Christ god, that is so sadly ignorant. When you take a college course in quantum mechanics get back to me, but right now you're at below high school level. You should up your game and learn better things.
"Gravity is a hoax" (facepalm) (dropping a Monty Python 5 ton weight on your foot. It won't hurt because it's a hoax.)
Laser light is a batch of particle waves, particles made of wave packets running in the electromagnetic fields. They are energy manifesting in space as self-contained waves regions that travel as tiny tiny packet blobs. Imagine little jello blobs but the jello is energy in space, oscillating / quivering. That's a photon.
Christ god, that is so sadly ignorant. When you take a college course in quantum mechanics get back to me, but right now you're at below high school level. You should up your game and learn better things.
"Gravity is a hoax" (facepalm) (dropping a Monty Python 5 ton weight on your foot. It won't hurt because it's a hoax.)
Laser light is a batch of particle waves, particles made of wave packets running in the electromagnetic fields. They are energy manifesting in space as waves that travel as tiny tiny packet blobs.
Christ god, that is so sadly ignorant. When you take a college course in quantum mechanics get back to me, but right now you're at below high school level. You should up your game and learn better things.
"Gravity is a hoax" (facepalm)