edit2: FOUND IT! https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/10nxclv/how_is_a_top_mod_of_topmindsofreddit_also_a_top/
But, my comment breaking down the mods aside from /Moranall was also deleted by /conspiracy mods... That said, Reveddit to the rescue: https://www.reveddit.com/v/conspiracy/comments/10nxclv/how_is_a_top_mod_of_topmindsofreddit_also_a_top/j6bgi77/
Long story short, all I did was summarize their mod's power structure.
One of their top mods, /akwardtheturtle, has well over 60,000,000 people under their "control" through modding subs like /art (22mil), /TwoXChromosomes (13mil), and /whomesomememes (13mil) to name a few. Plus TMOR of course.
/RalphiesBoogers has about 20,000,000 under their control.
/duckvimes runs subs like /actualconspiracies, /dylanroof, and /whiteeurope. Those last 2 definitely aren't blatantly obvious honeypots, I'm sure.
/facehammer mods /conspiratard (TMOR's foundation) and /GroupStalking plus numerous others.
This one is hilarious, /Moranall runs a plethora of subs, one being "/AgainstHateSubreddits" which is so hilarious ironic that I actually lold. They also mod /conspiracytheories
That was about long story short. The /conspiracy mods removed it, then I was inundated with people telling me to kill myself, then my account was sitewide permabanned with no offending comment linked. It literally said I was "breaking the rules" without citing anything specific.
edit: oh, and if you find that curious. One of the top /conspiracy mods is the only mod on /palantir. The other is suspended.
I did not, unfortunately. But, the account wasn't deleted, just sitewide permabanned so it should be findable somehow..?
However, the mods at /conspiracy removed the post so I'm not sure if that'll make it impossible to find considering the permaban status of the account. I've tried searching (without an account) but no luck.
Long story short, all I did was summarize their mod's power structure.
One of their top mods, /akwardtheturtle, has well over 60,000,000 people under their "control" through modding subs like /art (22mil), /TwoXChromosomes (13mil), and /whomesomememes (13mil) to name a few. Plus TMOR of course.
/RalphiesBoogers has about 20,000,000 under their control.
/duckvimes runs subs like /actualconspiracies, /dylanroof, and /whiteeurope. Those last 2 definitely aren't blatantly obvious honeypots, I'm sure.
/facehammer mods /conspiratard (TMOR's foundation) and /GroupStalking plus numerous others.
This one is hilarious, u/Moranall runs a plethora of subs, one being "/AgainstHateSubreddits" which is so hilarious ironic that I actually lold. They also mod /conspiracytheories
That was about long story short. The /conspiracy mods removed it, then I was inundated with people telling me to kill myself, then my account was sitewide permabanned with no offending comment linked. It literally said I was "breaking the rules" without citing anything specific.
edit: oh, and if you find that curious. One of the top /conspiracy mods is the only mod on /palantir. The other is suspended.
I did not, unfortunately. But, the account wasn't deleted, just sitewide permabanned so it should be findable somehow..?
However, the mods at /conspiracy removed the post so I'm not sure if that'll make it impossible to find considering the permaban status of the account. I've tried searching (without an account) but no luck.
Long story short, all I did was summarize their mod's power structure.
One of their top mods, /akwardtheturtle, has well over 60,000,000 people under their "control" through modding subs like /art (22mil), /TwoXChromosomes (13mil), and /whomesomememes (13mil) to name a few. Plus TMOR of course.
/RalphiesBoogers has about 20,000,000 under their control.
/duckvimes runs subs like /actualconspiracies, /dylanroof, and /whiteeurope. Those last 2 definitely aren't blatantly obvious honeypots, I'm sure.
/facehammer mods /conspiratard (TMOR's foundation) and /GroupStalking.
This one is hilarious, u/Moranall runs a plethora of subs, one being "/AgainstHateSubreddits" which is so hilarious ironic that I actually lold. They also mod /conspiracytheories
That was about long story short. The /conspiracy mods removed it, then I was inundated with people telling me to kill myself, then my account was sitewide permabanned with no offending comment linked. It literally said I was "breaking the rules" without citing anything specific.
I did not, unfortunately. But, the account wasn't deleted, just sitewide permabanned so it should be findable somehow..?
However, the mods at /conspiracy removed the post so I'm not sure if that'll make it impossible to find considering the permaban status of the account. I've tried searching (without an account) but no luck.
Long story short, all I did was summarize their mod's power structure.
One of their top mods, /akwardtheturtle, has well over 60,000,000 people under their "control" through modding subs like /art (22mil), /TwoXChromosomes (13mil), and /whomesomememes (13mil) to name a few. Plus TMOR of course.
/RalphiesBoogers has about 20,000,000 under their control.
/duckvimes runs subs like /actualconspiracies, /dylanroof, and /whiteeurope. Those last 2 definitely aren't blatantly obvious honeypots, I'm sure.
/facehammer mods /conspiratard (TMOR's foundation) and /GroupStalking.
This one is hilarious, u/Moranall runs a plethora of subs, one being "anti-hate" which is "/AgainstHateSubreddits". They also mod /conspiracytheories
That was about long story short. The /conspiracy mods removed it, then I was inundated with people telling me to kill myself, then my account was sitewide permabanned with no offending comment linked. It literally said I was "breaking the rules" without citing anything specific.
I did not, unfortunately. But, the account wasn't deleted, just sitewide permabanned so it should be findable somehow..?
However, the mods at /conspiracy removed the post so I'm not sure if that'll make it impossible to find considering the permaban status of the account. I've tried searching (without an account) but no luck.
Long story short, all I did was summarize their mod's power structure.
One of their top mods, /akwardtheturtle, has well over 60,000,000 people under their "control" through modding subs like /art (22mil), /TwoXChromosomes (13mil), and /whomesomememes (13mil) to name a few. Plus TMOR of course.
/RalphiesBoogers has about 20,000,000 under their control.
/duckvimes runs subs like /actualconspiracies, /dylanroof, and /whiteeurope. Those last 2 definitely aren't blatantly obvious honeypots, I'm sure.
/facehammer mods /conspiratard (TMOR's foundation) and /GroupStalking.
That was about long story short. The /conspiracy mods removed it, then I was inundated with people telling me to kill myself, then my account was sitewide permabanned with no offending comment linked. It literally said I was "breaking the rules" without citing anything specific.