Because not everything on Earth is a business
Online services worth paying for are.
I don't account spreading the useful information or connecting people as a business
Match making has always been a business. A dating service is a business, whether online or not. Communication and information services in general are businesses, and were long before the internet.
You've proven you don't know anything about running an online business of any significance. Keeping a little outdated information server up isn't equivalent to running a real e-business in 2023. It isn't "bloated frameworks" or any nonsense that requires them to hire staff. A small online business has needs for all sorts of things: customer service, continued development, administration and marketing, like any business.
And of course creating a business that helps both clients and employees is a benefit to society. You socialists are crazy. You call good evil and evil good.
Because not everything on Earth is a business
Online services worth paying for are.
I don't account spreading the useful information or connecting people as a business
Match making has always been a business. A dating service is a business, whether online or not. Communication services in general are businesses, long before the internet.
You've proven you don't know anything about running an online business of any significance. Keeping a little outdated information server up isn't equivalent to running a real e-business in 2023. It isn't "bloated frameworks" or any nonsense that requires them to hire staff. A small online business has needs for all sorts of things: customer service, continued development, administration and marketing, like any business.
And of course creating a business that helps both clients and employees is a benefit to society. You socialists are crazy. You call good evil and evil good.
Because not everything on Earth is a business
Online services worth paying for are.
I don't account spreading the useful information or connecting people as a business
Match making has always been a business. A dating service is a business, whether online or not. Communication services in general are businesses, long before the internet.
You've proven you don't know anything about running an online business of any significance. Keeping a little outdated information server up isn't equivalent to running a real e-business in 2023. It isn't "bloated frameworks" or any nonsense that requires them to hire staff. A small business has needs for all sorts of things, customer service, continued development, administration, marketing, like any business.
And of course creating a business that helps both clients and employees is a benefit to society. You socialists are crazy. You call good evil and evil good.
Because not everything on Earth is a business
Online services worth paying for are.
I don't account spreading the useful information or connecting people as a business
Match making has always been a business. A dating service is a business, whether online or not. Communication services are businesses, long before the internet.
You've proven you don't know anything about running an online business of any significance. Keeping a little outdated information server up isn't equivalent to running a real e-business in 2023. It isn't "bloated frameworks" or any nonsense that requires them to hire staff. A small business has needs for all sorts of things, customer service, continued development, administration, marketing, like any business.
And of course creating a business that helps both clients and employees is a benefit to society. You socialists are crazy. You call good evil and evil good.
Because not everything on Earth is a business
Online services worth paying for are.
I don't account spreading the useful information or connecting people as a business
Match making has always been a business. A dating service is a business, whether online or not. Communication services are businesses, long before the internet.
You've proven you don't know anything about running an online business of any significance. Keeping a little outdated information server up isn't equivalent to running a real e-business in 2023. It isn't about "bloated frameworks" or any of that nonsense that requires them to hire staff. A small business has needs for all sorts of things, customer service, continued development, administration, marketing, like any business.
And of course creating a business that helps both clients and employees is a benefit to society. You socialists are crazy. You call good evil and evil good.