That's a good philosophical question. I think the answer would be different for each ideology/ethnic background. The Zulu would have a different answer than the CCP versus the liberal Europeans.
I think that is one of the reasons it is important to know thyself.
***I think there has been an attack on identity and making identity flexible because if you are firm and grounded in who you are, you can accomplish great things. ***
Know thyself, your purpose, your values. Not the ones imposed upon you. It's a difficult and lengthy process for many. And your beliefs on the afterlife or highest good.
For the liberal Europeans, because they are largely Spiteful Mutants, the ethical response would be to help invaders or self genocide.
Many more every year are demoralized, defeated in mind, have lost hope and faith and committed state assisted suicide.
I have seen some white groups (mostly boomers) dedicated to waking people up and informing others.
Other people are a bit more pragmatic and look at the sinking boat question.
If prayer and mediation strengthen you, which it does to many people, then that would be a good course. Wim Hof breathing and cold method.
Tucker Carlson had the Raw Egg Nationalist on his show, so some people eat raw eggs and workout.
Haidt's thesis is that we humans all have five foundations of morality – five sources of intuitions and emotions that drive everything we do:
Both conservatives and liberals all agree on the first two points; but the real trouble comes on the final three. As Haidt said in regard to those points, "We can say that liberals have a kind of a two-channel, or two-foundation morality. Conservatives have more of a five-foundation, or five-channel morality."
That's a good philosophical question. I think the answer would be different for each ideology/ethnic background. The Zulu would have a different answer than the CCP versus the liberal Europeans.
I think that is one of the reasons it is important to know thyself. I think there has been an attack on identity and making identity flexible because if you are firm and grounded in who you are, you can accomplish great things. Know thyself, your purpose, your values. Not the ones imposed upon you. It's a difficult and lengthy process for many. And your beliefs on the afterlife or highest good.
For the liberal Europeans, because they are largely Spiteful Mutants, the ethical response would be to help invaders or self genocide.
Many more every year are demoralized, defeated in mind, have lost hope and faith and committed state assisted suicide.
I have seen some white groups (mostly boomers) dedicated to waking people up and informing others.
Other people are a bit more pragmatic and look at the sinking boat question.
If prayer and mediation strengthen you, which it does to many people, then that would be a good course. Wim Hof breathing and cold method.
Tucker Carlson had the Raw Egg Nationalist on his show, so some people eat raw eggs and workout.
Haidt's thesis is that we humans all have five foundations of morality – five sources of intuitions and emotions that drive everything we do:
Both conservatives and liberals all agree on the first two points; but the real trouble comes on the final three. As Haidt said in regard to those points, "We can say that liberals have a kind of a two-channel, or two-foundation morality. Conservatives have more of a five-foundation, or five-channel morality."