It's disappointing to see the down votes here. We can't be a cult, if the goal is to find the truth. The fact that not one other person upvoted your comment is a sign that we are becoming a cult.
If there is a theory to discuss, then let's discuss the merits of it, but just down-voting somebody who posted a link to the video that makes a pretty good case that the shoe theory is debunked, that's not critical thinking - that's cult behavior.
It's disappointing to see the down votes here. We can't be a cult, if the goal is to find the truth. The fact that not one other person upvoted your comment is a sign that we are becoming a cult.
If there is a theory to discuss, then let's discuss the merits of it, but just down-voting somebody who posted a link to the video that makes a pretty good case that the shoe theory is debunked, that's not critical thinking - that's acting like a cult.
It's disappointing to see the down votes here. We can't be a cult, the goal is to find the truth. The fact that not one other person upvoted your comment is a sign that we are becoming a cult.
The shoes have been properly debunked. I made a post about the shoes and pointed out the digital anomalies in the footage, but even in my small analysis it was very clear that the puma shoe everybody was talking about was not in any of the frames. So, if there's a new theory because something feels off about the video, then let's talk about that, but we can't beat a dead horse. The shoes in the hallway footage or not the fucking puma shoes that everybody said they are. Beating a dead horse like this is a great way to make people think that "conspiracy theorists" are a bunch of idiots.