- PERHAPS', adverb - "by chance"
- CHANCE, noun - "effect of an unknown cause"
If one represents effect (life); then lack of self discernment keeps cause (inception towards death) unknown to self.
In other words...knowledge (perceivable) can be ignored for understanding (suggested), which in return tempts effect to ignore cause.
Notice that the few are suggesting the many to "take a chance"... https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/abba/takeachanceonme.html
Edit: Right when she sings "it's magic"... https://img.gvid.tv/i/46mg3kCL.png
- PERHAPS', adverb - "by chance"
- CHANCE, noun - "effect of an unknown cause"
If one represents effect (life); then lack of self discernment keeps cause (inception towards death) unknown to self.
In other words...knowledge (perceivable) can be ignored for understanding (suggested), which in return tempts effect to ignore cause.
Notice that the few are suggesting the many to "take a chance"... https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/abba/takeachanceonme.html