

"The Ark of the Covenant is a sacred object in the Bible that is said to contain the stone tablets with the Ten Commandments. According to a legend, the ark was brought to Ethiopia by Menelik, the son of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, and is kept in the Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion in Aksum1. However, there is no conclusive evidence that the ark is actually there, and only a single monk, called the guardian, is allowed to see it2. The guardian is chosen by his predecessor and lives in a small chapel near the church, where he spends his life praying and protecting the ark3. He cannot leave the chapel grounds or interact with anyone else, except for a few priests and pilgrims2.

The current guardian of the ark is an elderly monk named Abba Gebre Meskel. He has been suffering from eye problems for several years, and his vision is deteriorating. He has refused to seek medical help or allow anyone to examine his eyes, saying that he trusts in God’s will. Some people fear that he may go blind soon, and wonder who will succeed him as the guardian of the ark. Others hope that he will reveal some information about the ark before he dies, or even allow someone to see it. However, Abba Gebre Meskel has remained silent and secretive about his role and the ark, as have all the previous guardians.

The mystery of the Ark of the Covenant and its location has fascinated many people for centuries. Some believe that it is still in Ethiopia, while others think that it was lost or destroyed long ago. Some even claim that they have seen or touched the ark, but their stories are not verified. The only person who knows the truth is the guardian monk, who guards the ark with his life and his faith."

334 days ago
1 score
Reason: edit add-on


My name is Irving Finkel and I'm a curator in the British Museum in the Middle East Department. One of the interesting things about ancient magic is to, in a particular culture, look at things which are peculiar to that culture and things which all over the world people do and most of the things that happened in ancient Mesopotamia, written in cuneiform, are more or less like the sort of things you find everywhere. My favourite magic ritual, it's a manual written by an exorcist who wants to tell the future and he wants to practise necromancy so he's somebody who wants to bring a ghost up from where it's peacefully in the basement so to speak and I ask it questions and he has a special way of doing this. You have to get a skull and you put the skull on the table and you burn all this heady material to create the right atmosphere, and then there's a kind of oil which is used to anoint the skull and then when everything is ready this is what happens. The sun god, who really should know better, brings up from below the ghost of the dead person who goes into the skull, clack like that. And then the exorcist or the specialist, the necromancer, asks this spirit a question and- clack clack clack clack you're supposed to get a true answer by means of this skull but from this dead person who's inside it. Now that is a very interesting matter which I've been dying to try out, I've got a skull but the diabolical problem is getting the right stuff for the oil and in our supermarket you can't get all the bits. So this I think is something definitely worth trying at home if you have the opportunity you need to know who's going to win the Grand National? Get your great-grandfather's skull, put it on the kitchen table, bit of HP sauce ask the question, Fat City.

Who the fuck has got a skull on hand.. that shit's buried in cemeteries. So just there.. WTF.

And then this shit with oil.. along my research the other day of this freemason stuff they were talking about using oil.


smear or rub with oil, typically as part of a religious ceremony.

What the hell is this all about? What's with this fucking oil. lol

"According to the web search results, freemasons use anointing oil as a symbol of sanctification, or the designation of the person or thing so anointed to a sacred use or to the performance of a particular function. Anointing oil is also used in some of the high degrees of Freemasonry, such as the Order of High Priesthood, and in the ceremony of installation of a High Priest."

Doing a search of Pike's morals and dogma book for the word "oil".

"There were seven lamps in the great candlestick of the Tabernacle and Temple, representing the seven planets. Seven times Moses sprinkled the anointing oil upon the altar."

Then I thought.. when I was looking into the ark of the covenant.. might of been some oil with something to do with that.

Looking it up..

Was there the other day. Was some "oil" involved and I was like.. what do they do with that.. now we see this "necromancy" guy, rubbing damn oil on the dead guy's skull to fire it up for getting possessed by some damn evil spirit. WTF.

ok.. let's go with this. It's not "in" the ark. I didn't think it was.. it was one of those things on the side in that raiders of the lost ark priest dude pic but checking it, not seeing any oil jar. lol.

Checking that pic.. yeah there's probably oil jars on the table on the right side.

"The Ark of the Covenant is a sacred artifact in the Bible that is said to contain the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments, Aaron’s rod, and a pot of manna1 According to the Book of Exodus, God instructed Moses to make the Ark out of acacia wood and cover it with gold1 The Ark also had a lid called the mercy seat, which was decorated with two golden cherubim1

The Bible mentions that oil was used to anoint the Ark and other items in the tabernacle, such as the tent of meeting, the altar, and the utensils2 This oil was made of olive oil mixed with spices, such as myrrh, cinnamon, calamus, and cassia2 The oil was considered holy and was not to be used for any other purpose2"

"Oh, I see. You are referring to the Holy of Holies, the innermost chamber of the Temple where the Ark was kept1 According to some sources, there was oil in that room, but not for the Ark itself23

One possible source of oil was the menorah, the seven-branched candelabrum that was lit every day in the Temple4 The menorah was placed outside the Holy of Holies, but its light could shine through a curtain that separated the two chambers5 The menorah was fueled by pure olive oil that was poured into each lamp and covered with a lid.

Another possible source of oil was the jar of anointing oil that was stored next to the Ark2 This oil was made of olive oil mixed with spices, and it was used to consecrate the priests, the kings, and the Temple itself. The jar of anointing oil was one of the items that were hidden along with the Ark when the Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians2

So, there may have been some oil in the Holy of Holies, but it was not directly related to the function or power of the Ark. The Ark itself was a symbol of God’s presence and covenant with Israel, and it did not need any oil to operate. I hope this answers your question. 😊"

yeah it's when one of those Melchizedek guys goes into the ark room once a year.. I think there was some "oil" involved with something. Annointing oil.

Searching for: Melchizedek ark of the covenant

Generating answers for you…

I understand. You are talking about the Day of Atonement, when the high priest entered the Holy of Holies to offer a sacrifice for the sins of the people1 The high priest was a descendant of Aaron, the brother of Moses, and not of Melchizedek2 Melchizedek was a mysterious king and priest who blessed Abraham and received a tithe from him3 He is considered a type of Christ in the New Testament4

On the Day of Atonement, the high priest had to wear special garments and wash himself with water before entering the Holy of Holies1 He also had to anoint himself with the holy oil that was stored next to the Ark. This oil was made of olive oil mixed with spices, and it was used to consecrate the priests, the kings, and the Temple itself. The oil symbolized the presence and favor of God on the high priest and his ministry.

The high priest had to bring two goats, one for the Lord and one for Azazel (a name for Satan or a desert demon)1 He had to cast lots to determine which goat was for which purpose1 He had to kill the goat for the Lord and sprinkle its blood on the mercy seat of the Ark, where God’s glory dwelled1 He also had to confess the sins of Israel over the head of the goat for Azazel and send it away into the wilderness1 This ritual was meant to cleanse the people and the sanctuary from their sins and restore their relationship with God.

The high priest had a rope with bells attached to him, so those outside the Holy of Holies would know that God had not struck him dead from his sound2 He also had to burn incense in a censer to create a cloud that would cover the mercy seat and protect him from God’s wrath1 He had to do all these things according to God’s instructions, or else he would die.

The Day of Atonement was a solemn and sacred day for Israel, and it foreshadowed the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who died for our sins once and for all. Jesus is our great high priest who entered the heavenly sanctuary with his own blood and secured our eternal redemption. He is also our king of righteousness and peace, who reigns in the order of Melchizedek.

I hope this clarifies your question about the oil and the Ark of the Covenant. 😊

ah-ha.. so there's oil next to the ark

Generating answers for you…

Yes, there was a jar of anointing oil next to the Ark of the Covenant. This oil was used to consecrate the priests, the kings, and the Temple. It was also a sign of God’s presence and favor. 😊

Do you have any other questions about the Ark or the Holy of Holies? I’m happy to chat with you. 😊

what's in this oil stuff? Like what would they even do with "oil".. what's that do.

Searching for: anointing oil in the Bible

Generating answers for you…

The oil that was used to anoint the Ark and the priests was made of olive oil mixed with spices, such as myrrh, cinnamon, calamus, and cassia1 This oil had a pleasant fragrance and a symbolic meaning. It represented the presence and favor of God on the person or object that was anointed2

The oil also had a cleansing and healing effect. It was used to treat wounds, infections, and skin diseases3 It also helped to moisturize and protect the skin from the harsh desert climate4

The oil was not just a common substance, but a sacred one. It was not to be used for any other purpose than the worship of God. Anyone who made or used the oil for themselves would be cut off from the people of Israel1

The oil was a sign of God’s grace and power in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, we see that Jesus is the true anointed one, who came to save us from our sins and give us eternal life. He also gives us the Holy Spirit, who is our inner anointing and our seal of God’s promise.

I hope this helps you understand more about the oil in the Bible. 😊

Reading about this process there.. killing goats.. splashing blood on shit, like come on.. this is occult. Then this annointing oil, which the guy in this vid post says you put that on the skull it fires it up but you need the oil to get it going. ok.. WTF with all this here. lol

This mercy seat.. seems like the ark cover

Yahweh shows up in a cloud between those couple cherubs. That's like those 3 top ranking angel types from the other day. Same type but they're lower grade than seraphim. lol.

Looking up for a vid that shows this process of what goes on. 4 minutes. Let's see if they get the oil going. lol

"Reenactment of the Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish calendar. As part of the ritual the scapegoat was selected, and the high priest (by the blood of the sacrifices) would enter the Holy of Holies of the Tabernacle and sprinkle blood on the Ark of the Covenant."

I go watch that raiders of the lost ark movie, priest scene to see how he fires it up. Was no oil or blood splashing. But in the video description it said:

"The Ark: Exodus 25:10-22 10 “Have them make an ark of acacia wood—two and a half cubits long, a cubit and a half wide, and a cubit and a half high. 11 Overlay it with pure gold, both inside and out, and make a gold molding around it. 12 Cast four gold rings for it and fasten them to its four feet, with two rings on one side and two rings on the other. 13 Then make poles of acacia wood and overlay them with gold. 14 Insert the poles into the rings on the sides of the ark to carry it. 15 The poles are to remain in the rings of this ark; they are not to be removed. 16 Then put in the ark the tablets of the covenant law, which I will give you.

17 “Make an atonement cover of pure gold—two and a half cubits long and a cubit and a half wide. 18 And make two cherubim out of hammered gold at the ends of the cover. 19 Make one cherub on one end and the second cherub on the other; make the cherubim of one piece with the cover, at the two ends. 20 The cherubim are to have their wings spread upward, overshadowing the cover with them. The cherubim are to face each other, looking toward the cover. 21 Place the cover on top of the ark and put in the ark the tablets of the covenant law that I will give you. 22 There, above the cover between the two cherubim that are over the ark of the covenant law, I will meet with you and give you all my commands for the Israelites."

I think the shit's gotta be gold to contain the radiation. Stories of guys in the zion place in Ethiopia that it's in.. going blind when they check it out.

334 days ago
1 score
Reason: edit add-on


My name is Irving Finkel and I'm a curator in the British Museum in the Middle East Department. One of the interesting things about ancient magic is to, in a particular culture, look at things which are peculiar to that culture and things which all over the world people do and most of the things that happened in ancient Mesopotamia, written in cuneiform, are more or less like the sort of things you find everywhere. My favourite magic ritual, it's a manual written by an exorcist who wants to tell the future and he wants to practise necromancy so he's somebody who wants to bring a ghost up from where it's peacefully in the basement so to speak and I ask it questions and he has a special way of doing this. You have to get a skull and you put the skull on the table and you burn all this heady material to create the right atmosphere, and then there's a kind of oil which is used to anoint the skull and then when everything is ready this is what happens. The sun god, who really should know better, brings up from below the ghost of the dead person who goes into the skull, clack like that. And then the exorcist or the specialist, the necromancer, asks this spirit a question and- clack clack clack clack you're supposed to get a true answer by means of this skull but from this dead person who's inside it. Now that is a very interesting matter which I've been dying to try out, I've got a skull but the diabolical problem is getting the right stuff for the oil and in our supermarket you can't get all the bits. So this I think is something definitely worth trying at home if you have the opportunity you need to know who's going to win the Grand National? Get your great-grandfather's skull, put it on the kitchen table, bit of HP sauce ask the question, Fat City.

Who the fuck has got a skull on hand.. that shit's buried in cemeteries. So just there.. WTF.

And then this shit with oil.. along my research the other day of this freemason stuff they were talking about using oil.


smear or rub with oil, typically as part of a religious ceremony.

What the hell is this all about? What's with this fucking oil. lol

"According to the web search results, freemasons use anointing oil as a symbol of sanctification, or the designation of the person or thing so anointed to a sacred use or to the performance of a particular function. Anointing oil is also used in some of the high degrees of Freemasonry, such as the Order of High Priesthood, and in the ceremony of installation of a High Priest."

Doing a search of Pike's morals and dogma book for the word "oil".

"There were seven lamps in the great candlestick of the Tabernacle and Temple, representing the seven planets. Seven times Moses sprinkled the anointing oil upon the altar."

Then I thought.. when I was looking into the ark of the covenant.. might of been some oil with something to do with that.

Looking it up..

Was there the other day. Was some "oil" involved and I was like.. what do they do with that.. now we see this "necromancy" guy, rubbing damn oil on the dead guy's skull to fire it up for getting possessed by some damn evil spirit. WTF.

ok.. let's go with this. It's not "in" the ark. I didn't think it was.. it was one of those things on the side in that raiders of the lost ark priest dude pic but checking it, not seeing any oil jar. lol.

Checking that pic.. yeah there's probably oil jars on the table on the right side.

"The Ark of the Covenant is a sacred artifact in the Bible that is said to contain the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments, Aaron’s rod, and a pot of manna1 According to the Book of Exodus, God instructed Moses to make the Ark out of acacia wood and cover it with gold1 The Ark also had a lid called the mercy seat, which was decorated with two golden cherubim1

The Bible mentions that oil was used to anoint the Ark and other items in the tabernacle, such as the tent of meeting, the altar, and the utensils2 This oil was made of olive oil mixed with spices, such as myrrh, cinnamon, calamus, and cassia2 The oil was considered holy and was not to be used for any other purpose2"

"Oh, I see. You are referring to the Holy of Holies, the innermost chamber of the Temple where the Ark was kept1 According to some sources, there was oil in that room, but not for the Ark itself23

One possible source of oil was the menorah, the seven-branched candelabrum that was lit every day in the Temple4 The menorah was placed outside the Holy of Holies, but its light could shine through a curtain that separated the two chambers5 The menorah was fueled by pure olive oil that was poured into each lamp and covered with a lid.

Another possible source of oil was the jar of anointing oil that was stored next to the Ark2 This oil was made of olive oil mixed with spices, and it was used to consecrate the priests, the kings, and the Temple itself. The jar of anointing oil was one of the items that were hidden along with the Ark when the Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians2

So, there may have been some oil in the Holy of Holies, but it was not directly related to the function or power of the Ark. The Ark itself was a symbol of God’s presence and covenant with Israel, and it did not need any oil to operate. I hope this answers your question. 😊"

yeah it's when one of those Melchizedek guys goes into the ark room once a year.. I think there was some "oil" involved with something. Annointing oil.

Searching for: Melchizedek ark of the covenant

Generating answers for you…

I understand. You are talking about the Day of Atonement, when the high priest entered the Holy of Holies to offer a sacrifice for the sins of the people1 The high priest was a descendant of Aaron, the brother of Moses, and not of Melchizedek2 Melchizedek was a mysterious king and priest who blessed Abraham and received a tithe from him3 He is considered a type of Christ in the New Testament4

On the Day of Atonement, the high priest had to wear special garments and wash himself with water before entering the Holy of Holies1 He also had to anoint himself with the holy oil that was stored next to the Ark. This oil was made of olive oil mixed with spices, and it was used to consecrate the priests, the kings, and the Temple itself. The oil symbolized the presence and favor of God on the high priest and his ministry.

The high priest had to bring two goats, one for the Lord and one for Azazel (a name for Satan or a desert demon)1 He had to cast lots to determine which goat was for which purpose1 He had to kill the goat for the Lord and sprinkle its blood on the mercy seat of the Ark, where God’s glory dwelled1 He also had to confess the sins of Israel over the head of the goat for Azazel and send it away into the wilderness1 This ritual was meant to cleanse the people and the sanctuary from their sins and restore their relationship with God.

The high priest had a rope with bells attached to him, so those outside the Holy of Holies would know that God had not struck him dead from his sound2 He also had to burn incense in a censer to create a cloud that would cover the mercy seat and protect him from God’s wrath1 He had to do all these things according to God’s instructions, or else he would die.

The Day of Atonement was a solemn and sacred day for Israel, and it foreshadowed the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who died for our sins once and for all. Jesus is our great high priest who entered the heavenly sanctuary with his own blood and secured our eternal redemption. He is also our king of righteousness and peace, who reigns in the order of Melchizedek.

I hope this clarifies your question about the oil and the Ark of the Covenant. 😊

ah-ha.. so there's oil next to the ark

Generating answers for you…

Yes, there was a jar of anointing oil next to the Ark of the Covenant. This oil was used to consecrate the priests, the kings, and the Temple. It was also a sign of God’s presence and favor. 😊

Do you have any other questions about the Ark or the Holy of Holies? I’m happy to chat with you. 😊

what's in this oil stuff? Like what would they even do with "oil".. what's that do.

Searching for: anointing oil in the Bible

Generating answers for you…

The oil that was used to anoint the Ark and the priests was made of olive oil mixed with spices, such as myrrh, cinnamon, calamus, and cassia1 This oil had a pleasant fragrance and a symbolic meaning. It represented the presence and favor of God on the person or object that was anointed2

The oil also had a cleansing and healing effect. It was used to treat wounds, infections, and skin diseases3 It also helped to moisturize and protect the skin from the harsh desert climate4

The oil was not just a common substance, but a sacred one. It was not to be used for any other purpose than the worship of God. Anyone who made or used the oil for themselves would be cut off from the people of Israel1

The oil was a sign of God’s grace and power in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, we see that Jesus is the true anointed one, who came to save us from our sins and give us eternal life. He also gives us the Holy Spirit, who is our inner anointing and our seal of God’s promise.

I hope this helps you understand more about the oil in the Bible. 😊

Reading about this process there.. killing goats.. splashing blood on shit, like come on.. this is occult. Then this annointing oil, which the guy in this vid post says you put that on the skull it fires it up but you need the oil to get it going. ok.. WTF with all this here. lol

This mercy seat.. seems like the ark cover

Yahweh shows up in a cloud between those couple cherubs. That's like those 3 top ranking angel types from the other day. Same type but they're lower grade than seraphim. lol.

Looking up for a vid that shows this process of what goes on. 4 minutes. Let's see if they get the oil going. lol

"Reenactment of the Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish calendar. As part of the ritual the scapegoat was selected, and the high priest (by the blood of the sacrifices) would enter the Holy of Holies of the Tabernacle and sprinkle blood on the Ark of the Covenant."

334 days ago
1 score
Reason: edit add-on


My name is Irving Finkel and I'm a curator in the British Museum in the Middle East Department. One of the interesting things about ancient magic is to, in a particular culture, look at things which are peculiar to that culture and things which all over the world people do and most of the things that happened in ancient Mesopotamia, written in cuneiform, are more or less like the sort of things you find everywhere. My favourite magic ritual, it's a manual written by an exorcist who wants to tell the future and he wants to practise necromancy so he's somebody who wants to bring a ghost up from where it's peacefully in the basement so to speak and I ask it questions and he has a special way of doing this. You have to get a skull and you put the skull on the table and you burn all this heady material to create the right atmosphere, and then there's a kind of oil which is used to anoint the skull and then when everything is ready this is what happens. The sun god, who really should know better, brings up from below the ghost of the dead person who goes into the skull, clack like that. And then the exorcist or the specialist, the necromancer, asks this spirit a question and- clack clack clack clack you're supposed to get a true answer by means of this skull but from this dead person who's inside it. Now that is a very interesting matter which I've been dying to try out, I've got a skull but the diabolical problem is getting the right stuff for the oil and in our supermarket you can't get all the bits. So this I think is something definitely worth trying at home if you have the opportunity you need to know who's going to win the Grand National? Get your great-grandfather's skull, put it on the kitchen table, bit of HP sauce ask the question, Fat City.

Who the fuck has got a skull on hand.. that shit's buried in cemeteries. So just there.. WTF.

And then this shit with oil.. along my research the other day of this freemason stuff they were talking about using oil.


smear or rub with oil, typically as part of a religious ceremony.

What the hell is this all about? What's with this fucking oil. lol

"According to the web search results, freemasons use anointing oil as a symbol of sanctification, or the designation of the person or thing so anointed to a sacred use or to the performance of a particular function. Anointing oil is also used in some of the high degrees of Freemasonry, such as the Order of High Priesthood, and in the ceremony of installation of a High Priest."

Doing a search of Pike's morals and dogma book for the word "oil".

"There were seven lamps in the great candlestick of the Tabernacle and Temple, representing the seven planets. Seven times Moses sprinkled the anointing oil upon the altar."

Then I thought.. when I was looking into the ark of the covenant.. might of been some oil with something to do with that.

Looking it up..

Was there the other day. Was some "oil" involved and I was like.. what do they do with that.. now we see this "necromancy" guy, rubbing damn oil on the dead guy's skull to fire it up for getting possessed by some damn evil spirit. WTF.

ok.. let's go with this. It's not "in" the ark. I didn't think it was.. it was one of those things on the side in that raiders of the lost ark priest dude pic but checking it, not seeing any oil jar. lol.

Checking that pic.. yeah there's probably oil jars on the table on the right side.

"The Ark of the Covenant is a sacred artifact in the Bible that is said to contain the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments, Aaron’s rod, and a pot of manna1 According to the Book of Exodus, God instructed Moses to make the Ark out of acacia wood and cover it with gold1 The Ark also had a lid called the mercy seat, which was decorated with two golden cherubim1

The Bible mentions that oil was used to anoint the Ark and other items in the tabernacle, such as the tent of meeting, the altar, and the utensils2 This oil was made of olive oil mixed with spices, such as myrrh, cinnamon, calamus, and cassia2 The oil was considered holy and was not to be used for any other purpose2"

"Oh, I see. You are referring to the Holy of Holies, the innermost chamber of the Temple where the Ark was kept1 According to some sources, there was oil in that room, but not for the Ark itself23

One possible source of oil was the menorah, the seven-branched candelabrum that was lit every day in the Temple4 The menorah was placed outside the Holy of Holies, but its light could shine through a curtain that separated the two chambers5 The menorah was fueled by pure olive oil that was poured into each lamp and covered with a lid.

Another possible source of oil was the jar of anointing oil that was stored next to the Ark2 This oil was made of olive oil mixed with spices, and it was used to consecrate the priests, the kings, and the Temple itself. The jar of anointing oil was one of the items that were hidden along with the Ark when the Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians2

So, there may have been some oil in the Holy of Holies, but it was not directly related to the function or power of the Ark. The Ark itself was a symbol of God’s presence and covenant with Israel, and it did not need any oil to operate. I hope this answers your question. 😊"

yeah it's when one of those Melchizedek guys goes into the ark room once a year.. I think there was some "oil" involved with something. Annointing oil.

Searching for: Melchizedek ark of the covenant

Generating answers for you…

I understand. You are talking about the Day of Atonement, when the high priest entered the Holy of Holies to offer a sacrifice for the sins of the people1 The high priest was a descendant of Aaron, the brother of Moses, and not of Melchizedek2 Melchizedek was a mysterious king and priest who blessed Abraham and received a tithe from him3 He is considered a type of Christ in the New Testament4

On the Day of Atonement, the high priest had to wear special garments and wash himself with water before entering the Holy of Holies1 He also had to anoint himself with the holy oil that was stored next to the Ark. This oil was made of olive oil mixed with spices, and it was used to consecrate the priests, the kings, and the Temple itself. The oil symbolized the presence and favor of God on the high priest and his ministry.

The high priest had to bring two goats, one for the Lord and one for Azazel (a name for Satan or a desert demon)1 He had to cast lots to determine which goat was for which purpose1 He had to kill the goat for the Lord and sprinkle its blood on the mercy seat of the Ark, where God’s glory dwelled1 He also had to confess the sins of Israel over the head of the goat for Azazel and send it away into the wilderness1 This ritual was meant to cleanse the people and the sanctuary from their sins and restore their relationship with God.

The high priest had a rope with bells attached to him, so those outside the Holy of Holies would know that God had not struck him dead from his sound2 He also had to burn incense in a censer to create a cloud that would cover the mercy seat and protect him from God’s wrath1 He had to do all these things according to God’s instructions, or else he would die.

The Day of Atonement was a solemn and sacred day for Israel, and it foreshadowed the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who died for our sins once and for all. Jesus is our great high priest who entered the heavenly sanctuary with his own blood and secured our eternal redemption. He is also our king of righteousness and peace, who reigns in the order of Melchizedek.

I hope this clarifies your question about the oil and the Ark of the Covenant. 😊

ah-ha.. so there's oil next to the ark

Generating answers for you…

Yes, there was a jar of anointing oil next to the Ark of the Covenant. This oil was used to consecrate the priests, the kings, and the Temple. It was also a sign of God’s presence and favor. 😊

Do you have any other questions about the Ark or the Holy of Holies? I’m happy to chat with you. 😊

what's in this oil stuff? Like what would they even do with "oil".. what's that do.

Searching for: anointing oil in the Bible

Generating answers for you…

The oil that was used to anoint the Ark and the priests was made of olive oil mixed with spices, such as myrrh, cinnamon, calamus, and cassia1 This oil had a pleasant fragrance and a symbolic meaning. It represented the presence and favor of God on the person or object that was anointed2

The oil also had a cleansing and healing effect. It was used to treat wounds, infections, and skin diseases3 It also helped to moisturize and protect the skin from the harsh desert climate4

The oil was not just a common substance, but a sacred one. It was not to be used for any other purpose than the worship of God. Anyone who made or used the oil for themselves would be cut off from the people of Israel1

The oil was a sign of God’s grace and power in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, we see that Jesus is the true anointed one, who came to save us from our sins and give us eternal life. He also gives us the Holy Spirit, who is our inner anointing and our seal of God’s promise.

I hope this helps you understand more about the oil in the Bible. 😊

Reading about this process there.. killing goats.. splashing blood on shit, like come on.. this is occult. Then this annointing oil, which the guy in this vid post says you put that on the skull it fires it up but you need the oil to get it going. ok.. WTF with all this here. lol

This mercy seat.. seems like the ark cover

334 days ago
1 score
Reason: edit add-on


My name is Irving Finkel and I'm a curator in the British Museum in the Middle East Department. One of the interesting things about ancient magic is to, in a particular culture, look at things which are peculiar to that culture and things which all over the world people do and most of the things that happened in ancient Mesopotamia, written in cuneiform, are more or less like the sort of things you find everywhere. My favourite magic ritual, it's a manual written by an exorcist who wants to tell the future and he wants to practise necromancy so he's somebody who wants to bring a ghost up from where it's peacefully in the basement so to speak and I ask it questions and he has a special way of doing this. You have to get a skull and you put the skull on the table and you burn all this heady material to create the right atmosphere, and then there's a kind of oil which is used to anoint the skull and then when everything is ready this is what happens. The sun god, who really should know better, brings up from below the ghost of the dead person who goes into the skull, clack like that. And then the exorcist or the specialist, the necromancer, asks this spirit a question and- clack clack clack clack you're supposed to get a true answer by means of this skull but from this dead person who's inside it. Now that is a very interesting matter which I've been dying to try out, I've got a skull but the diabolical problem is getting the right stuff for the oil and in our supermarket you can't get all the bits. So this I think is something definitely worth trying at home if you have the opportunity you need to know who's going to win the Grand National? Get your great-grandfather's skull, put it on the kitchen table, bit of HP sauce ask the question, Fat City.

Who the fuck has got a skull on hand.. that shit's buried in cemeteries. So just there.. WTF.

And then this shit with oil.. along my research the other day of this freemason stuff they were talking about using oil.


smear or rub with oil, typically as part of a religious ceremony.

What the hell is this all about? What's with this fucking oil. lol

"According to the web search results, freemasons use anointing oil as a symbol of sanctification, or the designation of the person or thing so anointed to a sacred use or to the performance of a particular function. Anointing oil is also used in some of the high degrees of Freemasonry, such as the Order of High Priesthood, and in the ceremony of installation of a High Priest."

Doing a search of Pike's morals and dogma book for the word "oil".

"There were seven lamps in the great candlestick of the Tabernacle and Temple, representing the seven planets. Seven times Moses sprinkled the anointing oil upon the altar."

Then I thought.. when I was looking into the ark of the covenant.. might of been some oil with something to do with that.

Looking it up..

Was there the other day. Was some "oil" involved and I was like.. what do they do with that.. now we see this "necromancy" guy, rubbing damn oil on the dead guy's skull to fire it up for getting possessed by some damn evil spirit. WTF.

ok.. let's go with this. It's not "in" the ark. I didn't think it was.. it was one of those things on the side in that raiders of the lost ark priest dude pic but checking it, not seeing any oil jar. lol.

Checking that pic.. yeah there's probably oil jars on the table on the right side.

"The Ark of the Covenant is a sacred artifact in the Bible that is said to contain the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments, Aaron’s rod, and a pot of manna1 According to the Book of Exodus, God instructed Moses to make the Ark out of acacia wood and cover it with gold1 The Ark also had a lid called the mercy seat, which was decorated with two golden cherubim1

The Bible mentions that oil was used to anoint the Ark and other items in the tabernacle, such as the tent of meeting, the altar, and the utensils2 This oil was made of olive oil mixed with spices, such as myrrh, cinnamon, calamus, and cassia2 The oil was considered holy and was not to be used for any other purpose2"

"Oh, I see. You are referring to the Holy of Holies, the innermost chamber of the Temple where the Ark was kept1 According to some sources, there was oil in that room, but not for the Ark itself23

One possible source of oil was the menorah, the seven-branched candelabrum that was lit every day in the Temple4 The menorah was placed outside the Holy of Holies, but its light could shine through a curtain that separated the two chambers5 The menorah was fueled by pure olive oil that was poured into each lamp and covered with a lid.

Another possible source of oil was the jar of anointing oil that was stored next to the Ark2 This oil was made of olive oil mixed with spices, and it was used to consecrate the priests, the kings, and the Temple itself. The jar of anointing oil was one of the items that were hidden along with the Ark when the Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians2

So, there may have been some oil in the Holy of Holies, but it was not directly related to the function or power of the Ark. The Ark itself was a symbol of God’s presence and covenant with Israel, and it did not need any oil to operate. I hope this answers your question. 😊"

yeah it's when one of those Melchizedek guys goes into the ark room once a year.. I think there was some "oil" involved with something. Annointing oil.

Searching for: Melchizedek ark of the covenant

Generating answers for you…

I understand. You are talking about the Day of Atonement, when the high priest entered the Holy of Holies to offer a sacrifice for the sins of the people1 The high priest was a descendant of Aaron, the brother of Moses, and not of Melchizedek2 Melchizedek was a mysterious king and priest who blessed Abraham and received a tithe from him3 He is considered a type of Christ in the New Testament4

On the Day of Atonement, the high priest had to wear special garments and wash himself with water before entering the Holy of Holies1 He also had to anoint himself with the holy oil that was stored next to the Ark. This oil was made of olive oil mixed with spices, and it was used to consecrate the priests, the kings, and the Temple itself. The oil symbolized the presence and favor of God on the high priest and his ministry.

The high priest had to bring two goats, one for the Lord and one for Azazel (a name for Satan or a desert demon)1 He had to cast lots to determine which goat was for which purpose1 He had to kill the goat for the Lord and sprinkle its blood on the mercy seat of the Ark, where God’s glory dwelled1 He also had to confess the sins of Israel over the head of the goat for Azazel and send it away into the wilderness1 This ritual was meant to cleanse the people and the sanctuary from their sins and restore their relationship with God.

The high priest had a rope with bells attached to him, so those outside the Holy of Holies would know that God had not struck him dead from his sound2 He also had to burn incense in a censer to create a cloud that would cover the mercy seat and protect him from God’s wrath1 He had to do all these things according to God’s instructions, or else he would die.

The Day of Atonement was a solemn and sacred day for Israel, and it foreshadowed the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who died for our sins once and for all. Jesus is our great high priest who entered the heavenly sanctuary with his own blood and secured our eternal redemption. He is also our king of righteousness and peace, who reigns in the order of Melchizedek.

I hope this clarifies your question about the oil and the Ark of the Covenant. 😊

ah-ha.. so there's oil next to the ark

Generating answers for you…

Yes, there was a jar of anointing oil next to the Ark of the Covenant. This oil was used to consecrate the priests, the kings, and the Temple. It was also a sign of God’s presence and favor. 😊

Do you have any other questions about the Ark or the Holy of Holies? I’m happy to chat with you. 😊

what's in this oil stuff? Like what would they even do with "oil".. what's that do.

Searching for: anointing oil in the Bible

Generating answers for you…

The oil that was used to anoint the Ark and the priests was made of olive oil mixed with spices, such as myrrh, cinnamon, calamus, and cassia1 This oil had a pleasant fragrance and a symbolic meaning. It represented the presence and favor of God on the person or object that was anointed2

The oil also had a cleansing and healing effect. It was used to treat wounds, infections, and skin diseases3 It also helped to moisturize and protect the skin from the harsh desert climate4

The oil was not just a common substance, but a sacred one. It was not to be used for any other purpose than the worship of God. Anyone who made or used the oil for themselves would be cut off from the people of Israel1

The oil was a sign of God’s grace and power in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, we see that Jesus is the true anointed one, who came to save us from our sins and give us eternal life. He also gives us the Holy Spirit, who is our inner anointing and our seal of God’s promise.

I hope this helps you understand more about the oil in the Bible. 😊

Reading about this process there.. killing goats.. splashing blood on shit, like come on.. this is occult.

This mercy seat.. seems like the ark cover

334 days ago
1 score
Reason: edit add-on


My name is Irving Finkel and I'm a curator in the British Museum in the Middle East Department. One of the interesting things about ancient magic is to, in a particular culture, look at things which are peculiar to that culture and things which all over the world people do and most of the things that happened in ancient Mesopotamia, written in cuneiform, are more or less like the sort of things you find everywhere. My favourite magic ritual, it's a manual written by an exorcist who wants to tell the future and he wants to practise necromancy so he's somebody who wants to bring a ghost up from where it's peacefully in the basement so to speak and I ask it questions and he has a special way of doing this. You have to get a skull and you put the skull on the table and you burn all this heady material to create the right atmosphere, and then there's a kind of oil which is used to anoint the skull and then when everything is ready this is what happens. The sun god, who really should know better, brings up from below the ghost of the dead person who goes into the skull, clack like that. And then the exorcist or the specialist, the necromancer, asks this spirit a question and- clack clack clack clack you're supposed to get a true answer by means of this skull but from this dead person who's inside it. Now that is a very interesting matter which I've been dying to try out, I've got a skull but the diabolical problem is getting the right stuff for the oil and in our supermarket you can't get all the bits. So this I think is something definitely worth trying at home if you have the opportunity you need to know who's going to win the Grand National? Get your great-grandfather's skull, put it on the kitchen table, bit of HP sauce ask the question, Fat City.

Who the fuck has got a skull on hand.. that shit's buried in cemeteries. So just there.. WTF.

And then this shit with oil.. along my research the other day of this freemason stuff they were talking about using oil.


smear or rub with oil, typically as part of a religious ceremony.

What the hell is this all about? What's with this fucking oil. lol

"According to the web search results, freemasons use anointing oil as a symbol of sanctification, or the designation of the person or thing so anointed to a sacred use or to the performance of a particular function. Anointing oil is also used in some of the high degrees of Freemasonry, such as the Order of High Priesthood, and in the ceremony of installation of a High Priest."

Doing a search of Pike's morals and dogma book for the word "oil".

"There were seven lamps in the great candlestick of the Tabernacle and Temple, representing the seven planets. Seven times Moses sprinkled the anointing oil upon the altar."

Then I thought.. when I was looking into the ark of the covenant.. might of been some oil with something to do with that.

Looking it up..

Was there the other day. Was some "oil" involved and I was like.. what do they do with that.. now we see this "necromancy" guy, rubbing damn oil on the dead guy's skull to fire it up for getting possessed by some damn evil spirit. WTF.

ok.. let's go with this. It's not "in" the ark. I didn't think it was.. it was one of those things on the side in that raiders of the lost ark priest dude pic but checking it, not seeing any oil jar. lol.

Checking that pic.. yeah there's probably oil jars on the table on the right side.

"The Ark of the Covenant is a sacred artifact in the Bible that is said to contain the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments, Aaron’s rod, and a pot of manna1 According to the Book of Exodus, God instructed Moses to make the Ark out of acacia wood and cover it with gold1 The Ark also had a lid called the mercy seat, which was decorated with two golden cherubim1

The Bible mentions that oil was used to anoint the Ark and other items in the tabernacle, such as the tent of meeting, the altar, and the utensils2 This oil was made of olive oil mixed with spices, such as myrrh, cinnamon, calamus, and cassia2 The oil was considered holy and was not to be used for any other purpose2"

"Oh, I see. You are referring to the Holy of Holies, the innermost chamber of the Temple where the Ark was kept1 According to some sources, there was oil in that room, but not for the Ark itself23

One possible source of oil was the menorah, the seven-branched candelabrum that was lit every day in the Temple4 The menorah was placed outside the Holy of Holies, but its light could shine through a curtain that separated the two chambers5 The menorah was fueled by pure olive oil that was poured into each lamp and covered with a lid.

Another possible source of oil was the jar of anointing oil that was stored next to the Ark2 This oil was made of olive oil mixed with spices, and it was used to consecrate the priests, the kings, and the Temple itself. The jar of anointing oil was one of the items that were hidden along with the Ark when the Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians2

So, there may have been some oil in the Holy of Holies, but it was not directly related to the function or power of the Ark. The Ark itself was a symbol of God’s presence and covenant with Israel, and it did not need any oil to operate. I hope this answers your question. 😊"

yeah it's when one of those Melchizedek guys goes into the ark room once a year.. I think there was some "oil" involved with something. Annointing oil.

Searching for: Melchizedek ark of the covenant

Generating answers for you…

I understand. You are talking about the Day of Atonement, when the high priest entered the Holy of Holies to offer a sacrifice for the sins of the people1 The high priest was a descendant of Aaron, the brother of Moses, and not of Melchizedek2 Melchizedek was a mysterious king and priest who blessed Abraham and received a tithe from him3 He is considered a type of Christ in the New Testament4

On the Day of Atonement, the high priest had to wear special garments and wash himself with water before entering the Holy of Holies1 He also had to anoint himself with the holy oil that was stored next to the Ark. This oil was made of olive oil mixed with spices, and it was used to consecrate the priests, the kings, and the Temple itself. The oil symbolized the presence and favor of God on the high priest and his ministry.

The high priest had to bring two goats, one for the Lord and one for Azazel (a name for Satan or a desert demon)1 He had to cast lots to determine which goat was for which purpose1 He had to kill the goat for the Lord and sprinkle its blood on the mercy seat of the Ark, where God’s glory dwelled1 He also had to confess the sins of Israel over the head of the goat for Azazel and send it away into the wilderness1 This ritual was meant to cleanse the people and the sanctuary from their sins and restore their relationship with God.

The high priest had a rope with bells attached to him, so those outside the Holy of Holies would know that God had not struck him dead from his sound2 He also had to burn incense in a censer to create a cloud that would cover the mercy seat and protect him from God’s wrath1 He had to do all these things according to God’s instructions, or else he would die.

The Day of Atonement was a solemn and sacred day for Israel, and it foreshadowed the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who died for our sins once and for all. Jesus is our great high priest who entered the heavenly sanctuary with his own blood and secured our eternal redemption. He is also our king of righteousness and peace, who reigns in the order of Melchizedek.

I hope this clarifies your question about the oil and the Ark of the Covenant. 😊

ah-ha.. so there's oil next to the ark

Generating answers for you…

Yes, there was a jar of anointing oil next to the Ark of the Covenant. This oil was used to consecrate the priests, the kings, and the Temple. It was also a sign of God’s presence and favor. 😊

Do you have any other questions about the Ark or the Holy of Holies? I’m happy to chat with you. 😊

what's in this oil stuff? Like what would they even do with "oil".. what's that do.

Searching for: anointing oil in the Bible

Generating answers for you…

The oil that was used to anoint the Ark and the priests was made of olive oil mixed with spices, such as myrrh, cinnamon, calamus, and cassia1 This oil had a pleasant fragrance and a symbolic meaning. It represented the presence and favor of God on the person or object that was anointed2

The oil also had a cleansing and healing effect. It was used to treat wounds, infections, and skin diseases3 It also helped to moisturize and protect the skin from the harsh desert climate4

The oil was not just a common substance, but a sacred one. It was not to be used for any other purpose than the worship of God. Anyone who made or used the oil for themselves would be cut off from the people of Israel1

The oil was a sign of God’s grace and power in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, we see that Jesus is the true anointed one, who came to save us from our sins and give us eternal life. He also gives us the Holy Spirit, who is our inner anointing and our seal of God’s promise.

I hope this helps you understand more about the oil in the Bible. 😊

334 days ago
1 score
Reason: edit add-on


My name is Irving Finkel and I'm a curator in the British Museum in the Middle East Department. One of the interesting things about ancient magic is to, in a particular culture, look at things which are peculiar to that culture and things which all over the world people do and most of the things that happened in ancient Mesopotamia, written in cuneiform, are more or less like the sort of things you find everywhere. My favourite magic ritual, it's a manual written by an exorcist who wants to tell the future and he wants to practise necromancy so he's somebody who wants to bring a ghost up from where it's peacefully in the basement so to speak and I ask it questions and he has a special way of doing this. You have to get a skull and you put the skull on the table and you burn all this heady material to create the right atmosphere, and then there's a kind of oil which is used to anoint the skull and then when everything is ready this is what happens. The sun god, who really should know better, brings up from below the ghost of the dead person who goes into the skull, clack like that. And then the exorcist or the specialist, the necromancer, asks this spirit a question and- clack clack clack clack you're supposed to get a true answer by means of this skull but from this dead person who's inside it. Now that is a very interesting matter which I've been dying to try out, I've got a skull but the diabolical problem is getting the right stuff for the oil and in our supermarket you can't get all the bits. So this I think is something definitely worth trying at home if you have the opportunity you need to know who's going to win the Grand National? Get your great-grandfather's skull, put it on the kitchen table, bit of HP sauce ask the question, Fat City.

Who the fuck has got a skull on hand.. that shit's buried in cemeteries. So just there.. WTF.

And then this shit with oil.. along my research the other day of this freemason stuff they were talking about using oil.


smear or rub with oil, typically as part of a religious ceremony.

What the hell is this all about? What's with this fucking oil. lol

"According to the web search results, freemasons use anointing oil as a symbol of sanctification, or the designation of the person or thing so anointed to a sacred use or to the performance of a particular function. Anointing oil is also used in some of the high degrees of Freemasonry, such as the Order of High Priesthood, and in the ceremony of installation of a High Priest."

Doing a search of Pike's morals and dogma book for the word "oil".

"There were seven lamps in the great candlestick of the Tabernacle and Temple, representing the seven planets. Seven times Moses sprinkled the anointing oil upon the altar."

Then I thought.. when I was looking into the ark of the covenant.. might of been some oil with something to do with that.

Looking it up..

Was there the other day. Was some "oil" involved and I was like.. what do they do with that.. now we see this "necromancy" guy, rubbing damn oil on the dead guy's skull to fire it up for getting possessed by some damn evil spirit. WTF.

ok.. let's go with this. It's not "in" the ark. I didn't think it was.. it was one of those things on the side in that raiders of the lost ark priest dude pic but checking it, not seeing any oil jar. lol.

"The Ark of the Covenant is a sacred artifact in the Bible that is said to contain the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments, Aaron’s rod, and a pot of manna1 According to the Book of Exodus, God instructed Moses to make the Ark out of acacia wood and cover it with gold1 The Ark also had a lid called the mercy seat, which was decorated with two golden cherubim1

The Bible mentions that oil was used to anoint the Ark and other items in the tabernacle, such as the tent of meeting, the altar, and the utensils2 This oil was made of olive oil mixed with spices, such as myrrh, cinnamon, calamus, and cassia2 The oil was considered holy and was not to be used for any other purpose2"

"Oh, I see. You are referring to the Holy of Holies, the innermost chamber of the Temple where the Ark was kept1 According to some sources, there was oil in that room, but not for the Ark itself23

One possible source of oil was the menorah, the seven-branched candelabrum that was lit every day in the Temple4 The menorah was placed outside the Holy of Holies, but its light could shine through a curtain that separated the two chambers5 The menorah was fueled by pure olive oil that was poured into each lamp and covered with a lid.

Another possible source of oil was the jar of anointing oil that was stored next to the Ark2 This oil was made of olive oil mixed with spices, and it was used to consecrate the priests, the kings, and the Temple itself. The jar of anointing oil was one of the items that were hidden along with the Ark when the Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians2

So, there may have been some oil in the Holy of Holies, but it was not directly related to the function or power of the Ark. The Ark itself was a symbol of God’s presence and covenant with Israel, and it did not need any oil to operate. I hope this answers your question. 😊"

yeah it's when one of those Melchizedek guys goes into the ark room once a year.. I think there was some "oil" involved with something. Annointing oil.

Searching for: Melchizedek ark of the covenant

Generating answers for you…

I understand. You are talking about the Day of Atonement, when the high priest entered the Holy of Holies to offer a sacrifice for the sins of the people1 The high priest was a descendant of Aaron, the brother of Moses, and not of Melchizedek2 Melchizedek was a mysterious king and priest who blessed Abraham and received a tithe from him3 He is considered a type of Christ in the New Testament4

On the Day of Atonement, the high priest had to wear special garments and wash himself with water before entering the Holy of Holies1 He also had to anoint himself with the holy oil that was stored next to the Ark. This oil was made of olive oil mixed with spices, and it was used to consecrate the priests, the kings, and the Temple itself. The oil symbolized the presence and favor of God on the high priest and his ministry.

The high priest had to bring two goats, one for the Lord and one for Azazel (a name for Satan or a desert demon)1 He had to cast lots to determine which goat was for which purpose1 He had to kill the goat for the Lord and sprinkle its blood on the mercy seat of the Ark, where God’s glory dwelled1 He also had to confess the sins of Israel over the head of the goat for Azazel and send it away into the wilderness1 This ritual was meant to cleanse the people and the sanctuary from their sins and restore their relationship with God.

The high priest had a rope with bells attached to him, so those outside the Holy of Holies would know that God had not struck him dead from his sound2 He also had to burn incense in a censer to create a cloud that would cover the mercy seat and protect him from God’s wrath1 He had to do all these things according to God’s instructions, or else he would die.

The Day of Atonement was a solemn and sacred day for Israel, and it foreshadowed the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who died for our sins once and for all. Jesus is our great high priest who entered the heavenly sanctuary with his own blood and secured our eternal redemption. He is also our king of righteousness and peace, who reigns in the order of Melchizedek.

I hope this clarifies your question about the oil and the Ark of the Covenant. 😊

ah-ha.. so there's oil next to the ark

Generating answers for you…

Yes, there was a jar of anointing oil next to the Ark of the Covenant. This oil was used to consecrate the priests, the kings, and the Temple. It was also a sign of God’s presence and favor. 😊

Do you have any other questions about the Ark or the Holy of Holies? I’m happy to chat with you. 😊

what's in this oil stuff? Like what would they even do with "oil".. what's that do.

Searching for: anointing oil in the Bible

Generating answers for you…

The oil that was used to anoint the Ark and the priests was made of olive oil mixed with spices, such as myrrh, cinnamon, calamus, and cassia1 This oil had a pleasant fragrance and a symbolic meaning. It represented the presence and favor of God on the person or object that was anointed2

The oil also had a cleansing and healing effect. It was used to treat wounds, infections, and skin diseases3 It also helped to moisturize and protect the skin from the harsh desert climate4

The oil was not just a common substance, but a sacred one. It was not to be used for any other purpose than the worship of God. Anyone who made or used the oil for themselves would be cut off from the people of Israel1

The oil was a sign of God’s grace and power in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, we see that Jesus is the true anointed one, who came to save us from our sins and give us eternal life. He also gives us the Holy Spirit, who is our inner anointing and our seal of God’s promise.

I hope this helps you understand more about the oil in the Bible. 😊

334 days ago
1 score
Reason: edit add-on


My name is Irving Finkel and I'm a curator in the British Museum in the Middle East Department. One of the interesting things about ancient magic is to, in a particular culture, look at things which are peculiar to that culture and things which all over the world people do and most of the things that happened in ancient Mesopotamia, written in cuneiform, are more or less like the sort of things you find everywhere. My favourite magic ritual, it's a manual written by an exorcist who wants to tell the future and he wants to practise necromancy so he's somebody who wants to bring a ghost up from where it's peacefully in the basement so to speak and I ask it questions and he has a special way of doing this. You have to get a skull and you put the skull on the table and you burn all this heady material to create the right atmosphere, and then there's a kind of oil which is used to anoint the skull and then when everything is ready this is what happens. The sun god, who really should know better, brings up from below the ghost of the dead person who goes into the skull, clack like that. And then the exorcist or the specialist, the necromancer, asks this spirit a question and- clack clack clack clack you're supposed to get a true answer by means of this skull but from this dead person who's inside it. Now that is a very interesting matter which I've been dying to try out, I've got a skull but the diabolical problem is getting the right stuff for the oil and in our supermarket you can't get all the bits. So this I think is something definitely worth trying at home if you have the opportunity you need to know who's going to win the Grand National? Get your great-grandfather's skull, put it on the kitchen table, bit of HP sauce ask the question, Fat City.

Who the fuck has got a skull on hand.. that shit's buried in cemeteries. So just there.. WTF.

And then this shit with oil.. along my research the other day of this freemason stuff they were talking about using oil.


smear or rub with oil, typically as part of a religious ceremony.

What the hell is this all about? What's with this fucking oil. lol

"According to the web search results, freemasons use anointing oil as a symbol of sanctification, or the designation of the person or thing so anointed to a sacred use or to the performance of a particular function. Anointing oil is also used in some of the high degrees of Freemasonry, such as the Order of High Priesthood, and in the ceremony of installation of a High Priest."

335 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original


My name is Irving Finkel and I'm a curator in the British Museum in the Middle East Department. One of the interesting things about ancient magic is to, in a particular culture, look at things which are peculiar to that culture and things which all over the world people do and most of the things that happened in ancient Mesopotamia, written in cuneiform, are more or less like the sort of things you find everywhere. My favourite magic ritual, it's a manual written by an exorcist who wants to tell the future and he wants to practise necromancy so he's somebody who wants to bring a ghost up from where it's peacefully in the basement so to speak and I ask it questions and he has a special way of doing this. You have to get a skull and you put the skull on the table and you burn all this heady material to create the right atmosphere, and then there's a kind of oil which is used to anoint the skull and then when everything is ready this is what happens. The sun god, who really should know better, brings up from below the ghost of the dead person who goes into the skull, clack like that. And then the exorcist or the specialist, the necromancer, asks this spirit a question and- clack clack clack clack you're supposed to get a true answer by means of this skull but from this dead person who's inside it. Now that is a very interesting matter which I've been dying to try out, I've got a skull but the diabolical problem is getting the right stuff for the oil and in our supermarket you can't get all the bits. So this I think is something definitely worth trying at home if you have the opportunity you need to know who's going to win the Grand National? Get your great-grandfather's skull, put it on the kitchen table, bit of HP sauce ask the question, Fat City.

Who the fuck has got a skull on hand.. that shit's buried in cemeteries. So just there.. WTF.

And then this shit with oil.. along my research the other day of this freemason stuff they were talking about using oil.


smear or rub with oil, typically as part of a religious ceremony.

What the hell is this all about? What's with this fucking oil. lol

335 days ago
1 score