Yawn they aren't fact. Stop your stupid down votes. They don't make me ignorant. They make your ability to host reasonable debate, ignorant. You're unreasonable therefore irrational. You won't see me doing the same.
It was wrote when, exactly after Babylon was destroyed when Jerusalem was built.
Israel was formerly an Egyptian protectorate. If the former city existed it was a copper mining town. Trading with who, if Babylon destroyed it, and took a bunch of child hostages? Egypt. So there was never Moses. Not if he is the Sargon of Akkad. Moses code of laws are also Babylonian. Yes they later changed into the bedtime deity. Like a child at Sunday School away from the complete codex. The child didn't have it. What about creation? Look at the Babylonian version.
They're completely Bullshit, those first 5 books. A 100% recreation of common stories off of the former origin Egypt, and Babylonian, changed into you tell me. It is nonsense. Look at the source where it originated. What happened. It's obvious. Those books haven't accounted for the book of Enoch either. It has just turned up with an insertion. What about all the other stories. Also rewritten.
No, it isn't obvious to the believer, it got scrubbed from history as the paradigm changed. Except the older Babylonian recording is there. Unlike the word of mouth prior to the Torah being written when Jerusalem was built. None of any record before that has a shred of existence, apart from there being this copper mining town trading with who if it was destroyed by Babylon. Egypt. It has even muddled it. 5 minutes later after drowning the Pharaoh in the Exodus, Nile crossing, there the temple, is with Cleopatra? No, who. Didn't exist. All the events have been rewritten. All of them.
Work it out stop spouting it.
Baal their god isn't our god. It's quite simple. But their god, sacrificed children. Hahaha. Read your testament. They ate children in the seige of Babylon. Sacrificed others. Chopped baby's in half. Because which one did he fuck. Come on which concubine was it. Which would get his judgement. He had a wife but does what with Shebba. So concubines brought that judgement. Which one was royal and would be granted status. Fuck it, kill it.
So naive. It's thrilling your passion for beliefs. But it's laughable and ignorant.
Of course there is a marker. But it's like looking at a map with X marks the spot. Completely crossed over. Completely changed, and rewritten, until a distinct pattern emerges. A pattern from the former recordings.
Yawn they aren't fact. Stop your stupid down votes. They don't make me ignorant. They make your ability to host reasonable debate, ignorant. You're unreasonable therefore irrational. You won't see me doing the same.
It was wrote when, exactly after Babylon was destroyed when Jerusalem was built.
Israel was formerly an Egyptian protectorate. If the former city existed it was a copper mining town. Trading with who, if Babylon destroyed it, and took a bunch of child hostages? Egypt. So there was never Moses. Not if he is the Sargon of Akkad. Moses code of laws are also Babylonian. Yes they later changed into the bedtime deity. Like a child at Sunday School away from the complete codex. The child didn't have it. What about creation? Look at the Babylonian version.
They're completely Bullshit, those first 5 books. A 100% recreation of common stories off of the former origin Egypt, and Babylonian, changed into you tell me. It is nonsense. Look at the source where it originated. What happened. It's obvious. Those books haven't accounted for the book of Enoch either. It has just turned up with an insertion. What about all the other stories. Also rewritten.
No, it isn't obvious to the believer, it got scrubbed from history as the paradigm changed. Except the older Babylonian recording is there. Unlike the word of mouth prior to the Torah being written when Jerusalem was built. None of any record before that has a shred of existence, apart from there being this copper mining town trading with who if it was destroyed by Babylon. Egypt. It has even muddled it. 5 minutes later after drowning the Pharaoh in the Exodus, Nile crossing, there the temple, is with Cleopatra? No, who. Didn't exist. All the events have been rewritten. All of them.
Work it out stop spouting it.
Baal their god isn't our god. It's quite simple. But their god, sacrificed children. Hahaha. Read your testament. They ate children in the seige of Babylon. Sacrificed othes. Chopped baby's in half. Because which one did he fuck. Come on which concubine was it. Which would get his judgement. He had a wife but does what with Shebba. So concubines brought that judgement. Which one was royal and would be granted status. Fuck it, kill it.
So naive. It's thrilling your passion for beliefs. But it's laughable and ignorant.
Of course there is a marker. But it's like looking at a map with X marks the spot. Completely crossed over. Completely changed, and rewritten, until a distinct pattern emerges. A pattern from the former recordings.
Yawn they aren't fact. Stop your stupid down votes. They don't make me ignorant. They make your ability to host reasonable debate, ignorant. You're unreasonable therefore irrational. You won't see me doing the same.
It was wrote when, exactly after Babylon was destroyed when Jerusalem was built.
Israel was formerly an Egyptian protectorate. If the former city existed it was a copper mining town. Trading with who, if Babylon destroyed it, and took a bunch of child hostages? Egypt. So there was never Moses. Not if he is the Sargon of Akkad. Moses code of laws are also Babylonian. Yes they later changed into the bedtime deity. Like a child at Sunday School away from the complete codex. The child didn't have it. What about creation? Look at the Babylonian version.
They're completely Bullshit, those first 5 books. A 100% recreation of common stories off of the former origin Egypt, and Babylonian, changed into you tell me. It is nonsense. Look at the source where it originated. What happened. It's obvious. Those books haven't accounted for the book of Enoch either. It has just turned up with an insertion. What about all the other stories. Also rewritten.
No, it isn't obvious to the believer, it got scrubbed from history as the paradigm changed. Except the older Babylonian recording is there. Unlike the word of mouth prior to the Torah being written when Jerusalem was built. None of any record before that has a shred of existence, apart from there being this copper mining town trading with who if it was destroyed by Babylon. Egypt. It has even muddled it. 5 minutes later after drowning the Pharaoh in the Exodus, Nile crossing, there the temple, is with Cleopatra? No, who. Didn't exist. All the events have been rewritten. All of them.
Work it out stop spouting it.
Baal their god isn't our god. It's quite simple. But their god, sacrificed children. Hahaha. Read your testament. They ate children in the seige of Babylon. Sacrificed othes. Chopped baby's in half. Because which one did he fuck. Come on which concubine was it. Which would get his judgement. He had a wife but does what with Shebba. So concubines brought that judgement. Which one was royal and would be granted status. Fuck it, kill it.
So naive. It's thrilling your passion for beliefs. But it's laughable and ignorant.
Yawn they aren't fact. Stop your stupid down votes. They don't make me ignorant. They make your ability to host reasonable debate, ignorant. You're unreasonable therefore irrational. You won't see me doing the same.
It was wrote when, exactly after Babylon was destroyed when Jerusalem was built.
Israel was formerly an Egyptian protectorate. If the former city existed it was a copper mining town. Trading with who, if Babylon destroyed it, and took a bunch of child hostages? Egypt. So there was never Moses. Not if he is the Sargon of Akkad. Moses code of laws are also Babylonian. Yes they later changed into the bedtime deity. Like a child at Sunday School away from the complete codex. The child didn't have it. What about creation? Look at the Babylonian version.
They're completely Bullshit, those first 5 books. A 100% recreation of common stories off of the former origin Egypt, and Babylonian, changed into you tell me. It is nonsense. Look at the source where it originated. What happened. It's obvious. Those books haven't accounted for the book of Enoch either. It has just turned up with an insertion. What about all the other stories. Also rewritten.
No, it isn't obvious to the believer, it got scrubbed from history as the paradigm changed. Except the older Babylonian recording is there. Unlike the word of mouth prior to the Torah being written when Jerusalem was built. None of any record before that has a shred of existence, apart from there being this copper mining town trading with who if it was destroyed by Babylon. Egypt. It has even muddled it. 5 minutes later after drowning the Pharaoh in the Exodus, Nile crossing, there the temple, is with Cleopatra? No, who. Didn't exist. All the events have been rewritten. All of them.
Work it out stop spouting it.
Baal their god isn't our god. It's quite simple. But their god, sacrificed children. Hahaha. Read your testament. They ate children in the seige of Babylon. Sacrificed othes. Chopped baby's in half. Because which one did he fuck. Come on which concubine was it. Which would get his judgement.
So naive. It's thrilling your passion for beliefs. But it's laughable and ignorant.
Yawn they aren't fact. Stop stupid down votes. They don't make me ignorant. They make your ability to host reasonable debate. You're unreasonable therefore unrational. You won't see me doing the same.
It was wrote when, exactly after Babylon was destroyed when Jerusalem was built.
Israel was formerly an Egyptian protectorate. It was a copper mining town. Trading with who if Babylon destroyed it and took a bunch of child hostages? Egypt. So there was never Moses. Not if he is the Sargon of Akkad. Moses code of laws are also Babylonian. Yes they changed into the bedtime deity. Like a child at Sunday School away from the complete codex. The child didn't have it. What about creation? Look at the Babylonian version.
They're completely Bullshit. 100% recreation of common stories off of the former origin Egypt and Babylonian, changed into you tell me. It is nonsense. Look at the source where it originated. What happened. It's obvious.
No it isn't obvious to the believer, it got scrubbed from history as the paradigm changed. Except the older Babylonian recording is there. Unlike the word of mouth prior to the Torah being written when Jerusalem was built. None of any record before that has a shred of existence, apart from there being this copper mining town trading with who if it was destroyed by Babylon. Egypt it has even muddled it. 5 minutes later after drowning the Pharaoh in the Exodus Nile crossing, there the temple is with Cleopatra? No, who. Didn't exist. All the events have been rewritten. All of them.
Work it out stop spouting it.
Baal their god isn't our god. It's quite simple. But their god, sacrificed children. Hahaha. Read your testament. They ate children in the seige of Babylon. Sacrificed othes. Chopped baby's in half. Because which one did he fuck. Come on which concubine was it. Which would get his judgement.
So naive. It's thrilling your passion for beliefs. But it's laughable and ignorant.