It is gay, Eisenporn, Defender of eVoLuTiOn. Women should be home raising children and cooking dinner. Have you actually watched women’s “sports”? Junior high boys would destroy the World Cup women’s teams.
Are thousands of years of proven gender normative roles hard for you to grasp? Do gender roles trigger you? Didn’t they teach you how males and females differ in all those biology classes you supposedly took?
It is gay, Eisenporn, Defender of eVoLuTiOn. Women should be home raising children and cooking dinner. Have you actually watched women’s “sports”? Junior high boys would destroy the World Cup women’s teams.
Are thousands of years of proven gender normative roles hard for you to grasp? Do gender roles trigger you?
It is gay. Women should be home raising children and cooking dinner. Have you actually watched women’s “sports”? Junior high boys would destroy the World Cup women’s teams.
Are thousands of years of proven gender normative roles hard for you to grasp? Do gender roles trigger you?
It is gay. Women should be home raising children and cooking dinner. Are thousands of years of proven gender normative roles hard for you to grasp? Do gender roles trigger you?
It is gay. Women should be home raising children and cooking dinner. Are thousands of years of proven gender normative roles hard for you to grasp?