Yes that was the word for it, it sounds more nutritious, almost edible. Never a muon. God forbid.
But in any case it's simple gamma penetration hitting the core causing the tectonics to wobble, or who knows the other half of it? I still don't think they've found the dark matter yet. Keep digging.
Yes that was the word for it, it sounds more nutritious, almost edible. Never a muon. God forbid.
But in any case it's simple gamma pentration hitting the core causing the tectonics to wobble or who knows the other half of it? I still don't think they've found the dark matter yet. Keep digging.
Yes that was the word for it, it sounds more nutrious, almost edible. Never a muon. God forbid.
But in any case it's simple gamma pentration hitting the core causing the tectonics to wobble or who knows the other half of it? I still don't think they've found the dark matter yet. Keep digging.