It's just that you imply their group behaves homogenously when even your own group doesn't. Building them up to be something they aren't is more of a scapegoating thing and less of a Righting the Wrongs thing.
It's like your ilk refuse to see that there are different types of different people. Such as, there's the Mexican mother in a patterned dress hanging clothes on the line near her chicken coop singing De Colores. Then there's the Mexican mami with a spiderweb tattoo going down her trigger finger and she wears leather and slings fenty to schoolkids. Is a Mexican is a Mexican is a Mexican?
But then you say "a jew is a jew is a jew" like you leaned into reductionism so hard that you achieved Singularity.
It's just that you imply their group behaves homogenously when even your own group doesn't. Building them up to be something they aren't is more of a scapegoating thing and less of a Righting the Wrongs thing.
It's like your ilk refuse to see that there are different types of different people. Such as, there's the Mexican mother in a patterned dress hanging clothes on the line near her chicken coop singing De Colores. Then there's the Mexican mami with a spiderweb tattoo going down her trigger finger and she wears leather and slings fenty to schoolkids.
But then you: "a jew is a jew is a jew" like you leaned into reductionism so hard that you achieved Singularity.