We are doing typos on the Internet after you called me FBI? What a dumbass.
It must've been to prove Mrfoo is bestest grammar police. He isn't 2, if he said, your, properly. No, dumb dumb. You went and proved, not the FBI. So why the fuck did you say it. So clever.
We are doing typos on the Internet after you called me FBI? What a dumbass.
It must've been to prove Mrfoo is bestest grammar police. He isn't 2, if he said, your, properly. No, dumb dumb. You went and proved, mot the FBI. So why the fuck did you say it. So clever.
We are doing typos on the Internet after you called me FBI? What a dumbass.
It must've been to prove Mrfoo is bestest grammar police. He isn't 2, if he said your, properly. No, dumb dumb. You went and proved not the FBI. So why the fuck did you say it. So clever.
We are doing typos on the Internet after you called me FBI? What a dumbass.