actually, wikipedia was surprisingly insightful:
Swiss-based. Changed to US:
"Switzerland seemed like a great option in the beginning, but when it comes to freedom of speech, the main idea behind Voat, U.S. law by far beats every other candidate country we’ve researched."
Atif Colo
Justin Chastain
Ran out of money.
I wonder how many people used the site.... gui was always meh but the content/community was getting pretty good there at the end... ironically / tragically.
actually, wikipedia was surprisingly insightful:
Swiss-based. Changed to US:
"Switzerland seemed like a great option in the beginning, but when it comes to freedom of speech, the main idea behind Voat, U.S. law by far beats every other candidate country we’ve researched."
Atif Colo
Justin Chastain
Ran out of money.
I wonder how many people used the site.... gui was always meh but the content/community was getting pretty good there at the end... ironically.
actually, wikipedia was surprisingly insightful:
Swiss-based. Changed to US:
"Switzerland seemed like a great option in the beginning, but when it comes to freedom of speech, the main idea behind Voat, U.S. law by far beats every other candidate country we’ve researched."
Atif Colo
Justin Chastain
Ran out of money.
I wonder how many people used the site.... gui was always meh