Lithium is not an energy source. It is an element of very shitty, unreliable, uneffective and expensive energy storage devices. Even if you want that shitty energy storage devices for whatever reason, you still need to get that energy somewhere. And no, solar and wind is no way are a decent source of energy.
Lithium batteries are a dead end scientifically and from engineering point of view, but are an excellent way to suck endless money from customers. For the business, the most important property of that lithium shit is a number of charge-discharge cycles which is float near insanely low number of 500. It is a guarantee that a customer will buy another battery (or device as whole if battery is not replaceable). This is the only thing that make this industry very profitable and gives them ability to supress any research on other energy storage or energy producing tech.
Lithium is not an energy source. It is an element of very shitty, unreliable, uneffective and expensive energy storage devices. Even if you want that shitty energy storage devices for whatever reason, you still need to get that energy somewhere. And no, solar and wind is no way are a decent source of energy.