Literally whatabout. Kek.
Those who can't withstand "what about" questions are dumb shills.
I'm not American.
And you are not Russian too.
So both situations with "squatters" should be exactly the same for you, as a side observer. If you are a sane human, then, your attitude should be absolutely equal for both.
It is pretty simple - if Americans have all rights to account USA their land, Russians have all rights to account Crimea their for the exactly same whatever reason. If Russians can't have rights for Crimea, than, obviously Americans can't have rights for North America, again, for exactly same whatever reason.
It is named consistency if you are not aware. If your thougts is not consistent, then you have some mental illness.
But of course you obviously can't have logic, which is obvious because you are heavily triggered by "what about" question. :)
PS: And along all that, you still didn't tell for what fucking reason do you think that LARP state Ukraine have any right for Crimea. :) Are you aware, that Crimea become independent from USSR before Ukrainie? Are you aware that Crimea had a president and parliament? Are you aware, that Crimea being idependent was invaded by Ukraine not long since Ukraine exited USSR? I'm not even talk that "agreement" between three criminals - Eltsin, Kravchuk and Shushkevich was signed in secret from public and directly contradicted to the results of referendum that was held right before their criminal conspiracy.
So, you have to somehow prove that Ukraine really have any rights for Crimea.
Literally whatabout. Kek.
Those who can't withstand "what about" questions are dumb shills.
I'm not American.
And you are not Russian too.
So both situations with "squatters" should be exactly the same for you, as a side observer. If you are a sane human, then, your attitude should be absolutely equal for both.
It is pretty simple - if Americans have all rights to account USA their land, Russians have all rights to account Crimea their for the exactly same reason. If Russians can't have rights for Crimea, than, obviously Americans can't have rights for North America, again, for exactly same reason.
It is named consistency if you are not aware. If your thougts is not consistent, then you have some mental illness.
But of course you obviously can't have logic, which is obvious because you are heavily triggered by "what about" question. :)
Literally whatabout. Kek.
Those who can't withstand "what about" questions are dumb shills.
I'm not American.
And you are not Russian too.
So both situations with "squatters" should be exactly the same for you, as a side observer. If you are a sane human, then, your attitude should be absolutely equal for both.
But of course you obviously can't have logic, which is obvious because you are heavily triggered by "what about" question. :)