When I was younger, and I while I had seen a couple ufos, I didnt really believe in aliens. Well because I believed what mainstream said about it.
At one point, I thought there is a good chance they are time travelers from the future, that would explain why they never interfere. May also explain crop circles as some weird form of communication. But I believe now most, if not all crop circles are likely fake.
Why are you guys so convinced that only one religion can be right? Are you truly arrogant enough to believe that your god is the only god that has been worshiped on this planet?
Anyway, its funny as you research these ancient "pagan" "devil" religions, that they all eerily sound the same.
Creation of mankind, the big flood, these things likely did happen.....
I do however really like the theory that they could be living entities as well which was the plot behind the movie "Nope". But there isnt a whole lot of evidence for that.
The chariots that the gods would fly on..... different story.
When I was younger, and I while I had seen a couple ufos, I didnt really believe in aliens. Well because I believed what mainstream said about it.
At one point, I thought there is a good chance they are time travelers from the future, that would explain why they never interfere. May also explain crop circles as some weird form of communication. But I believe now most, if not all crop circles are likely fake.
Why are you guys so convinced that only one religion can be right? Are you truly arrogant enough to believe that your god is the only god that has been worshiped on this planet?
Anyway, its funny as you research these ancient "pagan" "devil" religions, that they all eerily sound the same.
Creation of mankind, the big flood, these things likely did happen.....
I do however really like the theory that they could be living entities as well which was the plot behind the movie "Nope". But there isnt a whole lot of evidence for that.
The chariots that the gods flew..... different story.
When I was younger, and I while I had seen a couple ufos, I didnt really believe in aliens. Well because I believed what mainstream said about it.
At one point, I thought there is a good chance they are time travelers from the future, that would explain why they never interfere. May also explain crop circles as some weird form of communication. But I believe now most, if not all crop circles are likely fake.
Why are you guys so convinced that only one religion can be right? Are you truly arrogant enough to believe that your god is the only god that has been worshiped on this planet?
Anyway, its funny as you research these ancient "pagan" "devil" religions, that they all eerily sound the same.
Creation of mankind, the big flood, these things likely did happen.....