I got all the strains, to the point that I accused management of deliberately altering policy in order to increase employee exposure.
Each had a different primary symptom for me. (OG wheezing, ¿lambda? coughing, delta sneezing, Omicron sinus cold, etc...)
I work around thousands of vaxxed sheep. If the vax sheds, a lot of my illness could be attributed to airborne Spike exposure. None of my "long covid" symptoms arrived until after vaccine mandate implementation and unmasking of the zomboids.
I got all the strains, to the point that I accused management of deliberately altering policy in order to increase employee exposure.
Each had a different primary symptom for me. (OG wheezing, ¿lambda? coughing, delta sneezing, Omicron sinus cold, etc...)
I work around thousands of vaxxed sheep. If the vax sheds, a lot of my illness could be attributed to airborne S1 exposure. None of my "long covid" symptoms arrived until after vaccine mandate implementation and unmasking of the zomboids.