All LISP descendants and other functional languages do not implement any features with self-modifying code or code creation on-the-fly. All features done in "good practice" manner. AFAIK, most common approach is to parse sources, find all lambda calls and create all possible function variants that should be returned by lambdas in advance. On execution, it just execute apropriate precompiled piece of code that is already there.
The only widespreaded lisp implementations that still do its lambdas in original, runtime new code generation way is clisp and sbcl, AFAIK.
All LISP descendants and other functional languages do not implement any features with self-modifying code or code creation on-the-fly. All features done in "good practice" manner. AFAIK, most common approach is to parse sources and create all possible variants in advance. On execution, it just execute apropriate precompiled piece of code that is already there.
The only widespreaded lisp implementations that still do its lambdas in original, runtime new code generation way is clisp and sbcl, AFAIK.