From the point of view of average Western citizen who is already brainwashed about holohoax in generations and feeded now with new brainwashing about woke crap, yes, he is. Western MSM tell Western citizen routinely, that Putin does not push LGBTXYZ+, ESG, climatehoax, BLM, satanism and other crap to his citizens and even dare to openly declare unacceptability of all that shit and that family is a union of biological man and a biological woman only and that is why Putin is bad.
There are much more woke crap propaganda, than anything about role of jews in Western MSM. So average citizen who is tired enough from that crap does not have similar input about jews to become tired from them too. But to think a little about who is behind scene is too complex for him. That is why he easily fall into believing that Putin is savior of White Christians.
And unfortunately, he will never see your picture, because it is not in MSM he consume.
I will not be amased at all if there is a noticeable number of Western citizens who will easily vote for Putin on elections in their countries if somehow he will be in the list.
Funny, but image of Putin as a saviour of White Christians in the eyes of Western audience is carefully built exclusively by efforts of Western MSM.
From the point of view of average Western citizen who is already brainwashed about holohoax in generations and feeded now with new brainwashing about woke crap, yes, he is. Western MSM tell Western citizen routinely, that Putin does not push LGBTXYZ+, ESG, climatehoax, BLM, satanism and other crap to his citizens and even dare to openly declare unacceptability of all that shit and that family is a union biological man and a biological woman only and that is why Putin is bad.
There are much more woke crap propaganda, than anything about role of jews in Western MSM. So average citizen who is tired enough from that crap does not have similar input about jews to become tired from them too. But to think a little about who is behind scene is too complex for him. That is why he easily fall into believing that Putin is savior of White Christians.
And unfortunately, he will never see your picture, because it is not in MSM he consume.
I will not be amased at all if there is a noticeable number of Western citizens who will easily vote for Putin on elections in their countries if somehow he will be in the list.
Funny, but image of Putin as a saviour of White Christians in the eyes of Western audience is carefully built exclusively by efforts of Western MSM.
From the point of view of average Western citizen who is already brainwashed about holohoax in generations and feeded now with new brainwashing about woke crap, yes, he is. Western MSM tell Western citizen routinely, that Putin does not push LGBTXYZ+, ESG, climatehoax, BLM, satanism and other crap to his citizens and even openly declare unacceptability of all that shit and that family is a union biological man and a biological woman only and that is why Putin is bad.
There are much more woke crap propaganda, than anything about role of jews in Western MSM. So average citizen who is tired enough from that crap does not have similar input about jews to become tired from them too. But to think a little about who is behind scene is too complex for him. That is why he easily fall into believing that Putin is savior of White Christians.
And unfortunately, he will never see your picture, because it is not in MSM he consume.
I will not be amased at all if there is a noticeable number of Western citizens who will easily vote for Putin on elections in their countries if somehow he will be in the list.
Funny, but image of Putin as a saviour of White Christians in the eyes of Western audience is carefully built exclusively by efforts of Western MSM.
From the point of view of average Western citizen who is already brainwashed about holohoax in generations and feeded now with new brainwashing about woke crap, yes, he is. Western MSM tell Western citizen routinely, that Putin does not push LGBTXYZ+, ESG, climatehoax, BLM, satanism and other crap to his citizens and even openly declare unacceptability of all that shit and that family is a union biological man and a biological woman only and that is why Putin is bad.
There are much more woke crap propaganda, than anything about role of jews in Western MSM. So average citizen who is tired enought from that crap does not have similar input about jews to become tired from them too. But to think a little about who is behind scene is too complex for him. That is why he easily fall into believing that Putin is savior of White Christians.
And unfortunately, he will never see your picture, because it is not in MSM he consume.
I will not be amased at all if there is a noticeable number of Western citizens who will easily vote for Putin on elections in their countries if somehow he will be in the list.
Funny, but image of Putin as a saviour of White Christians in the eyes of Western audience is carefully built exclusively by efforts of Western MSM.