What the fuck is that crap. I didn't ask you to fill in the blanks.
Bullet points. They were explanatory. You can add bullet points, hence I stated there's probably more, and I did it quickly. I didn't need the freaking nonsense.
Now add some factors of why, and how.
It was named after him. Tell me about his ties to the church? However we are talking all the way up the Baltics, western Russia. Chunks of Eastern Europe. Who was this holy roman emperor?
Yes the sanskrit is the planet's oldest language apart from some that is undeciphered because it has no known context. There are a few instances of this. Possibly even in Russia. As well as the Mediterranean, MesoAmerica, etc. Prior to that are glyphs and carvings of various descriptions.
What the fuck is that crap. I didn't ask you to fill in the blanks.
Bullet points. They were explanatory. You can add bullet points, hence I stated there's probably more, and I did it quickly. I didn't need the freaking nonsense.
Now add some factors of why, and how.
It was named after him. Tell me about his ties to the church? However we are talking all the way up the Baltics, western Russia. Chunks of Eastern Europe. Who was this holy roman emperor?
Yes the sanskrit is the planet's oldest language apart from some that is undeciphered because it has no known context.
What the fuck is that crap. I didn't ask you to fill in the blanks.
Bullet points. They were explanatory. You can add bullet points, hence I stated there's probably more, and I did it quickly. I didn't need the freaking nonsense.
Now add some factors of why, and how.
It was named after him. Tell me about his ties to the church? However we are talking all the way up the Baltics, western Russia. Chunks of Eastern Europe. Who was this holy roman emperor?
Yes the sanskrit is the planet's oldest language apart from some that undeciphered because it has no known context.
What the fuck is that crap. I didn't ask you to fill in the blanks.
Bullet points. They were explanatory. You can add bullet points, hence I stated there's probably more, and I did it quickly. I didn't need the freaking nonsense.
Now add some factors of why, and how.
It was named after him. Tell me about his ties to the church? However we are talking all the way up the Baltics, western Russia. Chunks of Eastern Europe. Who was this holy roman emperor?