Reason: None provided.
They are not fallen angels (i.e. if you take bible literally, you need to grow a brain first)
ETs never left, they were here first, not us
Nephilim are not equal to Anunnaki. Anunnaki were the Diğir (ET mortal high-tech godS who created the progenitors of modern humans). Whereas the Nephilim were the half-Anunnakin-half-genetically-bred-human offspring giants (i.e. children born to ET "gods" aka Anunnaki and genetically engineered human females raped by such Anunnaki ETs).
1 year ago
3 score
Reason: Original
They are not fallen angels (i.e. if you take bible literally, you need to grow a brain first)
ETs never left, they were here first, not us
1 year ago
1 score