Could be. It’s important to remember things aren’t “1:1” in this worldview - golden things happen in base times, and base events happen in golden times. For example, we both seem to agree that approximately 12-13,000 years ago, the Younger Dryas Event happened - this was CATASTROPHIC, but it happened literally at the peak of the Golden age/Satya yuga.
So the worst thing to happen, happened at the “best” time, all else considered. That kind of understanding, plus my own limited perspective, mean I don’t make any hard judgements, just consider all the possibilities in some kind of probability matrix.
Could be. It’s important to remember things are “1:1” in this worldview. For example, we both seem to agree that approximately 12-13,000 years ago, the Younger Dryas Event happened - this was CATASTROPHIC, but it happened literally at the peak of the Golden age/Satya yuga.
So the worst thing to happen, happened at the “best” time, all else considered. That kind of understanding, plus my own limited perspective, mean I don’t make any hard judgements, just consider all the possibilities in some kind of probability matrix.