You should. I am quite sure according to the evolution the animals evolve. Like there's only animals, and any dinos had a headstart. So it is because the mice grew elephants. But why are elephants scared of mice, elephants spook from mice? I mean why are the elephants still here. After an even larger impact. The Greenland crater. But the dinos aren't. There's only little stupid geckos. I mean a few crocs. They aren't dinos.
Back reading stuff. Idiot. A skyscraper lasts less a lot less than a castle. It would be gone quicker. Much quicker in about 1000 odd years. Not much longer. Hell they put them up a 100 years ago. They're already tearing them down. Steel bridges take much longer so much longer. These structures last a duration of about 10-20 thousand years. That's it all modern human innovation gone. But there's these rotten dinos, made of flesh and bone. Nope they're made out of rocks. The fossils are these stupid little geckos. Until a paleontologist comes along. And sculpts together a gargoyle. Gargoyles are also made out of rocks with fossils in
Back to the dumbest human innovation, despite the evidence of humans less than 20 thousand years ago, having civilizations. It simply refused to recognise them. All because Rome patented all the Iron. Even the stone tablets have a different story, and there are the Talos Caves.
The dumbest human creation. Those dinosaurs. There are all the species outside not just the geckos. Trees cannot grow with dinos trampling them, eating billions of tonnes a week.
But those dinoes were needed to be wiped out, so the mice would become monkeys and you would become I just don't know what you are. Human oh yea. You believe in bullshit. Go read something like fiction.
You should. I am quite sure according to the evolution the animals evolve. Like there's only animals, and any dinos had a headstart. So it is because the mice grew elephants. But why are elephants scared of mice, elephants spook from mice? I mean why are the elephants still here. After an even larger impact. The Greenland crater. But the dinos aren't. There's only little stupid geckos. I mean a few crocs. They aren't dinos.
Back reading stuff. Idiot. A skyscraper lasts less a lot less than a castle. It would be gone quicker. Much quicker in about 1000 odd years. Not much longer. Hell they put them up a 100 years ago. They're already tearing them down. Steel bridges take much longer so much longer. These structures last a duration of about 10-20 thousand years. That's it all modern human innovation gone. But there's these rotten dinos, made of flesh and bone. Nope they're made out of rocks. The fossils are these stupid little geckos. Until a palaeontologist comes along. And sculpts together a gargoyle. Gargoyles are also made out of rocks with fossils in
Back to the dumbest human innovation, despite the evidence of humans less than 20 thousand years ago, having civilizations. It simply refused to recognise them. All because Rome patented all the Iron. Even the stone tablets have a different story, and there are the Talos Caves.
The dumbest human creation. Those dinosaurs. There are all the species outside not just the geckos. Trees cannot grow with dinos trampling them, eating billions of tonnes a week.
But those dinoes were needed to be wiped out, so the mice would become monkeys and you would become I just don't know what you are. Human oh yea. You believe in bullshit. Go read something like fiction.
You should. I am quite sure according to the evolution the animals evolve. Like there's only animals, and any dinos had a headstart. So it is because the mice grew elephants. But why are elephants scared of mice, elephants spook from mice? I mean why are the elephants still here. After an even larger impact. The Greenland crater. But the dinos aren't. There's only little stupid geckos. I mean a few crocs. They aren't dinos.
Back reading stuff. Idiot. A skyscraper lasts less a lot less than a castle. It would be gone quicker. Much quicker in about 1000 odd years. Not much longer. Hell they put them up a 100 years ago. They're already tearing them down. Steel bridges take much longer so much longer. These structures last a duration of about 10-20 thousand years. That's it all modern human innovation gone. But there's these rotten dinos, made of flesh and bone. Nope they're made out of rocks. The fossils are these stupid little geckos. Until a palaeontologist comes along. And sculpts together a gargoyle. Gargoyles are also made out of rocks with fossils in
Back to the dumbest human innovation, despite the evidence of humans less than 20 thousand years ago, having civilizations. It simply refused to recognise them. All because Rome patented all the Iron. Even the stone tablets have a different story, and there are the Talos Caves.
The dumbest human creation. Those dinosaurs. There are all the species outside not just the geckos. Trees cannot grow with dinos trampling them, eating billions of tonnes a week.
But those dinoes were needed to be wiped out, so the mice would become monkey's and you would become I just don't know what you are. Human oh yea. You believe in bullshit. Go read something like fiction.
You should. I am quite sure according to the evolution the animals evolve. Like there's only animals, and any dinos had a headstart. So it is because the mice grew elephants. But why are elephants scared of mice, elephants spook from mice? I mean why are the elephants still here. After an even larger impact. The Greenland crater. But the dinos aren't. There's only little stupid geckos. I mean a few crocs. They aren't dinos.
Back reading stuff. Idiot. A skyscraper lasts less a lot less than a castle. It would be gone quicker. Much quicker in about 1000 odd years. Not much longer. Hell they put them up a 100 years ago. They're already tearing them down. Steel bridges take much longer so much longer. These structures last a duration of about 10-20 thousand years. That's it all modern human innovation gone. But there's these rotten dinos, made of flesh and bone. Nope they're made out of rocks. The fossils are these stupid little geckos. Until palaeontologist comes along. And sculpts together a gargoyle. Gargoyles are also made out of rocks with fossils in
Back to the dumbest human innovation, despite the evidence of humans less than 20 thousand years ago, having civilizations. It simply refused to recognise them. All because Rome patented all the Iron. Even the stone tablets have a different story, and there are the Talos Caves.
The dumbest human creation. Those dinosaurs. There are all the species outside not just the geckos. Trees cannot grow with dinos trampling them, eating billions of tonnes a week.
But those dinoes were needed to be wiped out, so the mice would become monkey's and you would become I just don't know what you are. Human oh yea. You believe in bullshit. Go read something like fiction.
You should. I am quite sure according to the evolution the animals evolve. Like there's only animals, and any dinos had a headstart. So it is because the mice grew elephants. But why are elephants scared of mice, elephants spook from mice? I mean why are the elephants still here. But the dinos aren't. There's only little stupid geckos. I mean a few crocs. They aren't dinos.
Back reading stuff. Idiot. A skyscraper lasts less a lot less than a castle. It would be gone quicker. Much quicker in about 1000 odd years. Not much longer. Hell they put them up a 100 years ago. They're already tearing them down. Steel bridges take much longer so much longer. These structures last a duration of about 10-20 thousand years. That's it all modern human innovation gone. But there's these rotten dinos, made of flesh and bone. Nope they're made out of rocks. The fossils are these stupid little geckos. Until palaeontologist comes along. And sculpts together a gargoyle. Gargoyles are also made out of rocks with fossils in
Back to the dumbest human innovation, despite the evidence of humans less than 20 thousands years ago, having civilizations. It simply refused to recognise them. All because Rome patented all the Iron. Even the stone tablets have a different story, and there are the Talos Caves.
The dumbest human creation. Those dinosaurs. There are all the species outside not just the geckos. Trees cannot grow with dinos trampling them, eating billions of tonnes a week.
But those dinoes were needed to be wiped out, so the mice would become monkey's and you would become I just don't know what you are. Human oh yea. You believe in bullshit. Go read something like fiction.