Thanks! Once i was finally told i had diabetes i immediately stopped eating sugar. Also zero alcohol for 3 yrs now.
It was easy i retrained myself to look at sugar & carbs the same way i would look at a bottle of arsenic. Once you realize how bad refined sugars are it becomes second nature. There are alot of fruits and veg that are high glycemic (high fructose) that i lump into the poison category. Anything on a label that ends in OSE are foods to avoid.
Once i was finally told i had diabetes i immediately stopped eating sugar. Also zero alcohol for 3 yrs now.
It was easy i retrained myself to look at sugar & carbs the same way i would look at a bottle of arsenic. Once you realize how bad refined sugars are it becomes second nature. There are alot of fruits and veg that are high glycemic (high fructose) that i lump into the poison category. Anything on a label that ends in OSE are foods to avoid.