Telegram didn't go underground it ignored local laws assisting users to circumvent them and hugely enlarged its userbase.
Size of userbase is the only thing that matters for profit in case of "everything app" too.
If Musk really "wants to make Twitter the everything app", then he have to enlarge its userbase, and by abiding local laws like European or Turkish or whatever he hugely shrink it.
Bank accounts and such have nothing to do with "everything app". Musk already played with Dogecoin and perfectly know that he don't need to be legit anywhere outside USA to creale working financial system for his "everything app" that will be resistant to any local regulations and so will attract even more users and even tunnel noticeable part of money traffic from local instutions to his "everything app".
Durov was not able to start his TON payment project only because US SEC didn't allow him to do that and he account US as his base jusrisdiction. He didn't give any fuck about legality in any other jurisdiction where Telegram is working (i.e. all other jusrisdictions, even those where Telegram is officially banned) at all.
Turkey authorities and legislators have nothing to do with Twitter jurisdiction, so absolutely nothing from that side could be a reason for Musk to refuse to add more users in Turkey.
So censoring political stuff at Turkey request is not about anything connected with "everything app" at all. It just could not be. More likely it was an order from his handlers.
Telegram didn't go underground it ignored local laws assisting users to circumvent them and hugely enlarged its userbase.
Size of userbase is the only thing that matters for profit in case of "everything app" too.
If Musk really "wants to make Twitter the everything app", then he have to enlarge its database, and by abiding local laws like European or Turkish or whatever he hugely shrink it.
Bank accounts and such have nothing to do with "everything app". Musk already played with Dogecoin and perfectly know that he don't need to be legit anywhere outside USA to creale working financial system for his "everything app" that will be resistant to any local regulations and so will attract even more users and even tunnel noticeable part of money traffic from local instutions to his "everything app".
Durov was not able to start his TON payment project only because US SEC didn't allow him to do that and he account US as his base jusrisdiction. He didn't give any fuck about legality in any other jurisdiction where Telegram is working (i.e. all other jusrisdictions, even those where Telegram is officially banned) at all.
Turkey authorities and legislators have nothing to do with Twitter jurisdiction, so absolutely nothing from that side could be a reason for Musk to refuse to add more users in Turkey.
So censoring political stuff at Turkey request is not about anything connected with "everything app" at all. It just could not be. More likely it was an order from his handlers.