/x/ thread : https://boards.4channel.org/x/thread/35442643#p35442657
edit: further down in the thread there's mention of "William Moore and Moore's public MUFON meltdown". i did a DDG search for that exact phrase and when i clicked the first link (https://www.openminds.tv/william-moore-ufo-opportunist-agent-disinformation/29056) firefox went all fucky. now, it stopped showing that link when I DDG "William Moore and Moore's public MUFON meltdown"
editx2: so i just posted the link in my brave browser, it seemed to work ok, went to another tab i had open, and when i went back to the tab with above link, the page was gone and i was being asked to update chrome.
i wish the glowies would get their shit together and get better at cross-referencing their watchlists. i'm already on at least a dozen. they don't need to add anymore spyware onto my computer. though, i guess if i'm wasting their resources, that's ok, too.
/x/ thread : https://boards.4channel.org/x/thread/35442643#p35442657
edit: further down in the thread there's mention of "William Moore and Moore's public MUFON meltdown". i did a DDG search for that exact phrase and when i clicked the first link (https://www.openminds.tv/william-moore-ufo-opportunist-agent-disinformation/29056) firefox went all fucky. now, it stopped showing that link when I DDG "William Moore and Moore's public MUFON meltdown"