Because Dinosaurs means evolution existed. You have all these small rats or marsupials that turn into larger animals with the dinosaur's absence. There were also bones of cavemen dug up, which look nothing like Homo Sapiens.
People tend to forget that "God created man from Adam and Eve" is another Talmudic myth. The Gnostic myth of Yaldabaoth summed it up well enough, there's a reason why the Dark Age Vatican went out of their way to kill these people. For them, God just wants people to be sheep and we should be sheep to him.
Because Dinosaurs means evolution existed. You have all these small rats or marsupials that turn into larger animals with the dinosaur's absence. There were also bones of cavemen dug up, which look nothing like Homo Sapiens.
People tend to forget that "God created man from Adam and Eve" is another Talmudic myth. The Gnostic myth of Yaldabaoth summed it up well enough, there's a reason why the Dark Age Vatican went out of their way to kill these people.