But altogether government is a different beast, a far more dangerous beast, because it operates completely outside the realm of consent, unlike a legitimate free market corporation.
There could not be consent, if you don't have a choice. Today, for employee there is not much choice among corporations. Everywhere he will find same totalitarism of "ruling class", without any signs of free market inside corporations.
Only small businesses today give their employees some sense of freedom and democracy in relations between employer and employees. In smal businesses, at least, you could just talk with boss about changing salary because of inflation or take a few days off, just because you want, deny to do some stupid shit and what is more important - to succesfully convince your boss that it is a total shit. All that stuff that represent kind of free market inside enterprise. But corporations colluded with state to destroy small business now. And further it goes, you have less and less possibility to find a job in a nice and friendly place instead of corporate socialist slavery.
But altogether government is a different beast, a far more dangerous beast, because it operates completely outside the realm of consent, unlike a legitimate free market corporation.
There could not be consent, if you don't have a choice. Today, for employee there is not much choice among corporations. Everywhere he will find same totaliarism of "ruling class", without any signs of free market inside corporations.
Only small businesses today give their employees some sense of freedom and democracy in relations between employer and employees. In smal businesses, at least, you could just talk with boss about changing salary because of inflation or take a few days off, just because you want, deny to do some stupid shit and what is more important - to succesfully convince your boss that it is a total shit. All that stuff that represent kind of free market inside enterprise. But corporations colluded with state to destroy small business now. And further it goes, you have less and less possibility to find a job in a nice and friendly place instead of corporate socialist slavery.