This governor should be strung up and hanged and impaled at the same time. When he slides too far down the pike, yank on that rope around his neck.
Minnesota governor is a fat pedophile faggot who deserves to be executed. He's a pussy faggot and can't defend himself. The police who guard him for a shitty government wage deserve to be impaled too. The sweet day they are all mowed down comes upon us soon.
If it is merely a distraction, take little time adjudicating his trial, sentencing and execution. Make quick work of it. I don't care if he's governor or king of TimBukTu. Fry 'im.
Oh wait. Republicans are useless faggots. Looks like we need a new political party, boys. What flag shall we unite under?
This governor should be strung up and hanged and impaled at the same time. When he slides too far down the pike, yank on that rope around his neck.
Minnesota governor is a fat pedophile faggot who deserves to be executed. He's a pussy faggot and can't defend himself. The police who guard him for a shitty government wage deserve to be impaled too. The sweet day they are all mowed down comes upon us soon.
If it is merely a distraction, take little time adjudicating his trial, sentencing and execution. Make quick work of it.
Oh wait. Republicans are useless faggots. Looks like we need a new political party, boys. What flag shall we unite under?
This governor should be strung up and hanged and impaled at the same time. When he slides too far down the pike, yank on that rope around his neck.
Minnesota governor is a fat pedophile faggot who deserves to be executed. He's a pussy faggot and can't defend himself. The police who guard him for a shitty government wage deserve to be impaled too. The sweet day they are all mowed down comes upon us soon.
If it is merely a distraction, take little time adjudicating his sentencing and execution. Make quick work of it.
This governor should be strung up and hanged and impaled at the same time. When he slides too far down the pike, yank on that rope around his neck.
Minnesota governor is a fat pedophile faggot who deserves to be executed. He's a pussy faggot and can't defend himself. The police who guard him for a shitty government wage deserve to be impaled too. The sweet day they are all mowed down comes upon us soon.