No, the serpent is called a bunch of different names this planet the World over in lot's of ancient cultures as something else. Like Quetzalcoatl. Tiamet?
Who is Lilith? Ishtar? Shiva?
How is Enki, Lucifer? What and who and how, are Cain and Abel named, in Egyptain?, and in Roman, called, Romulus and Remus.
In Greek war occurred by gods, against gods, causing? What about in the Bhagavad-Gita? They had son's of gods, human, born by gods, or blessed by gods? Warring how? What occurred?
No, the serpent is called a bunch of different names this planet the World over in lot's of ancient cultures as something else. Like Quetzalcoatl. Tiamet?
Who is Lilith? Ishtar? Shiva?
How is Enki, Lucifer? What and who and how are Cain and Able named in Egyptain and Roman.
In Greek war occurred by gods against gods causing. What about in the Bhagavad-Gita? They had son's of gods, human, born by gods, or blessed by gods? Warring how? What occurred?