assist a massive shill in continuing his shilling operation
So should I have just let it slide that right after Insurgent deleted his account because of someone sending him his dox on Scored, two people who I have previously regarded as incredibly suspect (one a known drug addict, the other a Romanian hitting on a 14yo girl) created a whitelisted chatroom, and it just so happens that they were plotting a home invasion, threatening his family and sharing that very same photo that got his home address leaked? All because you hate Insurgent?
You're a massive faggot for defending actual doxers because they targeted the right person in your view.
assist a massive shill in continuing his shilling operation
So should I have just let it slide that right after Insurgent deleted his account because of someone sending him his dox on Scored, two people who I have previously regarded as incredibly suspect (one a known drug addict, the other a Romanian hitting on a 14yo girl) created a whitelisted chatroom, and it just so happens that they were plotting a home invasion, threatening his family and sharing that very same photo that got his home address leaked? All because you hate Insurgent?
You're a massive faggot for defending actual doxers because they targeted the one you hate.
assist a massive shill in continuing his shilling operation
So should I have just let it slide that right after Insurgent deleted his account because of someone sending him his dox on Scored, two people who I have previously regarded as incredibly suspect (one a known drug addict, the other a Romanian hitting on a 14yo girl) created a whitelisted chatroom, and it just so happens that they were plotting a home invasion, threatening his family and sharing that very same photo that got his home address leaked? All because you hate Insurgent?
assist a massive shill in continuing his shilling operation
So should I have just let it slide that right after Insurgent deleted his account because of someone sending him his dox on Scored, two people who I have previously regarded as incredibly suspect (one a known drug addict, the other a Romanian hitting on a 14yo girl) created a whitelisted chatroom, and it just so happens that they were plotting a home invasion and sharing that very same photo that got his home address leaked? All because you hate Insurgent?