nay. slippery slope. also, as far as i can tell, the FE supporters have been less obnoxious about supporting FE than the FE deniers have been about denying FE (not that there isn't enough obnoxiousness to go around; just, imho, FE'rs are slightly less obnoxioes). imho, the more a commenter talks shit or disparages another user, the more sus that user's arcuments/comments.
those offended by FE material should just downvote and move on, just like with any other troll. engage to have a discussion, and if someone goes off the rails or relies on personal attack or trash talk, then fuck 'em.
not FE related, but there's a couple users/accounts that have proven themselves unwilling to be civil or shed more light than heat in their comments on a variety of issues. personally, i just ignore them & their b8 and move on.
ymmv :)
nay. slippery slope. also, as far as i can tell, the FE supporters have been less obnoxious about supporting FE than the FE deniers have been about denying FE. imho, the more a commenter talks shit or disparages another user, the more sus that user's arcuments/comments.