Yes, and in fact the electrostatic attraction of dust is a problem. In a vacuum, there is no way for frictional-generated charge to leak off boots. So they electrostatically attract dust the same way that a record attracts dust and a rubbed balloon can pick up flour very visibly in a demo. When the astronauts re-entered capsule, they brought sharp-edge gritty dust with them.
The legs are spindly because of moon gravity, they only have to support 1/4 Earth weight.
Yes, and in fact the electrostatic attraction of dust is a problem. In a vacuum, there is no way for frictional charge to leak off boots. So they electrostatically attract dust the same way that a rubbed balloon will pick up flour very visibly in a demo. When the astronauts re-entered capsule, they brought sharp-edge gritty dust with them.
The legs are spindly because of moon gravity, they only have to support 1/4 Earth weight.
Yes, and in fact the electrostatic attraction of dust is a problem. In a vacuum, there is no way for frictional charge to leak off boots. So they electrostatically attract dust the same way that a rubbed balloon will pick up flour very visibly in a demo.
The legs are spindly because of moon gravity, they only have to support 1/4 Earth weight.