No, it isn't. Agriculture is producing a huge amount of C02 or reading the end of the article heat. Everyday air has the ability to retain heat.
You dumbass. Read your dumb comment. You just stated cities do this. At what point isn't cropland by your same reasoning? Cropland without trees under constant rotation. Cropland having deforested trees to plant crops, it has no sink, because it rotates. The plants aren't there for a year before they're chopped down, replanted again and again and again. So it does not absorb or mitigate C02. And it has a high concentration of livestock, without any real plant cover. It is fed on cropland being planted and chopped down. So in that infantile head of yours, it's not C02 causing this, fine. It's the normal air retaining heat. But it's the same as cities. Right. There is no sink. No trees. No plants of any growth. Instead there are crops rotating, and high concentrations of livestock producing what?
Again their model isn't completely wrong. We have warmer air. You're debating it can't be C02. What is it Einstein apart from the Sun.
More people more demand on things, without a sink, instead they produce warmer air. Cities, agriculture, transportation, flight. Genius. You have produced an oxymoron. So what is it? It ain't just the Sun either.
Until today we have gained far more population, every 30 years for the last 100 years, the global, in all of recorded planetary history has doubled its population. This has happened over night. Every 30 years doubling. Billions and Billions more, every few decades. They make the biggest cities in all of recorded history, with the tallest buildings ever created, they use the most agricultural land ever in history, they use the most water, and ground water, they have the most transportation, and they use flight, they use the most resources heavy products in history with the least lifetime. Even their stupid houses today last the shortest. But we have the least trees in history. No forests left that aren't losing land and are being uprooted. Sweden think they're geniuses, such hypocrites, hate Swedes, they think, but they'll regrow the forest, and then they cut it back down, it must be so much better, trees barely get to be little freaking Xmas trees before they're back at it, felling all the older trees, with all the apex predators in. We have no cover absorbing the as you admitted prior CO fucking 2. Meanwhile all the permafrost melting is releasing what into our atmosphere? Methane yes and Carbon. The warmer air is melting the permafrost, it is having a warming affect, where the permafrost has melted and it releases carbon. Until even our oceans have started producing more carbon. Like the retreating Amazon, and Sweden, hate them.
But oh no it isn't the carbon's fault, there isn't very much in our atmosphere. Just the most in history. It doesn't correlate into the increasingly rising temperature. Because humans don't cause warming?
Go back to your crayons. Take them out of your nose.
The problem is that the model is being used to sell bullshit. Brand new cars and more energy consumption won't change the weather or the human impact caused. It is having planetary affect. No matter what they do, or don't. And there are also plenty of other factors involved. Like our alignment. Regardless of humans this planet changes.
The point I fundamentally don't agree with is the naivety of a claim, that humans aren't responsible for their stewardship. They are. They have impacted a changing globe disastrously at their increasing rates of population and the demands caused. It has expedited change, changes to our globe. Whether or not we continue warm or rapidly cool. We play a part in nature.
No, it isn't. Agriculture is producing a huge amount of C02 or reading the end of the article heat. Everyday air has the ability to retain heat.
You dumbass. Read your dumb comment. You just stated cities do this. At what point isn't cropland by your same reasoning? Cropland without trees under constant rotation. Cropland having deforested trees to plant crops, it has no sink, because it rotates. The plants aren't there for a year before they're chopped down, replanted again and again and again. So it does not absorb or mitigate C02. And it has a high concentration of livestock, without any real plant cover. It is fed on cropland being planted and chopped down. So in that infantile head of yours, it's not C02 causing this, fine. It's the normal air retaining heat. But it's the same as cities. Right. There is no sink. No trees. No plants of any growth. Instead there are crops rotating, and high concentrations of livestock producing what?
Again their model isn't completely wrong. We have warmer air. You're debating it can't be C02. What is it Einstein apart from the Sun.
More people more demand on things, without a sink, instead they produce warmer air. Cities, agriculture, transportation, flight. Genius. You have produced an oxymoron. So what is it? It ain't just the Sun either.
Until today we have gained far more population, every 30 years for the last 100 years, the global, in all of recorded planetary history has doubled its population. This has happened over night. Every 30 years doubling. Billions and Billions more, every few decades. They make the biggest cities in all of recorded history, with the tallest buildings ever created, they use the most agricultural land ever in history, they use the most water, and ground water, they have the most transportation, and they use flight, they use the most resources heavy products in history with the least lifetime. Even their stupid houses today last the shortest. But we have the least trees in history. No forests left that aren't losing land and are being uprooted. Sweden think they're geniuses, such hypocrites, hate Swedes, they think, but they'll regrow the forest, and then they cut it back down, it must be so much better, trees barely get to be little freaking Xmas trees before they're back at it, felling all the older trees, with all the apex predators in. We have no cover absorbing the as you admitted prior CO fucking 2. Meanwhile all the permafrost melting is releasing what into our atmosphere? Methane yes and Carbon. The warmer air is melting the permafrost, it is having a warming affect, where the permafrost has melted and it releases carbon. Until even our oceans have started producing more carbon. Like the retreating Amazon, and Sweden, hate them.
But oh no it isn't the carbon's fault, there isn't very much in our atmosphere. Just the most in history. It doesn't correlate into the increasingly rising temperature. Because humans don't cause warming?
Go back to your crayons. Take them out of your nose.
No, it isn't. Agriculture is producing a huge amount of C02 or reading the end of the article heat. Everyday air has the ability to retain heat.
You dumbass. Read your dumb comment. You just stated cities do this. At what point isn't cropland by your same reasoning? Cropland without trees under constant rotation. Cropland having deforested trees to plant crops, it has no sink, because it rotates. The plants aren't there for a year before they're chopped down, replanted again and again and again. So it does not absorb or mitigate C02. And it has a high concentration of livestock, without any real plant cover. It is fed on cropland being planted and chopped down. So in that infantile head of yours, it's not C02 causing this, fine. It's the normal air retaining heat. But it's the same as cities. Right. There is no sink. No trees. No plants of any growth. Instead there are crops rotating, and high concentrations of livestock producing what?
Again their model isn't completely wrong. We have warmer air. You're debating it can't be C02. What is it Einstein apart from the Sun.
More people more demand on things, without a sink, instead they produce warmer air. Cities, agriculture, transportation, flight. Genius. You have produced an oxymoron. So what is it? It ain't just the Sun either.
Until today we have gained far more population, every 30 years for the last 100 years, the global, in all of recorded planetary history has doubled its population. This has happened over night. Every 30 years doubling. Billions and Billions more, every few decades. They make the big cities in recorded history, with the tallest buildings ever created, they use the most agricultural land ever in history, they use the most water, and ground water, they have the most transportation, and they use flight. But we have the least trees in history. No forests left that aren't losing land and are being uprooted. Sweden think they're geniuses, such hypocrites hate Swedes, they think, but they'll regrow the forest, and then they cut it back down, it must be so much better, trees barely get to be little freaking Xmas trees before they're back at it, felling all the older trees, with all the apex predators in. We have no cover absorbing the as you admitted prior CO fucking 2. Meanwhile all the permafrost melting is releasing what into our atmosphere? Methane yes and Carbon. The warmer air is melting the permafrost, it is having a warming affect. Until even our oceans have started producing more of it. Like the retreating Amazon, and Sweden, hate them.
But oh no it isn't the carbon's fault, there isn't very much in our atmosphere. Just the most in history. It doesn't correlate into the increasingly rising temperature. Because humans don't cause warming?
Go back to your crayons. Take them out of your nose.
No, it isn't. Agriculture is producing a huge amount of C02 or reading the end of the article heat. Everyday air has the ability to retain heat.
You dumbass. Read your dumb comment. You just stated cities do this. At what point isn't cropland by your same reasoning? Cropland without trees under constant rotation. Cropland having deforested trees to plant crops, it has no sink, because it rotates. The plants aren't there for a year before they're chopped down, replanted again and again and again. So it does not absorb or mitigate C02. And it has a high concentration of livestock, without any real plant cover. It is fed on cropland being planted and chopped down. So in that infantile head of yours, it's not C02 causing this, fine. It's the normal air retaining heat. But it's the same as cities. Right. There is no sink. No trees. No plants of any growth. Instead there are crops rotating, and high concentrations of livestock producing what?
Again their model isn't completely wrong. We have warmer air. You're debating it can't be C02. What is it Einstein apart from the Sun.
More people more demand on things, without a sink, instead they produce warmer air. Cities, agriculture, transportation, flight. Genius. You have produced an oxymoron. So what is it? It ain't just the Sun either.
Until today we have gained far more population, every 30 years for the last 100 years, the global, in all of recorded planetary history has doubled its population. This has happened over night. Every 30 years doubling. Billions and Billions more, every few decades. They make the big cities in recorded history, with the tallest buildings ever created, they use the most agricultural land ever in history, they use the most water, and ground water, they have the most transportation, and they use flight. But we have the least trees in history. No forests left that aren't losing land and are being uprooted. Sweden think they're geniuses, such hypocrites hate Swedes, they think, but they'll regrow the forest, and then they cut it back down, it must be so much better, trees barely get to be little freaking Xmas trees before they're back at it, felling all the older trees, with all the apex predators in. We have no cover absorbing the as you admitted prior CO fucking 2.
But oh no it isn't the carbon's fault, there isn't very much in our atmosphere. Just the most in history. It doesn't correlate into the increasingly rising temperature. Because humans don't cause warming?
Go back to your crayons. Take them out of your nose.
No, it isn't. Agriculture is producing a huge amount of C02 or reading the end of the article heat. Everyday air has the ability to retain heat.
You dumbass. Read your dumb comment. You just stated cities do this. At what point isn't cropland by your same reasoning? Cropland without trees under constant rotation. Cropland having deforested trees to plant crops, it has no sink, because it rotates, the plants aren't there for a year before they're chopped down, replanted again and again and again so it does not absorb or mitigate C02. Or it has a Hugh concentration of livestock, without any real plant cover. It is fed on cropland being planted and chopped down. So in that infantile head of yours, it's not C02 causing this, fine. It's the normal air retaining heat. But it's the same as cities. Right. There is no sink. No trees. No plants of any growth. Instead there are crops rotating, and high concentrations of livestock producing what?
Again their model isn't completely wrong. We have warmer air. You're debating it can't be C02. What is it Einstein apart from the Sun.
More people more demand on things without a sink, instead they produce warmer air. Cities, agriculture, transportation, flight. Genius. You have produced an oxymoron. So what is it? It ain't just the Sun either.
Until today we have gained far more population, every 30 years for the last 100 years, the global, in all of recorded planetary history has doubled its population. This has happened over night. Every 30 years doubling. Billions and Billions more, every few decades. They make the big cities in recorded history, with the tallest buildings ever created, they use the most agricultural land ever in history, they use the most water, and ground water, they have the most transportation, and they use flight. But we have the least trees in history. No forests left that aren't losing land and are being uprooted. Sweden think they're geniuses, such hypocrites had Swedes, they think but they regrow the forest, and cut it back down, it's so much better, trees barely get to be little freaking Xmas trees before they're back at it, felling all the older trees, with all the apex predators in. We have no cover absorbing the as you admitted prior CO fucking 2.
But oh no it isn't the carbon's fault, there isn't very much in our atmosphere. Just the most in history. It doesn't correlate into the increasingly rising temperature. Because humans don't cause warming?
Go back to your crayons. Take them out of your nose.