[claims to diagnose autism over the internet}
[absolutely no evidence of claims but likes to tell people his “point” has been proven]
What point, retard? You just call people names without evidence, think the vax is safe and effective, and believe we landed on the moon. So, I have evidence that you’re a retard. Get lost, retard.
[claims to diagnose autism over the internet}
[absolutely no evidence of claims but likes to tell people his “point” has been proven]
What point, retard? You just call people names without evidence, think the vax is safe and effective, and believe we landed on the moon. So, I have evidence that you’re a retard. Get lost, or “neck yourself”, retard.
[claims to diagnose autism over the internet}
[absolutely no evidence of claims but likes to tell people his “point” has been proven]
What point, retard? You just call people names without evidence, think the vax is safe and effective, and believe we landed on the moon. So, I have evidence that you’re a retard. Get lost, or “neck yourself”.
[claims to diagnose autism over the internet}
[absolutely no evidence of claims but likes to tell people his “point” has been proven]
What point, retard? You just call people names without evidence, think the vax is safe and effective, and believe we landed on the moon. Get lost, or “neck yourself”.