Almost certainly true. But then that brings up the interesting idea that the pols have been told not to fear covid or variants despite all the campaigning by the CDC and others. And that implies there is immense corruption in the political and the medical ranks. We know the pols are indeed corrupt. We know the CDC is entirely Jewish-run and also corrupt and lying. We know that that ALL the Israelis are avoiding getting vaxed - 97% - exactly why?
Second, why are we not seeing hordes of doctors dying from this? But if doctors are not getting the boosters, why are they not getting boosters? Can anyone inside the ranks tell us anything about word of mouth in the profession?
The whole thing reeks of a setup.
Almost certainly true. But then that brings up the interesting idea that the pols have been told not to fear covid or variants despite all the campaigning by the CDC and others. And that implies there is immense corruption in the political and the medical ranks. We know the pols are indeed corrupt. We know the CDC is entirely Jewish-run and also corrupt and lying.
Second, why are we not seeing hordes of doctors dying from this? But if doctors are not getting the boosters, why are they not getting boosters? Can anyone inside the ranks tell us anything about word of mouth in the profession?
The whole thing reeks of a setup.
Almost certainly true. But then that brings up the interesting idea that the pols have been told not to fear covid or variants despite all the campaigning by the CDC and others. And that implies there is immense corruption in the medical ranks.
Second, why are we not seeing hordes of doctors dying fro mthis? But of doctors are not gettign the boosters, why are they not getting boosters?
The whole thing reeks of a setup.