Flat Earth is a Jew conspiracy for all those Talmud lovers. It's always bombarded onto forums to deflect from real conspiracies and divide them. Then it forces the dystopia. It makes conspiracies look like real retards, causing them to be less believable to anybody else.
Dumbass. Is the Sun a disc, is the Moon, what about Mars? What shape are the planets in the sky? Why are you a dumb ass. Mars can be seen as Round like the Moon or the Sun. The simplest observation. Go look at the moon tonight, better when it's full. Watch it all night. Is it a disc? Wait till morning look at the Sun. Why are you on ! flat Planet. The simplest observation is look, they're round.
After doing the simplest observation possible. Why are you a monkey? The rest of your claims are as absurdly pointless.
Flat Earth is a Jew conspiracy for all those Talmud lovers. It's always bombarded onto forums to deflect from real conspiracies and divide them. Then it forces the dystopia. It makes conspiracies look like real retards, causing them to be less believable to anybody else.
Dumbass. Is the Sun a disc, is the Moon, what about Mars? What shape are the planets in the sky? Why are you a dumb ass. Mars can be seen as Round like the Moon or the Sun. The simplest observation. Go look at the moon tonight, better when it's full. Watch it all night. Is it a disc? Wait till morning look at the Sun. Why are you on flat Planet. When the simplest observation is look, they're round.
Flat Earth is a Jew conspiracy for all those Talmud lovers. It's always bombarded onto forums to deflect from real conspiracies and divide them. Then it forces the dystopia. It makes conspiracies look like real retards, causing them to be less believable to anybody else.
Dumbass. Is the Sun a disc, is the Moon, what about Mars? What shape are the planets in the sky? Why are you a dumb ass.
Flat Earth is a Jew conspiracy for all those Talmud lovers. It's always bombarded onto forums to deflect from real conspiracies and divide them. Then it forces the dystopia. It makes conspiracies look like real retards, causing them to be less believable to anybody else.
Dumbass. Is the Sun a disc, is the Moon, what about Mars? What shape our the planets in the sky?