Show what? Evidence for the world being flat?
The most obvious evidence comes from hydrostatics (the study of water at rest). Water cannot and does not constantly curve convexly in the manner the globe model requires it to.
The belief that it does, because it must for the world to be spherical (and believed largely covered in water), is just that - an unempirical [aka unscientific] belief.
When water’s surface at rest is measured - barring negligible surface tension artifacts and under natural conditions - it is always level, flat, and horizontal. There are no exceptions, which is why it has been a law of hydrostatics for more than 3 centuries.
I feel it is important to mention/caution that having evidence for something does not make something true.
Show what? Evidence for the world being flat?
The most obvious evidence comes from hydrostatics (the study of water at rest). Water cannot and does not constantly curve convexly in the manner the globe model requires it to.
The belief that it does, because it must for the world to be spherical (and believed largely covered in water), is just that - an unempirical [aka unscientific] belief.
When water’s surface at rest is measured - barring negligent surface tension artifacts and under natural conditions - it is always level, flat, and horizontal. There are no exceptions, which is why it has been a law of hydrostatics for more than 3 centuries.
I feel it is important to mention/caution that having evidence for something does not make something true.
Show what? Evidence for the world being flat?
The most obvious evidence comes from hydrostatics (the study of water at rest). Water cannot and does not constantly curve convexly in the manner the globe model requires it to.
The belief that it does, because it must for the world to be spherical, is just that - an unempirical [aka unscientific] belief.
When water’s surface at rest is measured - barring negligent surface tension artifacts and under natural conditions - it is always level, flat, and horizontal. There are no exceptions, which is why it has been a law of hydrostatics for more than 3 centuries.
I feel it is important to mention/caution that having evidence for something does not make something true.