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Nice one. It sounds reasonable. But questionably do they sit there conniving, plotting, and scheming like thieves in the night. Obviously on some things that are complete rituals, planned out and then orchestrated to provoke agenda. Or is more of it accidental and the product of circumstances adapting into agendas being propelled where they're subjective to the changing tides.

Obviously there are designs and machinations. But there is far more consequence adapting.

But you're suggesting in every paradox, false flag, your equation plays its hand because it is subjective to the same framework being inserted.

Where a signature is benchmarked? Like some other rapey serial killer's trophy. It sounds like a bad movie, of the zodiac killer, or etc.

But why would they leave their breadcrumbs all over it, for future A.I? Look at that pattern, the greatest American serial killers, were their own agencies. Perhaps it's for some other archived rituals, as they adorn the ram heads and the monk robes, drinking the adrenchrome, and orgying in the pentagrams, while the highest priest summons the next sacrifice, scrolling out the next event they will usurp?

It sounds a little farfetched and just a little too much effort. But I guess you never know. Because they have all these teams of monks in the rams heads, then the director just says yep go with that one. That one happens to be another George Floyd.

After the irony. I understand you. You're speaking of philosophy where the perfect murder needs a seasoning of betrayal, and, etc, etc, which you're philosophically professing links into this other meta of the former gods that you've named. But you could decree that pattern anywhere, you could keeping pulling it out of a hat. Although it doesn't change that action. Or why that action was intended. But what you're doing is the numbers in effect, hate those numbers, gammitra, they always count like in that film, the number 23.

Irony. Nope, I doubt that it's completely intended. Signing off on it would you care. It's the result, not the design you've authorised. Why would anybody care what that plotting was? Does that mean they're just another gullible piece in its agenda? Because the real puppetmasters are always being plagiarised. Damn it, have to wait until next time, for the perfect ritual.

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: Original

Nice one. It sounds reasonable. But questionably do they sit there conniving, plotting, and scheming like thieves in the night. Obviously on some things that are complete rituals, planned out and then orchestrated to provoke agenda. Or is more of it accidental and the product of circumstances adapting into agendas being propelled where they're subjective to the changing tides.

Obviously there are designs and machinations. But there is far more consequence adapting.

But you're suggesting in every paradox, false flag, your equation plays its hand because it is subjective to the same framework being inserted.

Where a signature is benchmarked? Like some other rapey serial killer's trophy. It sounds like a bad movie, of the zodiac killer, or etc.

But why would they leave their breadcrumbs all over it, for future A.I? Look at that pattern, the greatest American serial killers, were their own agencies. Perhaps it's for some other archived rituals, as they adorn the ram heads and the monk robes, drinking the adrenchrome, and orgying in the pentagrams, while the highest priest summons the next sacrifice, scrolling out the next event they will usurp?

It sounds a little farfetched and just a little too much effort. But I guess you never know. Because they have all these teams of monks in the rams heads, then the director just says yep go with that one. That one happens to be another George Floyd.

1 year ago
1 score