You're bombarding me with crap, complete and utter feces pulled out of God knows where because it isn't your head.
You don't speak properly. I know what I said. All you've done is troll, take my words and then shit them out of your, and it isn't your brain.
There is no global tax. No global economy in that sense. The global economy relies on products and services and stocks and exchange. Your tax fund's your national services. Yes some goes to aid programs and etc. But you aren't buying Chinese nukes although anybody could argue otherwise. However the point remains. Without your national mint what value are your goods and services. All of a sudden you're selling we should all live where ever we want because our currency is exactly the same, and so is the price of everything. On what planet. Planet stupid. Stupidly you're suggesting a correlated iron shack in Africa is the same value as a condo in Florida. Why not, everybody is paid the same and taxed the same, and everything costs the same. Swiss engineering is suddenly failing American infrastructure. A steak will have the same weight and price in India oops, as in America.
No, dumbass you talk shit. It certainly isn't in any understanding of how currencies work, why we have them, and what they buy. In your universe there are no sanctions because there are these World police and everything looks the same everywhere, because everybody has exactly the same method and means of a single retarded little currency. All it has done is take your money and fund everywhere else. Everywhere else except your nation with no other value and purpose. It is simply another harbour for everybody else to sail into. You think mass migration now is bad wait until those wages are the same and the price is the same. Your taxes get funnelled to bongaboo, its infrastructure is suddenly yours.
There is currency, it won't all become digital any time soon. It is a digital coin by your national central back offered alongside its regular mint for the purpose of more online services. It like any other form of exchange is offered in your national currency.
You're bombarding me with crap, complete and utter feces pulled out of God knows where because it isn't your head.
You don't speak properly. I know what I said. All you've done is troll, take my words and then shit them out of your, and it isn't your brain.
There is no global tax. No global economy in that sense. The global economy relies on products and services and stocks and exchange. Your tax fund's your national services. Yes some goes to aid programs and etc. But you aren't buying Chinese nukes although anybody could argue otherwise. However the point remains. Without your national mint what value are your goods and services. All of a sudden you're selling we should all live where ever we want because our currency is exactly the same, and so is the price of everything. On what planet. Planet stupid. Stupidly you're suggesting a correlated iron shack in Africa is the same value as a condo in Florida. Why not, everybody is paid the same and taxed the same, and everything costs the same. Swiss engineering is suddenly failing American infrastructure. A steak will have the same weight and price in India oops, as in America.
No, dumbass you talk shit. It certainly isn't in any understanding of how currencies work, why we have them, and what they buy. In your universe there are no sanctions because there are these World police and everything looks the same everywhere, because everybody has exactly the same method and means of a single retarded little currency. All it has done is take your money and fund everywhere else. Everywhere else except your nation with no other value and purpose. It is simply another harbour.
There is currency, it won't all become digital any time soon. It is a digital coin by your national central back offered alongside its regular mint for the purpose of more online services. It like any other form of exchange is offered in your national currency.
You're bombarding me with crap, complete and utter feces pulled out of God knows where because it isn't your head.
You don't speak properly. I know what I said. All you've done is troll, take my words and then shit them out of your, and it isn't your brain.
There is no global tax. No global economy in that sense. The global economy relies on products and services and stocks and exchange. Your tax fund's your national services. Yes some goes to aid programs and etc. But you aren't buying Chinese nukes although anybody could argue otherwise. However the point remains. Without your national mint what value are your goods and services. All of a sudden you're selling we should all live where ever we want because our currency is exactly the same, and so is the price of everything. On what planet. Planet stupid. Stupidly you're suggesting a correlated iron shack in Africa is the same value as a condo in Florida. Why not, everybody is paid the same and taxed the same, and everything costs the same. Swiss engineering is suddenly failing American infrastructure. A steak will have the same weight and price in India oops, as in America.
No dumbass you talk shit. It certainly isn't in any understanding of how currencies work, why we have them, and what they buy. In your universe there are no sanctions becaus there are these World police and everything looks the same everywhere, because everybody has exactly the same method and means of a single retarded little currency. All it has done is take your money and fund everywhere else.
There is currency, it won't all become digital any time soon. It is a digital coin by your national central back offered alongside its regular mint for the purpose of more online services. It like any other form of exchange is offered in your national currency.