The concept has been fornicated, and it got turned into the hippy nazis.
Seriously when did the blackholes enter science?
Although there has been the dimensions, aether, and ghosts and goblins, mirrors, witchcraft and hokus pokus, for thousands of years.
Seemingly the Sun is now another vormhole. Because um science created the blackholes off the sun's supernova, then they can valhalla?
The Hippies.
Don't want to get into the rest of it. Just pointing out the obvious. Wormholes were created after the Nazis. And they still haven't been proved. In fact there is more proof of ghosts.
The concept has been fornicated, and it got turned into the hippy nazis.
Seriously when did the blackholes enter science?
Although there has been the dimensions, ether, and ghosts and goblins, mirrors, witchcraft and hokus pokus, for thousands of years.
Seemingly the Sun is now another vormhole. Because um science created the blackholes off the sun's supernova, then they can valhalla?
The Hippies.
Don't want to get into the rest of it. Just pointing out the obvious. Wormholes were created after the Nazis. And they still haven't been proved. In fact there is more proof of ghosts.
The concept has been fornicated, and it got turned into the hippy nazis.
Seriously when did the blackholes enter science?
Although there has been the dimensions, ether, and ghosts and goblins, mirrors, witchcraft and hokus pokus, for thousands of years.
Seemingly the Sun is now another vormhole. Because um science created the blackholes off the sun's supernova, then they can valhalla?
The Hippies.
Don't want to get into the rest of it. Just pointing out the obvious. Wormholes were created after the Nazis.
The concept has been fornicated, and it got turned into the hippy nazis.
Seriously when did the blackholes enter science?
Although there has been the dimensions, ether, and ghosts and goblins, mirrors, witchcraft and hokus pokus, for thousands of years.
Seemingly the Sun is now another vormhole. Because um science created the blackholes off the sun's supernova, then they can valhalla?
The Hippies.
The concept has been fornicated, and it got turned into the hippy nazis.