Every tyrant has a good cause to mask what they really want to do to you. If you want to see where National Socialism ends up look at China.
Moreover whether you fight the cabal or not, you cannot deny the Hitler phenomena was a type of mass formation movement combined with idolatry. Always a dangerous combination and it was disastrous for the German people.
Maybe would have been better if he didn't do that and didn't plunge his country into a devastating defeat because of it.
Every tyrant has a good cause to mask what they really want to do to you. If you want to see where National Socialism ends up look at China.
Moreover whether you fight the cabal or not, you cannot deny the Hitler phenomena was a type of mass formation movement combined with idolatry. Always a dangerous combination and it was disastrous for the German people.
Maybe would have been better if he didn't do that and didn't plunge his country into a devastating loss.
Every tyrant has a good cause to mask what they really want to do to you. If you want to see where National Socialism ends up look at China.
Moreover whether you fight the cabal or not, you cannot deny the Hitler phenomena was a type of mass formation movement combined with idolatry. Always a dangerous combination and it was disastrous for the German people.