It's easy - take a science and look if you could replicate experiments that prove or disprove basic theories of given science by yourself. Not necessary you have to do all that things in reality, but just evaluate a possibility of doing it by yourself, say on kitchen or in the garage.
With physics, chemistry and around it is pretty easy. Even if a science don't have absolute correct theory, final truth about our world, but existing theories give good predictions and proved by replicateable experiments, then you could be perfectly safe to accept that knowledge, even if it is incomplete, it is already useful and practical. It works.
Things get complicated when not only you can't replicate science experiment (for whatever reason, it does not matter), but other independent scientists didn't or ccouldn't replicate it, then there you should be careful. Regardless of the reason you or other scientists can't replicate experiment - "too expensive", "it depends on the researcher", "incomplete description", "you don't have to, that experts know better" and so on, it is a place for shenanigans and manipulation.
And the last and worst grade - if it is impossible to set a controlled experiment and get reproduceable results, like in "climate science", "sociology", "economy", "history" or whatever than it is 100%, absolute, total bullshit, and not a science at all.
It's easy - take a science and look if you could replicate experiments that prove or disprove basic theories of given science by yourself.
With physics, chemistry and around it is pretty easy.
Things get complicated when not only you can't replicate science experiment (for whatever reason, it does not matter), but other independent scientists didn't or ccouldn't replicate it, then there you should be careful. Regardless of the reason you or other scientists can't replicate experiment - "too expensive", "it depends on the researcher", "incomplete description", "you don't have to, that experts know better" and so on, it is a place for shenanigans and manipulation.
And the last and worst grade - if it is impossible to set a controlled experiment and get reproduceable results, like in "climate science", "sociology", "economy", "history" or whatever than it is 100%, absolute, total bullshit, and not a science at all.