You cannot claim that you have free will, when the insitution you pledge alleigance to is the antithesis of free will.
The conditioning required to get people to believe a religion where you are assuredly deprived of free will for dogma where you can be sent to hell for bragging is how they will also get us into beliving that changing sexes is like changing clothes in the future.
You cannot claim that you have free will, when the insitution you pledge alleigance to is the antithesis of free will.
The conditioning required to get people to believe a religion where you are assuredly deprived of free will for dogma where you can be sent to hell fkr bragging once is how they will also get us into beliving that changing sexes is like changing clothes in the future.
You cannot claim that you have free will, when the insitution you pledge alleigance to is the antithesis of free will.
The conditioning required to get people to believe a religion where you are assuredly deprived of free will for dogma is how they will also get us into beliving that changing sexes is like changing clothes in the future.